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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Baby otos and baby panda corydoras.... They've gotta be top 2 tiny fish in a cuteness competition. 😍 Very nice work. I hope one day mine surprise me when I get plants going.
  2. If you're showing any ammonia and nitrite that's the concern. Having some nitrate is good and necessary for plants. Ammonia --> Nitrite --> Nitrate The goal is to get everything to the nitrate stage. Usually it's just called biofilm or it's called wood fungus.
  3. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea given how picky Gepetto can be, what do you think about the swimming space in this tank? I think it looks ok, maybe just trim some plants. If the fins get worse, you'd want to treat for something called fin rot. (Salt, kanaplex, catappa leaves is usually used)
  4. I would try to put the lift tube as far up as it'll go (if it is adjustable) and then consider something like a prefilter sponge. Marineland sells nice ones as well as aquarium coop. Just check the Diameter of the tube and hopefully there is one that works. That should let you turn the flow up, if you're comfortable doing so, which will help to get the CC to dissolve. I double checked the GPH on your filters and they should be sufficient for those tanks. I would encourage trying to run them as high as you can. If you have issues with too much of a waterfall, just raise the water level. This video does a good job of explaining that.
  5. Beautiful backyard @PineSong I just got done with half the work of the day.... Cleaned out the tidal, probably messed up the mod (hopefully not) and had to clean out the pump. For whatever reason the mulm and what not really impacts Performance and it was time for a deep clean. The speed up the pump was about half of what it should be. After that I spend about 30-45 minutes scrubbing glue off my piece of hardscape. Enough of the moss had falled off and it was time to get it looking like hardscape again. It's definitely not pretty, but it's better and will be fine once I tie the moss or sußwassertang next time around. Now I have to get the shrimp tank in order and drop the GH by a bit.
  6. You should not have any issues with the 1-2-G series. The main thing when you buy a tissue culture plant is just starting with what looks like a healthy plant. If you're buying "cups" just be careful that you're not paying the price for a tissue culture plant and it's not actually a tissue culture plant. The tank looks great. Be sure to check out the tidal mod thread stuff in my signature. 🙂
  7. Unfortunately the GH and KH kits aren't included in the base test kits in the US. I highly recommend picking up the liquid test kit though. It's very easy to use and not expensive at all. Not required, but it helps to set a schedule. Say, every Saturday to clean all the prefilters, then every other Saturday to clean the tank and do your water change. (Just an example) I'll have to check into these. I haven't seen them in use, but I have seen them before. They look similar to something normally made by another company. One of the weird issues with kitsmos that the filter is often or usually not what is normally recommended. It just means that it might work well for a lightly stocked tank, but most often it is recommended to "size up" to the next one. With filters having adjustable flow and adjustable features this is becoming less of an issue and the hobbyist has a lot more freedom to adjust things to their own desired settings. I'll check it out and see what I see. The changes you have done to the media sound perfect! When it comes to the output of the filter on the water surface, does it seem to be very strong or very slow?
  8. I had my 10G tank on a very cheap dresser. After ~months it was like overnight where the middle of the panel the tank was on dropped about an inch. It can happen very quickly and there is little to no indication apart from the water hitting the floor if things get that bad. I would encourage you to check out something like the imagitarium Brooklyn stands which are a metal frame. Perhaps something like a 90-120G stand that will hold both tanks or it makes sense to have two smaller stands. I will reference this as well.... There are a tons of options and it's Ultimately up to what your aesthetic preference is as well as long term plan. Honestly, check out pepere's thread.
  9. I'll go run and measure my TDS in my tanks. It's not a calibrated meter, but it's new. It's a cheap zero-water one. 421 TDS = 75G - Amano shrimp, some culls (GH: 9, KH: 4) 280 TDS = 29G - GH Parameters are bad due to treatment, but this is the main colony (GH: 14.5-15, KH: 4-4.5) The best advice I can give you for this is to tackle the problem in two ways. Worry about GH first, then worry about KH. Understand your baseline for each, dose in what you need to get there and then understand that you'll simply be holding those levels regardless of what TDS tells you. If you were using a pre-manufactured powder for shrimp (like salty shrimp) then you would be using TDS as your indication. the ratio is predetermined. You're working a bit independently, giving yourself that flexibility to adjust one parameter separate from the others. Take your 5G bucket, add in that 1/4 tsp and test daily. Before you add the buffer, 30 minutes after adding the buffer, and then every 24 hours following for up to 7 days. This should be the same as dosing in 0.5g of alkalinity buffer. You shouldn't need to use both starting from RO. I know seachem gives ratios, but keep it simple right now.
  10. GH - Equilibrium KH - A ratio of Alkalinity buffer and Acid buffer For my use case I use 1 TBSP measure for the Equilibrium and for the KH side of things I use a very small 1/8 tsp measure. --->Per 5G bucket, I used 3 x 1/8 tsp scoops of alkalinity buffer to gain about 1-1.5 degrees. --->Per 20G, 1 TBSP to increase water by 3 degrees. (This maths out to about 1 tsp per 20G to increase by 1 degree) For GH (equilibrium in a 5G bucket, you can try 1/4 tsp and see if that gets you 1 degree raise. Keep an airstone in the bucket and test daily for a minimum of 5 days.
