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  1. I picked up this 46 gallon bowfront from a LFS that resells used aquarium equipment because I wanted a bigger tank that would still fit in relatively the same small footprint available in my rapidly shrinking apartment: I'm going to transfer the majority of the livestock, plants, hardscape, and equipment from my current 29 gallon set up: I have ordered and received most of the components I will need to scape this tank including different types of substrate, some more hardscape, aquasoil, and other items that hopefully will make this all go smoothly. In the end I will have everything either on top of or under a 36x18" stand, hopefully looking much cleaner than the current set up. At the moment I am waiting on brush-on plastic primer to arrive so I can start repainting the hideous faux wood grain rim design black to match the stand. Gonna do my best to keep this post updated with my progress.
  2. I’m looking to set up a new 40g breeder that is going to have a kribensis pair and anywhere from 15-20 tiger barbs. I have a single tiger barb that killed an entire group of 10 other barbs when I got them all at once, who is the reason for setting up this new tank. I can only get smaller sized tiger barbs from my LFS and the aggressive one is full grown. With that being said would I need to grow out my smaller barbs and then add the mature barb or could I add them all together so they can set up a hierarchy together ? any help with the topic would be appreciated.
  3. Evening all, I have a 193 gallon heavily planted tank which is currently extremely lightly stocked with 25 juvenile green tiger barbs and 12 cherry barbs. Those will go up as time goes on but I'm just stocking it slowly. I'm considering moving my rainbow shark over from a different tank to do the algae eating work. Anyone have any experience of rainbow sharks and cherry barbs? The tiger barbs I'm sure can handle themselves if the rainbow gets a bit rough. The cherries are always going to be on the smaller side though. Thanks.
  4. Does anyone have experience keeping these two fish.. together.. in the same tank? My plan is, 14 WCM and 20(ish) Tiger Barbs in a 40 Breeder. I've seen people say they should be fine, and others say something quite the opposite. I think the minnows will school tighter (they basically don't right now, it's them and a goldfish in the 40b) and the barbs will eventually ignore them. It'll be planted pretty heavily as most of my plants are already in there and my plan for my 55 (tiger Barb current home) does not include plant friendly fish. So, any advice, tips, concerns? Thanks in advance! 🙂
  5. Hello everyone. Im concerned about one of my Tiger barbs, he will stop swimming, and point vertically while displaying his fins, he has done this for two days. He eats very well, has no swimming issues, and has plenty of energy, he is in fact the tank bully. He has a slight piece of his dorsal fin missing, i have attributed this to him chasing other barbs around the tank. PH 7.0 Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite 0ppm Nitrate 20ppm GH 6 Degrees KH 4 Degrees Water Temp 27°C (80.6°F) Thank You
  6. I'm trying to find out opinions on tiger barbs and khuli loaches as tank mates. Is it doable? What factors need to be taken care of to make it possible? Bad/good experiences with it?
  7. I know they are just color variants of the same species, but does this affect their schooling behavior?
  8. Hello, The last time I posted I was having issues with fish dying and y’all let me know my PH. Is very low so I’ll have to stock accordingly. Water levels are PH-6 ammonia- 0, nitrites-0, nitrates 15-20 temp is 80ish I got 1 dwarf gourami and I was hoping to get a school of tiger barbs also. They were together in the same tank at the fish store but I read somewhere not to keep him with barbs due to there zippy nature they will get most of the food. What do y’all think? I really like the look of tiger barbs but I don’t want to upset my gourami 🤞🏽🙏 Annie oh and the other creatures in there are 2 ghost fish and 1 pleco 2” in a 20 gallon long
  9. Hello, One of my tiger barbs (picture below) has had cloudy eyes for the past 2 months. He’s behaved normal this whole time and all I’ve done is maintain my 60% water changes hoping that helps. At the start when I noticed I did 25%WC for 5 days but didn’t see any improvements on the eyes. is this treatable? What I see on google and other forums don’t really help as they describe the fish to be lifeless etc. mines pretty much the second tank boss of the barbs. Any past experiences and advice would be appreciated, thanks.
  10. I could not find Cory's email so I will post this question here. Below is a quote from another forum: Any status on the display Tiger Barb tank you setup? Did the Tiger Barbs start attacking and killing each other off? I hate when misinformation is spread on the internet, just doing some fact checking before I respond. Mark
  11. On another forum, someone is claiming that Tiger Barbs have been breed into little terrorist which will kill each other until only one is left. Did Aquarium Co-op have any long term issue with the large Tiger Barb tank you guys setup? Thanks, Mark
  12. My LFS is keeping a adult yo-yo loach by himself and in a small tank due to him being returned twice because of aggression . I kinda want to get him and put him in my 40gal with 1 adult male kribensis and 9 full grown tiger barbs who are pretty good at holding their ground and not being overly annoying to other fish. I know loaches in general love to be in groups however I don’t know anywhere that sells them at the same big size. I feel I could take better care of him than the LFS. Thoughts on the combination? all thoughts and experiences would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
  13. Tiger barbs and parrot chichlid and clown loaches in a 40 gallon tank how many should i put in
  14. Hello all, I have 3 questions. How many tiger barbs would be appropriate for a 75 gallon? Would a rainbow shark be a bad idea to keep with the tiger barbs? What would be a cool bottom dweller/clean up crew to keep in this tank?
  15. Couple questions, first I am getting the corys on Wed and was going to do the med trio. Do I feed them a couple days first? Second the tank is a 60 tall I have 11 young tiger barbs should I get more? I would wait until the corys are in display, then put them into the QT.
  16. PH 7.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrite 10/20 hard to see the difference. I set up a new 60 gallon tank and was going to use it for QT. I got 8 barbs yesterday and noticed this one. Is this something med trio will help with? I'm just not sure what it is. Sorry I'm horrible at fish pics
  17. I'm back into the hobby after a long hiatus. Previously I had harder water, so I'm not used to current tap water which has little to no hardness at all. I have a 38 gallon tank stocked with 3 male platies and 16 tiger Barb's (8 regular, 6 green platinum, and 2 Starfire Red GloFish). I clean it once every 2 weeks, syphon the gravel, and do 30 to 60 % water change. The tank is almost 4 mos old. My fish don't seem to be thriving. I've tried an airstone, aquarium salt, a ph adjuster, and beneficial bacteria. The tiger Barb's don't seem as active as I think they should be (i.e....a handful of them just hanging out not moving much for large portions of time du ing the day, unless I get close to the tank). My question is, should I adjust my tap water to suit the fish, or get fish that are suited for my tap water? I feel like I have the perfect water for a Discus but my tank is too small. What other fish are good in water this soft and acidic ph (6.0-6.5)?
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