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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Yeah! I do! I’m not trying to send the shrimps to an unfortunate fate. My friend said she’d adopt culls but her water is so different . I have 1,00,000 kH and she has 7. Her gH is between 0-7 too. Think they’d live?
  2. I would but I like to handpick my tanks and scrutinize all the seals.
  3. Definitely progress. It just wasn’t quick enough to meet the goal exam date. Folks say the FAR exam is “a mile long and an inch deep” (lots to remember and know how to apply inside and out, in case I’d get a simulation on that particular topic). Heard this is harder than the bar exam but can’t confirm. I wonder if the bar exam is also four 4.5-hour tests.
  4. I don’t have an exact answer but it seems like it could be quarterly or perhaps 3 times per year?
  5. Bumped my exam out two weeks, paid the good ol’ $85 fee. I’ve been here before. Big ol’ defeated feeling; shed one-half of a tear, then moved on with like and will continue to try hard and push through. (I only “really” cry when Samwise tries to get to Frodo’s canoe.) Ok, so! Anyway! It’s dollar per gallon sale! And hence I will grab a 10g for QT, possibly a 5.5g which they actually included in the sale this time for cull shrimps. Did a water change for Geppetto. Dropped a Repashy cube in for the adorable shrimps.
  6. You’re not going to see a difference. With this stuff it’s 1 tsp/gallon and it says not to overdose. If you want a blackwater look, you have to brew the tea. Currently I’m using this for my dude in quarantine because I’m going through a few water changes to lower his salt. He has leaves too
  7. Walmart should have them. I saw them in my Walmart about 2 days ago.
  8. I've dealt with columnaris. This is what it looked like on my black neons. There are 2 threads I had going at different points in time, if you'd like to browse them. Columnaris thread 1 😷 Columnaris Thread 2 🤒 Columnaris is called saddleback disease because the patch on the back is a common symptom. I agree w/ @nabokovfan87 and @Colu : Please share pictures, temp, and tank parameters so we can confirm the illness before attempting any treatment. If you suspect illness I would highly recommend moving that fish out to quarantine asap regardless of what illness, so that it doesn't spread. Also at this time do not share equipment (nets, siphons, etc) between the tanks, and wash your hands thoroughly after each tank. If it is columnaris, it can spread from tank to tank on equipment or hands.
  9. I have shared this with a lot of folks, and it is my own setup as well. Thanks @Irene! And she even made a shortened one with funky music! And then she made one under 1 minute!
  10. If you can, give them an extra air stone. The meds will change the viscosity of the water (make it thicker) and that makes it more difficult for fish to breathe.
  11. I’d probably end up trying to mod one of these thingies. I was late to the party. Someone already tried it. Not sure of outcome, they mixed salt wrong and needed to tweak aeration, not sure if they had success or not.
  12. There’s a girl on YouTube that keeps tarantulas and they eat hornworms as well. Ew!! I prefer the spider over the worm! That must have been really cute. The leeches are no joke. They will latch to your fish and drink their blood. A few weeks ago a person posted a photo of their leech and you could see it had red inside of its clear body.
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