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Made a rack for my $1 a gallon sale tanks. Still quite a few steps left to go (lights, plumbing, air, etc.) before I have water and fish in these. Next $1 sale will fill out the bottom! Still deliberating if I should paint the stand black.



I decided to use my mitre saw to notch out the uprights for better overall weight support. (I also just built that fence in the pic to the right the other week, which got me enough family credits to spend this weekend building fish-related items!)



Edited by tolstoy21
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Nothing to special.  Took a walk down by the waterfront to watch the sunset.  Did get to see a few of the wild horses running over there.  And just set the evening off to be even a bit better by placing an order at the Coop.  🙂  Oh and water changes.  Trying to get in a last few before winter sets in.  

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😤😠 So my day didn't start off great, but it got better. I started out doing a little gravel vaccing in one tank because it appeared that all of the corydoras in that tank decided to poo in the same corner overnight. It was unsightly. Figured I wouldn't need to take out a ton of water to clean that up, so didn't grab the python, just a hose and bucket. Took out maybe two gallons, the bucket wasn't even half way full. Figured I'd swish out the pre filter and filter sponges too while I had a bucket right next to the tank. Picked up bucket by the handle to take it out to the slop sink and dump it... and it broke! Dumped nasty brown fish poo water all over the floor! I said some not very PG things. 


Spent a while shop vaccing up that mess...

But then, the USPS alert came in, my package was out for delivery today! Finally! Because it was supposed to be here Saturday and that sure didn't happen.

So my last Co-Op order included pleco caves and coconut caves, and the reason why I wanted those showed up today!


Why is the coconut cave propped up on the side of the glass? Because I watched an interesting three part video on YouTube about breeding plecos in reptile hide caves siliconed to the glass so you could observe the whole process. Figured I'd see if it worked with coconut caves too. There's other traditional caves in there as well.


A pair of longfin red bristlenose! The female is actually a calico red and she has the coolest pattern. When she colors back up from the stress of shipping I'll get better pics of her. Quarantining these in their home tank because there's nothing else in there save for a random molly fry that can't be caught and snails.


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On 11/3/2020 at 9:47 PM, MattyIce said:

With the dollar per gallon sale I picked up a 29 gallon last night and today I took it apart, cut the glass a bit, sanded it, and put it back together on its back to make a 28 gallon “lowboy”:



Got the last item piece to this puzzle today, the bulbs and fixtures, so I got it set up


Miracle grow dirt capped with pea gravel and crushed coral:


Planted with spare plants I had floating around, pogo octopus, jungle Val, normal Val, Taiwan lily, and a little ludwigia:




Planning on rice fish, white clouds, and shrimp.

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Not exactly today, however, I did step through an ammonia spike over the last week and a half.


I watched through Cory's video:  



I then went through the water changes and cut back feeding:


All about my journey in owning freshwater aquariums.



     The current water parameter test for ammonia shows a reduction of about 38%.  Essentially, a change from 8 ppm to about 3 ppm.     Prev...



 The current method seems to be performing really, really well at lowering the ammonia level.  Thus far, I've seen a 93% reduction (tested o...



Ammonia levels are normal as tested on 11/11 for the 29-gallon.  Cory's video was exactly what was needed to understand what to do and how I...


I'm now exclusively feeding Repashy foods in both my 20 and 29 gallon tanks.  This is helping my 29-gallon to look like this:


All about my journey in owning freshwater aquariums.


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I collected baby brine shrimp for the first time today! They're in an unheated, un-airstoned container because the air pump is being used for my mystery fry and a QT tank, so even a few of them hatching was a real delight; somehow I got it in my head that I'd never be able to hatch any. I'll probably be ordering a brine shrimp hatchery from the coop this week. I also tested the water on the QT tank.

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Organized a bunch of household stuff and packed up a bunch of work clothes no longer needed since I'm now retired, as part of preparation for my 20L (wrings hands together). I don't have much storage space, and haven't organized anything since 2017, so its been an uphill battle to make room for my new hobby in the right locations (dictated by a limited number of electrical outlets).

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My husband's a teacher, so today's his first day of Thanksgiving break. We tried to take advantage of his days off, so we hit the ground running:

  • Pulled a couple hundred guppies & endlers from our main 55-gallon.
  • Added the endlers to our 20-gallon plant tank out on our front porch. (No worries - we're in Florida. This is like your spring time. It's finally below 90* every day.)
  • Added the guppies to a 40-gallon pond that we've set up out on the front porch. These will both be my husband's "babies"...I rarely go out there, so we'll see how it goes. He was inspired by so many of the summer tubs you all shared, so this is going to be his fall/winter project out there.
  • Added 13 male guppies with orange tails to the 20-long, to see if they get along with the 13 green tiger barbs. I loved how Peek-a-Boo's tail and fins with their dark orange coloration matched the barbs noses and fins, so I thought I'd play out those colors a bit further with the dark orange guppies. We'll see how they interact. I really hope it's not a blood bath!
  • Did the last set of meds in our Quarantine tank where we have 12 white clouds. They will be going into the 55-gallon along with the other guppies, endlers, loaches, algae eaters, shrimp and snails that are already there.
  • We will probably continue to pull guppies and endlers over the break until we have just a select group of same-colored guppies left in there. We'd like to try to breed out the black/dark purple colors that we have going on in a few of the guppies. You know...just for funnzies! 😉 
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Ordered the 20L today!! Yesterday I ordered a solid pine board 1x18x36 so the tank can sit on the heavy-duty storage shelving unit in my spare bedroom. Tomorrow I'll try to find the top and light - these seem to be in short supply, but the pine board won't come for a couple weeks and then I have to polyurethane it so hopefully I can find those things in the meantime. Have to make a list of other stuff needed! Once it's ready to fill, I'll order some plants and other items from the Coop. Fun project for early winter! My danio erythromicron will go in the 20L along to be joined by honey gourami and something for the bottom. 

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Moved my fish from quarintine to their permament setup. I had an angelfish in QT. I have never known angels to be jumpers, but that guy was jumping all of the place, he did not want to go in the net.

And then today I relized that my guppys may have finrot so I moved some of those guys over to the QT. (how perfect is that the day the fish go out of QT, new ones come in)

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Did a 20% water change with the purpose of stabilizing my water to start putting fish in it. Objective was lowering the NO2 and 3 and lowering GH, KH so used mineral water from big 8 liter bottles. Nothing noteworthy there, unless that I was clumsy enough to flood the kitchen with about 10 L of water while not paying attention and forgetting the law or connected vessels (I hope that is the proper translation)... ugh

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I got four new plants in the mail yesterday and today I planted them! It was an involved process because one of my goals was to get Java moss to grow over the spot on my driftwood that’s been covered in hair algae. So I had to wrangle the very long log out of the tank, scrape the hair algae off with a razor, treat with hydrogen peroxide, rinse, and glue all the moss on. Then somehow get it back in the tank. I put some buce on the other end of the log—the super glue looks super ugly so I didn’t take a picture.

I also tried to glue some moss to a rock under water because I read you can use superglue that way. It was much harder than I thought it would be! I had a scare because my male honey gourami ate a “skin” that floated off of the glue and it was stuck at the front of his mouth for a while. I tried to catch him with the intent of using tweezers to get the glue out, but before I could get him he spit it out himself. Phew!!



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