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Moved fish around:

--some juvenile platies got old enough for me to feel confident they are staying female, so I moved them into the community-with-female platies 20g.

--one of my blue moscows was once again terrorizing his frenemy, the other blue moscow male, so he had to be relocated from the 20L to the 20H. The guy who was getting picked on looked like someone had trimmed his tail with pinking shears there were so many nibbles out of it. 

--Achieved a personal victory: I did not overfeed my fish. I actually did not feed my 20g long AT ALL. Very hard for me to do when there are three small platy fry in there, but they are at least three weeks old and the tank is full of plants etc. so I trust they will feed themselves.



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On 10/17/2021 at 10:06 PM, pcb09 said:

Collected cpd eggs. Hoping to raise a bunch up. This should be a recurring daily activity for a while. 

My new free swimmer CPD go for sera micron. They are coming up slightly larger this time than when I bred them before so I think it’s providing the wrigglers some good nutrition as well.

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On 10/17/2021 at 10:34 PM, Guppysnail said:

My new free swimmer CPD go for sera micron. They are coming up slightly larger this time than when I bred them before so I think it’s providing the wrigglers some good nutrition as well.

Good to know. Appreciate the heads up. 

I’ve got golden pearls super fine and spirulina powder on hand. Will likely start with those and go from there. That’s a good call out if those aren’t successful. They worked for bosemani rainbows which are also insanely tiny at birth. 

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Got a water change done on my flowerhorn tank and my brackish tank, today.

Also laid down in the floor to look into my Cherry Shrimp/Mystery Snail tub, and while I didn't see any Mystery Snail eggs or shrimplets, I did see a bunch of pods and such in this tank. Pretty cool how life appears so quickly without fish to eat them 🙂


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On 10/20/2021 at 8:51 AM, Jeeperscreepersmyth said:

Working on hard scape on a 20 tall, I would love artistic advice and plant and livestock suggestions, want something other than guppies in this one and looking for the scape to be the attention more than the fish.20211020_084333.jpg.bc832b3dd2371423ae2139f6679c34fc.jpg

If it were me wanting the scape to be focal point I would do a decent size group of celestial pearl danio and Pygmy cory with neocaridina and mystery snails as cleanup crew. Cpd and Pygmy play very well together and are small unobtrusive fish that are not  attention grabbers until you watch them. Then they are endlessly fascinating as are neo shrimp and mystery snails. So best of both worlds 😁

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Discover a cave full of lemon blue eye pleco wrigglers. Kind of wish i could get my phone to focus on them but it wouldn't so no pictures. Also kind of wish the other fishes in the aquarium could keep their population under control. Maybe i feed them too much ?

On 10/19/2021 at 12:00 AM, s1_ said:

Sold 50 angels to a wholesaler. Still got a few hundred to go 😀


What type of angels did you sell? Er I mean silver? pearl scale? bolivian green? pink with purple poka dots ?

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On 10/20/2021 at 7:51 AM, Jeeperscreepersmyth said:

Working on hard scape on a 20 tall, I would love artistic advice

The image makes me think of Skara Brae. I don't have an eye for art, but maybe looking at pics of Skara Brae would prompt ideas for you. 

Or maybe that's not the vibe you're going for at all, in which case, nvm. 

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@Jeeperscreepersmyth  I'm setting up a 20 gallon tall, too.  I have driftwood in and some plants, not that I really know what I'm doing with plants.  Yours is nice, but I'm not sure what you're going for, so I don't know what you're unhappy with.

I received my first box from AC yesterday, and I thought I'd be excited, but nope.  I opened it, dumped the plants in the tank, and left the filter and odds and ends on the floor, and I'm just too sick to care.  If it weren't that I have to work tomorrow, I'd be dozing on the couch right now.  On the other hand, I haven't died yet, so life is good.

Sitting here and reading posts has given me a bit of energy - time to go pick up the pieces from the floor and put them away.


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Okay, as I mentioned, I received a box from AC and pretty much blew it off because I was sick.  (Side note: antibiotics are our friend.)  So, this evening, I fished the plants out of the tank and separated them from the pots and wool.  The plants look great and I couldn't be happier.

Next, I started putting the sponge filter and tubing and air stone and check valves together.  Probably not a big deal to anyone else, but I quilt, I don't do this.  My ex used to do that stuff.  So far, I have the filter and air stone together and a check valve put together, but getting the splitter and other check valve and tubing to go to the air pump may wait until tomorrow. 

Just so you all know, you're great inspiration and motivation to me. 

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Scored my new 30 gallon.  This was before I rinsed the Aragonite, set the aragonite, filled the tank, got the filter and heater running, and scattered escargot shells and a random sunken battleship that came with the aquarium.  Even after rinsing, the water still clouded up some from the Aragonite, and I forgot to grab the cover as we were leaving my friend's house, so I'll slap some more pictures up when the setup is more presentable.  Also made contact with a multi dealer on Aquabid to get some information on his stock.  

image000000 (3).jpg

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After living in a 17 gallon muck bucket for the last two months, Dot, Binky and Maverick (along with a few leftover guppies and some pond snails) got situated in their new 55 gallon digs today.  Hoping to catch some of the Hillstream loach population that is exploding in the 125 to add as well to help keep the algae growth in control, so the rock piles are for them.

