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Care Packages for C.A.R.E. Forum Members!

Lizzie Block

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On 7/29/2020 at 11:52 AM, Lizzie Block said:

Hey C.A.R.E. Forum friends!

Posting this, first of all, to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone here for being part of this forum! So many great posts and conversations so far from everyone and we're so happy to have you all here. 

Secondly, we will be regularly rewarding thoughtful posters and contributors with a care package (hence the name, get it?) of fun and useful stuff from Aquarium Co-Op. 

The first care package was sent to the following forum members as they were top contributors thus far in the forum:


@Bill Smith


Congratulations to each of you! Other members, if you haven't yet checked out their content, please do!!

In the future, we will be choosing winners based on other metrics as well, not simply number of posts - thoughtful and informative posts which will benefit the greater 🐟 community to name an example of what I'll be looking out for.

Can't wait to see more great topics and conversations in the coming weeks. Feel free to reach out to me any time.

- Lizzie


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Can I just say, I feel like the plan with these care packages is working as far as I'm concerned.  I'm pretty new to the site, and to the hobby, so I try not to say much and give bad advice or open myself and prove myself a fool, but I have begun responding much more in this forum than in others, in hope that someday I will be in the elite.  Plus, I've discovered that way I get more notifications and more reminders to return!

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On 9/9/2020 at 1:28 PM, Lizzie Block said:

Hello CARE members - Another round of Care Packages are on the way! Drum roll......

It's been some time since the last giveaway and I've seen so many great posts in the meantime. Thank you so much to everyone here, it's just wonderful to see this forum growing into it's own community.

Last time, the winners were chosen mainly on statistics/number of posts, but for this Care Package, we dove a little deeper. Care Package recipients are:




🎉 Really great posts and topics from these folks - if you don't follow them or haven't seen them around, check out what they're doing! Thank you guys for creating engaging topics, sharing journals and DIY's and initiating conversations among all of us. That is what this forum is all about.

We'll still be looking out for engaging content around the forum and I will continue to read through topics daily. Always looking forward to see what clever ideas everyone has!

Catch you all next time and congrats to the winners of this Care Package 🙂 

Congrats to the winners 

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1 hour ago, StephenP2003 said:

I'm wondering if it's cool if we share what we got, or if everyone got the same thing. I'll at least say I'm excited to throw away my old walmart net breeder box.

You can share what you got if you'd like. 

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This is so awesome co-op. I wish I was as interesting and helpful as these folks. I’ve been worry over my Plakat too much to post anything really beside my post in disease. 
montessori home schooling a high IQ 4.5 year old is not easy either. 

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11 hours ago, Tre said:

 I wish I was as interesting and helpful as these folks.

@Tre You may be more interesting and helpful than you realize. I always look forward to reading a new post when I see it's from you. Always real and down earth nitty gritty fish keeping at its best from you!

Edited by Daniel
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25 minutes ago, StephenP2003 said:

My care package included some of the new coop towels (can never have too many towels), the ziss egg tumbler, and the ziss breeder box. Ziss breeder box is really interesting, definitely an improvement on a regular net breeder. I might even like it more than the marina box. 

Same. The bubbler is simultaneously exciting and intimidating; to date I’ve only bred guppies and mollies so this is a cool tool to help push me further in the hobby which I appreciate. 

but frankly I’m also just really excited about the towels. Good towels of my own that are marked so no one will touch them? Hallelujah! 

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3 hours ago, Daniel said:

@Tre You may be more interesting and helpful than you realize. I always look forward to reading a new post when I see it's from you. Always real and down earth nitty gritty fish keeping at it best from you!

I just happened to mention my college professor in a post about Cory catfish in the disease section. Most people found him odd lurking in the basement with his fish and blaring different music on a weekly basis.  Most interesting recommendation letter even. Lol. I wonder if you might agree with his assessment. 
Thank you for your kind comment!

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On 9/12/2020 at 12:38 PM, ADMWNDSR83 said:

Can I just say, I feel like the plan with these care packages is working as far as I'm concerned.  I'm pretty new to the site, and to the hobby, so I try not to say much and give bad advice or open myself and prove myself a fool, but I have begun responding much more in this forum than in others, in hope that someday I will be in the elite.  Plus, I've discovered that way I get more notifications and more reminders to return!

I feel exactly the same... I cannot even begin to count the hours I've spent watching Cory on YouTube learning. I love having that and this forum to grow and expand my knowledge. I've helped a few friends at work with that knowledge and it feels great.

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I would encourage folks to share what they know, ask good questions, be respectful, and don't be afraid to show mistakes, or say you don't know something.

I have achieved stability with a few things in the hobby, so I feel good about giving some advice on those topics. On other topics, I am a spectator, but I still want to learn in case I have the time to try more.

We all have many responsibilities, and probably multiple hobbies. Please don't feel like you are doing more or less than someone else with aquariums.

I would encourage everyone here to start a tank journal, or more than one. Take photos, shoot videos, tell the story of the tanks, and ask questions along the way.

For general topics, use the search function, and see if you can add answers or good questions to an existing thread.

If you are in a choice thread, where someone is asking for the best this, or the optimum that, try to avoid a sales pitch.



Edited by Streetwise
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  • 4 weeks later...
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Time to revive this topic! Hop on the hype train because it's time for more Care Packages 😄 

Those of you who've been here awhile know the drill, but if you have not seen this topic before - updates on this thread mean that it's time to announce three excellent content contributors who will be receiving a Co-Op Care Package full of useful and fun items. 

A little foreshadowing that this package contains a NEW Co-Op product as well.. The winners:




Thank you to these folks for contributing thoughtful topics and opening up conversation across this platform. You are appreciated! And of course, a huge THANK YOU to everyone here for making this forum such a great place.

Cheers ~

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