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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. How do you deal with the water bottle, when you service the filter? Do you have to take it off each time, and re-attach?
  2. Gotta say - I love this open concept look with the tanks a lot more than the in-wall ones in the old fish room. I'm assuming it was a space issue with the previous/current one. But, man....you hit it out of the park with this.
  3. Thanks everyone. We're going. I can't wait from these responses. Really appreciate the help!
  4. I consider it too. But, I'm not spending the money if it's an aquarium that's not well run / kept. Appreciate the feedback!
  5. Has anyone ever been? I'm driving down to FL with the family, and this is a possibility to stop along the way. I'm asking, as my family of four would be about $100 to go. I've been to other aquariums; so I understand it's typically expensive. However, I've never had to pay this much. Is it worth it?
  6. Yes; Cory mentioned in his last stream? that they'd be releasing a "soft launch" soon for members only to get feedback before a hard launch for everyone else.
  7. I would try an algae wafer, and possibly a slice of cucumber.
  8. I started in 2005, when I bought my first house. I was always interested in it...and finally got my opportunity. I found this hidden gem 'mom and pop' LFS 1.5 miles from my house. If it wasn't for them, I probably wouldn't have kept going. They were there every step of the way with me - helping me out. Absolutely tremendous. Always willing to answer all my questions, test my water for me when I first started my tank: you name it, they did it. They're no longer around, unfortunately, but I'm always indebted to them.
  9. Are you asking how to start a cycle? Or, how to start a tank w/o a cycle? Best way to start a cycle is with a cocktail shrimp, IMO - just let it rot. For the latter - take a Sponge Filter from a cycled tank, and put it in the new tank.
  10. Same. I guess we're in the minority. Part of "my enjoy time" with my tank is maintaining it. I don't consider it work. If any part of this hobby was work for me, I would get out.
  11. Yeah, I totally get why people like you with fish rooms don't like it. This was geared towards the people with 1 or two tanks.
  12. I would like get a general consensus about why people don't like water changes. I've been on lots of forums over the years, and this is by far the most hated part of the hobby, in general. With that said, let me clarify a few things. This question is geared towards the person who has one or two tanks. When you get into a fish room level, I get it. The more tanks you have, you're going to want as much automation as possible. I also would like to clear out the folks who have a heavily planted tank. You can get away with not doing them. For the remaining people, why do not like doing them? I really would like to know what the real reasons are. I'm honestly curious, as I would like to learn more about people in the hobby.
  13. Has anyone created a meme on the sound at which Cory types when he Google's something during a live stream? I know you can't do audio here...but there's gotta be a way. He either types incredibly fast, has a loud keyboard, or both.
  14. I would recommend putting them all into a quarantine tank. If this isn't possible, float the bags to temperature acclimate. Put a net over a bucket, and pour the fish into the net, picking the ones out you want to separate...and do it that way. Another method you can do, is: put them all into one bucket, create a siphon with tubing, with a slight knot. Loosen or tighten the knot so that you can drop acclimate them from one of the tanks (assuming both tanks are same temp)....and net out the ones you need to separate that way.
  15. I have a 10g planted tank. I dose Easy Green- Potassium combo 3x / week, and Easy Iron 2x per week Will my tank be ok if I don't dose for a whole week? I don't have a tank sitter available, so I'll have an auto feeder on for the fish.
  16. Yes; a good amount of light shines on the side of mine. Do you're weekly maintenance, get a cleanup crew, and you'll be fine.
  17. This is from Fish For Thought's channel. Really good, though.
  18. Does anyone run one on their tank? If so, which one do you use?
  19. Awesome. I'm about to start my first ever Discus tank. Any tips from your experience?
  20. I would guess that the downfall was when it broke / malfunctioned. How would you troubleshoot something like that? I envision that to be a gigantic PITA.
  21. Also, if you notice - no filtration equipment in the tank. Man.....this tank just keeps getting better every time you watch.
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