The background is painted blue with a streak of black but I couldn’t do solid black or we would never see Maverick the Black Moor.

Now I just need to bring the Axolotls in from their muck bucket in the porch and fix up something for the betta.  Moving house is a challenge and I will be glad when everything is situated and I can get on with enjoying the new home.  And I am hoping to make a connection with a local aquarium fish club.A3658CF2-ED1F-4800-AF3F-C441CA7C33D7.jpeg.f50eacfe41156fa5ebb2b283515887d6.jpeg

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Got some overdue water changes done, tidied up some of my aquascapes (mostly in my 100 G) mostly removing old leaves but also shifted a couple plants, and turned back some Crypt runners.  I even turned back a dwarf water lily runner (Nymphea lotus ‘Zenkeri’) and I didn’t even realize they would runner!  If I’d read that before I didn’t remember it.

I finally took a couple rocks off one of the driftwood pieces that is still getting soaked enough to stay down (I’m not quite brave enough to remove all the rocks weighting it down just yet although I,think it’s probably ready).  I glued a new epiphyte into place where I removed one of the rocks (Buce. ‘Red Under’), did some algae treatments on some lingering bits with peroxide, put some plants in temporary pots until their eventual tank is closer to ready, and sorted/organized some spare rocks.

Fiddled with my live worm cultures (micro, Grindal, and whiteworms), updated my lists of plants in the various tanks, and set some wood soaking so it’s ready for attaching Buces/Anubias/Java ferns.  The wood is mopani, but it was a cheap box of random small scraps which didn’t all sink immediately but it still sinks pretty fast.  Most should be sunk by tomorrow, 2 pieces sank right off, 2 more within a couple hours, and the rest are already floating very low.  I’ll be popping these into a plant holding tank after attaching some Java ferns and some Buces that have been in QT buckets plus some Buce relatives (Lagenandra meeboldii ‘Red’ and Homalomena ‘Sekadau South’) that I got as tissue cultures and have had planted to grow up - just barely covered the roots with a light layer of sand.

Tomorrow will be more WC’s mostly, but I have a few other things I want to get done this week, so I may start on that list, too.  We’ll see how much ambition I have left after changing water in most (maybe all) of the small tanks.

And I still need to tackle moving bookshelves so I can start consolidating into a fish room!

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This past weekend got a lot done down in my basement fish room. I tore down a 40 breeder that was on a stand by itself, and had to take stand apart to get it out of the basement and the house. Cut all the pieces for a new rack I am building, and built the part that will hold two 40 breeders, cleaned up the one I took off old stand, and put new and old tanks on the rack, Put a mix of old and new substrate in one and planted the plants I took out when tearing old tank down. I have to get some sand for one of the tanks, I'm going to be doing a shell dweller tank with the other one. This week and weekend, I have to build the rack that will hold a 75 gallon and 4x 20 gallon high tanks underneath. I have all the wood cut, just need to take it in basement and build then get tanks on the rack. 

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@Patrick_G It’s going to be quite a while before it’s a fishroom, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about doing for months.  Then I actually won a raffle for an Alita linear air pump, and a week later I won a set of Muscle shelves!  So I’ll be consolidating most (maybe all) of my small tanks into one room rather than have them scattered through 3 rooms.  This will be in the bedroom we call the office, so of course it will become “The Offish”.  I totally stole the name from somebody else’s forum post.  Apologies because I don’t remember whose post it was.

So I’ll have 2 racks, one with my 10 G shrimp/grow out/QT tanks and the 5 G culture tanks.  These will get moved to the new rack once it’s set up but I need to cut new, stronger, outdoor grade plywood shelves, poly seal them, and give them time to cure.

I’ll then move the old rack and it will hold my cubes +/- the 20 long.  And I’ll still have an open shelf for another tank(s) on the cube rack.  I’m considering options for tanks for Betta persephone.

This room already has a desk (clearly every “Offish” needs a desk) with a 29 G (which will be pea puffers soon) and soon to be a 20 high with orange laser cories (in place of the 12 G QT tank).  This room also has the 75 G Jack Dempsey tank.  After moving the rest of the bookshelves (and a litter box) I’ll also have room for storage, or maybe even another rack someday.  Not for a good while, if at all.  I’ve already got 24 tanks!

I won’t have direct access to plumbing from this room, so I’ll still be using the generic python to drain and my rolling barrel to premix water and refill tanks.  But it sure will save me some rolling and shifting around instead of going to 3 different rooms for the small tanks.  This room is at least the closest bedroom to the kitchen where I fill my barrel.

It’s going to be a lot of steps and stages before it’s done.  I’ll do a post when I’ve at least started something beyond just planning and wishful thinking.  😃 

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@Odd Duck, congrats on winning the pump and shelves! It sounds like it’s going to be quite an Offish 😆. Have you ever posted a clip or pics of your Jack Dempsey tank? I think they were my first Cichlid. I remember keeping one with a Jewel and for whatever reason they got along just fine. 

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