  11. Hey everyone! I have been floating around this idea for a little while now and trying to find a method to make the idea work. We have "book clubs" and I think it might be a bit of fun to have a "movie club" for the forums here. The goal being to encourage interesting viewing of things and to share perspectives on the movie or video of that particular month. If you're interested at all, please be sure to follow this thread for more information and future updates on what that movie of the month might be! A few quick notes on the plan: - One single suggestion per month for viewing. People can take as long as they want to view this particular selection, but the goal is to view it and then post in this thread with whatever thoughts you may have! -The selection will be posted alongside some sort of a trailer or description of the item as well as places where you can watch it via streaming services. -The hope here is that most of the content is "family friendly" and there are going to be some difficult subjects which do come up. Ultimately anything that isn't PG-13 should have a bit of a warning. I will suggest for everyone to add the "Parents guide" for items that make sense via IMDB. How this works.... 1. You follow the thread and get notified of the particular selection of the month 2. The first person who posts their thoughts / review of the monthly selection is then nominated to pick next months selection. I already have the first selection in mind and I am so excited to share that with everyone when the time comes. Hopefully people join in and are as excited as I am for this!
  12. It really depends.... The type (color) and grade you're looking for are going to determine one aspect of the choice. I would honestly encourage you to find a place locally, even if it is a bit of a drive. I purchased some from a highly recommended source and they do seem to be ok. They seem to be of good quality. That being said I have had a pretty high cull rate for what I expected and I ran into issues. I've also learned a lot when it comes to what to expect from shrimp. I had shrimp arrive DoA simply due to lack of care in the packing methodology. Once you hit 50 posts, the buy/sell/trade section opens up on the forums here. Ultimately, if you want red, orange, or blue, I do think we got you covered here! (Just saying). You can always start there and try to make a WTB post. 🙂
  13. For context... This is an excerpt from: Effects of Sound on Fish by Mardi C. Hastings,1 Ph.D. & Arthur N. Popper,1 Ph.D.
  14. There is a few things at play here. A. Multiple aquariums across a long distance and not necessarily supported on end (especially not supported in the middle of the tank/cabinet. B. You have the load off centered to the left slightly, which means there is a bit of a "middle weight" to the load as well. C. This is a cabinet with drawers and those drawers move. That movement affects the load. Most stands and aquariums are designed to sit in place and not necessarily to have daily use from drawers / cabinets. This setup is a "high traffic" scenario and that movement of the furniture could affect load balancing and shifting. The red arc above is how the top of the cabinet is receiving the load. I would opt for getting some stands as opposed to your current setup. Most stands for this weight of aquarium are going to have very robust support or have something like 6-8 legs to support the weight across that span. The goal is to keep that arc as straight / flat as you possibly can.
  15. Welcome to the forums. 🙂 Is there anything in the tank that demands 80 degree water? You might be better with ~78 degrees. As far as I know only betta, discus, clown loaches, or rams would need to be that warm. There is some white specs in the water column and I am not sure anything I am seeing on the fish in particular. Ultimately "white spots" you're seeing might be the pattern of the fish growing in. It is difficult to tell, and given there is "white grains of something" free floating in the water, using a photo as a visual aid makes it difficult to see it clearly. If at all possible, can you record a video of the fish and try to give us a better understanding of your concerns? Typical questions for disease posts: Please give us your full water parameters for everything you can test for (including temperature) as well as your maintenance and feeding regiment. This area on the fish looks concerning to me, but I am unsure as to what would cause this. Here is a picture of a healthy looking fish for comparison. Genetics do absolutely play a role as well.
  16. I'm looking forward to having some one day. Hopefully soon, but eventually.
  17. Ultimately it's a complex problem, but there has to be more to the story. Let's cover a few basics.... A. What is your actual KH value? What is your target? B. Do you have any soil based or active substrate in your tank? Is the tank overstocked? C. What is your filtration (specifically, how strong is the pump and the circulation) in this tank? D. What is your maintenance schedule, how much water and how often, in this tank? E. What is your testing method? Can you double check results using a liquid test kit? Using buffers and using KH buffers can be a bit hit or miss. It's something where it is very easy to go too far quickly and stress the fish. It is also very easy to not use enough for fear of moving things too quickly. Let's get it figured out and dive into what could be going on.
  18. I would always vac the substrate. The way I've seen UGF used is in two forms, the traditional method and a plenum method. The traditional method is that the UGF is placed in the tank, then your layer of eco complete on top. Plenum would be something like this... Pecktec did a video on his big tank with UGF. Let me see if I can find it. Yeah... He did his as a plenum in the big tank, no uplift tubes basically.
  19. The old "rule of thumb" was to go from one corner, diagonal to the opposing corner.
  20. Please definitely focus on relaxing. If your husband wants to help all that needs to be done is to drain the tank and change water. You can see the brown on the tube here. Those are often brown diatoms and what they look like. They aren't if concern and typically won't cause any nitrite issues. Cut back feeding, as mentioned above to adjust lighting, but the main thing here is just change water right now.... Relax.... And just focus on clean filtration. Everything in terms of setup seems and looks perfect, just tuning the knobs. Long term, due to the window behind the tank, I recommend this stuff as a background.
  21. Definitely a lesson learned when you're using the metal blades near the seals. 😞 Oh btw..... Eurostyle bracing is a good balance. It gets rid of the plastic look. Definitely dont take off a rim on a tank if it came with one. If you do, euro brace it. They also have a discount section.
  22. The amount of times my shoes melted walking home from school as a kid.... Ridiculous. @dasaltemelosguy you're close! I used to work there. Same weather and chance of thunderstorms and monsoon today. This is the typical.... It's hot out reaction.
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