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On 6/26/2021 at 10:45 AM, gogomarigo said:

I don’t have an extra air stone or air pump so in addition to the high temps, I’m also concerned about dissolved oxygen

Just brainstorming for you. 

If you have an air pump in an indoor tank, maybe you could get it to the pond during the hottest part of the day, then back indoors for overnight. Or if you're home, you could lift a pitcher of water out of the pond, and pour it back in several times per hour. If you have the ability to freeze anything, you could put the frozen water/whatever into a clean ziploc, and let it float, regularly changing it out for something solidly frozen as it thaws. 

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On 6/27/2021 at 3:52 AM, CalmedByFish said:

Just brainstorming for you. 

If you have an air pump in an indoor tank, maybe you could get it to the pond during the hottest part of the day, then back indoors for overnight. Or if you're home, you could lift a pitcher of water out of the pond, and pour it back in several times per hour. If you have the ability to freeze anything, you could put the frozen water/whatever into a clean ziploc, and let it float, regularly changing it out for something solidly frozen as it thaws. 

What I would do is get a battery powered air pump some of them have a usb charger

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Bracing for another triple digits day and trying to keep all the critters comfortable. No AC in our house, and not looking forward to two more days of this heat. @gogomarigo I hope you can get your tank to stay safe. Try getting a cup of water and just pouring some tank water to get oxygen and water movement if you were not able to get an air pump.

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@James Blackyou have to get yourself a python or look at some of the DIYs on YouTube- there’s a whole bunch of homemade python people on there. 
@gogomarigo I’m in Central Oregon and we’ve had the same heat wave. One idea would be to freeze a water bottle and put it in the tub to melt during the day. I’ve seen it in several videos about heat and tanks. I had to pull my ricefish indoors and only fish that have been able to take the heat are my gouramis and white clouds but the depth of the tubs is the only saving grace I have.

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Well today was water change day upstairs in our home so I got both of my sons tanks done and my two shrimp tanks but I got flustered with my kids and forgot the dechlorinator on my 15 g Flex and found a dead shrimp which allowed me to put 2+2 together. I threw in Fritz ACCR and an airstone, cleaned my filter media and put in some new filter floss and within an hour the shrimps were back to cruising around the tank. I’m still sad though she was a beautiful female who’d just molted. 😪

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@James Black

Thanks! I'm really looking forward to it growing in. 

The crinum was one of the first plants I bought. I've had it almost 2 years and it would be absolutely massive if I didn't trim it every 6 months or so. Right now it's about 3.5/4ft long. When I first got it it didn't do much for 6 months or so and the other I bought at the same time died. I found a video talking about how they are crazy heavy toot feeders and they like a lot of flow. Ever since I started taking that I to account its been growing like crazy. 

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On 6/27/2021 at 10:40 PM, ChefConfit said:

@James Black

Thanks! I'm really looking forward to it growing in. 

The crinum was one of the first plants I bought. I've had it almost 2 years and it would be absolutely massive if I didn't trim it every 6 months or so. Right now it's about 3.5/4ft long. When I first got it it didn't do much for 6 months or so and the other I bought at the same time died. I found a video talking about how they are crazy heavy toot feeders and they like a lot of flow. Ever since I started taking that I to account its been growing like crazy. 

I have my crinum right next to my spongefilter and it seems to be growing quite nicely as well! I didn't know it was a heavy root feeder so I will be placing some root tabs.



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I finally did a water change in my 55 gallon and got rid of a bunch of the mulm i’d kicked up when replacing a rock. I also cleaned and tied the moss to the driftwood. Used fishing line this time. I just cannot get it to stick.

The whole thing was such a process. Which is why I’m posting in this thread because yeah!!! 💪💪💪

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Today I took a PTO day to re-plumb a tank - yet again.  This is my first project tank in terms of drilling the tank, making a sump on my own, and plumbing everything myself.  I've learned a ton, but I really wish someone would publish a book about plumbing basics and tips for aquarists!  That's my new product I wish existed and doesn't seem to...

I removed the stock.  Drained the tank.  Still struggled to pull it out from the wall to work on it.  Removed the old leaking PVC plumbing.  BTW, then you use a PVC cutter on a joint that has been glued I can split off in a pretty spectacular way!  Dented my wall.

I then installed a new bulkhead, and then cut and glued a new PVC drain line.  In stages which allowed segments to dry, and being careful not to let the glue pool near the gate valve (that would be quite the bummer to get it setup and then find the valve had been frozen from excess PVC glue!).  I built it from both ends, and finished with a joint.  Not sure that's the best way - where is that book?!  But it worked out and I got everything fitted snugly.  I let everything cure for a several hours.

This is what the back looks like:


Filled the tank back up to run the pump to do a water test.  My some small miracle, all my new PVC joints are watertight!  The observant among you may have noticed in the above photo a bit of wadded up paper-towel.  While all of my joints were holding, I have a small leak from the bulkhead.  Figures.  😠  It's a hard water tank, and it's a pretty small leak, so I've got the pump off and a fan on it.  We'll see if it seals itself by morning.  Why don't bulkheads come with silicone gaskets?  Seriously, wouldn't that work better?


If I need to I can monkey with the tightness of the nut tomorrow evening.  If I am lucky, it'll seal itself and I can drain the tank once more to move it back into position, then refill it again.  For now, I am just glad I didn't move the tank back into position before running the test.  I've also learned that whenever possible drill the drain into the bottom of the tank so you can work in the cabinet if there is room.  Another tidbit for that book.

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On 6/28/2021 at 8:58 PM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

Today I took a PTO day to re-plumb a tank - yet again.  This is my first project tank in terms of drilling the tank, making a sump on my own, and plumbing everything myself.  I've learned a ton, but I really wish someone would publish a book about plumbing basics and tips for aquarists!  That's my new product I wish existed and doesn't seem to...

I removed the stock.  Drained the tank.  Still struggled to pull it out from the wall to work on it.  Removed the old leaking PVC plumbing.  BTW, then you use a PVC cutter on a joint that has been glued I can split off in a pretty spectacular way!  Dented my wall.

I then installed a new bulkhead, and then cut and glued a new PVC drain line.  In stages which allowed segments to dry, and being careful not to let the glue pool near the gate valve (that would be quite the bummer to get it setup and then find the valve had been frozen from excess PVC glue!).  I built it from both ends, and finished with a joint.  Not sure that's the best way - where is that book?!  But it worked out and I got everything fitted snugly.  I let everything cure for a several hours.

This is what the back looks like:


Filled the tank back up to run the pump to do a water test.  My some small miracle, all my new PVC joints are watertight!  The observant among you may have noticed in the above photo a bit of wadded up paper-towel.  While all of my joints were holding, I have a small leak from the bulkhead.  Figures.  😠  It's a hard water tank, and it's a pretty small leak, so I've got the pump off and a fan on it.  We'll see if it seals itself by morning.  Why don't bulkheads come with silicone gaskets?  Seriously, wouldn't that work better?


If I need to I can monkey with the tightness of the nut tomorrow evening.  If I am lucky, it'll seal itself and I can drain the tank once more to move it back into position, then refill it again.  For now, I am just glad I didn't move the tank back into position before running the test.  I've also learned that whenever possible drill the drain into the bottom of the tank so you can work in the cabinet if there is room.  Another tidbit for that book.

Do you really not have a gasket on your bulkhead?

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Today I saved my blue lace guppy juveniles from possible electrocution and poisoning...  See the culprit below, the LED light that was on their tank. Luckily, I was at home and noticed the smell and the smoke in time. 




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On 6/29/2021 at 9:22 AM, eatyourpeas said:

You can try silicone grease on the rubber gaskets. It works quite well for me and stops any little trickle leaks from threaded plumbing connectors.

As I have already said, you are far, far smarter than I!  I have grease that I use on my gaskets for my water filters, and I even intended to use it on the gasket for the PVC unions if I installed them on this build (decided against it because I have to drain the tank to move it from the wall to access the area anyhow).  I don't know why I didn't think of using in on the bulkhead gasket.  That's a great idea!  Thanks!  When I go home tonight, I'm going to give that a go.

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On 6/28/2021 at 7:05 AM, Hobbit said:

I finally did a water change in my 55 gallon and got rid of a bunch of the mulm i’d kicked up when replacing a rock. I also cleaned and tied the moss to the driftwood. Used fishing line this time. I just cannot get it to stick.

The whole thing was such a process. Which is why I’m posting in this thread because yeah!!! 💪💪💪

Hi there, I don't want to cause any alarm, but in one of these aquarium groups, someone had a horror story about her pleco getting tangled up in fishing line used for a plant, after years without a problem. If I recall correctly, the line had loosened up and a fin got stuck; she included a picture, and I don't think that the fish was mortally wounded, but she spent a lot of time getting it out safely. I use cotton kitchen string instead because I feel weird about putting superglue in my aquariums. Yes, it looks yucky until the plants take hold, but it's safer than fishing line, and it's not a chemical. I've also seen set-ups where plastic mesh (like from an onion bag) is used for moss. You make a little pouch and put a wad of mpss inside, and it will grow through the holes, which are usually too small for most fish to fit into. Good luck with getting your moss to stick somehow!

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On 6/29/2021 at 9:22 AM, eatyourpeas said:

You can try silicone grease on the rubber gaskets.

Well, that goes into the column of a great idea that failed in practice.  Somehow it made the bulkhead leak more!  I'm not sure how that was possible.  At this point, I'm going to have to cut a union into the down pipe and replace the bulkhead just so I can get the grease off.  I still don't know why I am having such issues with bulkheads these days.  I've never had trouble with them before.  I think I am losing my touch.

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Today i did the normal water change on the 120,29,29. Also mucked with the 5 which i mostly leave alone. Last but least I took a picture of the 40b. Why i don't know but well i was getting annoyed. You see the 40B a few pieces of h'ra rotala broke off and has been floating around the tank - and well you know I think it is a bit ill because it turned deep red. Oh well not sure how to treat a sunburn  plant. The picture actually shows two red plants - h'ra rotala and Limnophila Hippuroides. The first picture is from the side and the second one is from the top. 




Edited by anewbie
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