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Everything posted by drewzero1

  1. That's kind of how my office tank went. I quietly set it up after everybody else left one afternoon and nobody seemed to mind. Coworkers and visitors often stop and check it out on their way through, which motivates me to keep it clean. The tank inhabitants provide a nice momentary escape when I need to think about something. I've used it as a fry growout tank, attempted breeding tank, and currently a display tank for some rasboras. It's been a lot of fun!
  2. My SO has an LG that's been pretty good, unfortunately they stopped making phones last year. I really enjoy my OnePlus; they've gone a bit upmarket since mine but it sounds like their newer ones are pretty good too. The OnePlus definitely seems to have the least bloatware of any Android phone I've used. I hear similar things about Pixels from friends who have them.
  3. I'm told this is exactly what I look like during feeding time.
  4. I knew that was something too, but couldn't remember what. 😜 Maybe for cleaning the outside of the glass.
  5. I was given a common pleco in a tank from a friend who was moving away. I had to sit still for an hour to get a picture of him coming out and eating (the pleco, not the friend), and when he saw me move he'd dive for a hiding spot so fast it made the little plastic castle spin.
  6. This sounds like a great idea! I was thinking about cladding my 40 with foam when I was having those heater issues this winter. I should try to construct something before it gets cold again. I don't have backgrounds generally since my tanks are usually viewable from multiple sides. I do have matte black acrylic paint over the matten filter chamber on the 10g I recently set up. When I got my 40 it was painted on the side I wanted to use as the front, so I scraped most of it off. I left a bit around the edges to hide the edge-lit glass, the substrate, and the space above the water. I've been thinking about making a temporary background to use when taking pictures. Maybe it's time to invest in some foam board.
  7. I had a spare 55 that I was going to try using as a greenhouse to start plants earlier in spring. It gets a lot warmer in there!
  8. Sounds like a good deal! And way cheaper than water damage 😜
  9. Sounds like a plan! 👍 I haven't kept many schooling fish aside from the minnows and cories, but in my experience the most important thing is to make a plan before adding more fish.
  10. Oof! Sorry to hear about your filter, and also your Hercules snails. Mine died a few months ago after getting stuck behind the heater.
  11. I'm with @Minanoraon skipping the white clouds. As much as I absolutely love them, there's only so much room for schooling fish in this tank. Plus they tend to like it cooler than the other species nentioned. I think you're on the right track with the tetra numbers. IMO skirt tetras get a little too big for a 15g, but you could probably make it work. I'd probably complete one school of tetras first, then a school of small cories (pygmy or dwarf) for bottom feeders (I've only had sand, maybe someone who's used stratum can comment on keeping cories on it). I think it's probably best in this tank size to pick 2-3 schooling species or 1-2 schooling species plus a centerpiece fish.
  12. Technology is my business, and knowing about how tech works only makes me more pessimistic about new tech products. I don't trust any of the "smart" assistants not to phone home and tell their company what they might be able to sell me. I even managed to avoid having a smartphone until recently. Unfortunately, it's getting really hard to avoid getting stalked by corporations without going completely off grid. It's sad. Twenty years ago I was excited and optimistic about how the progress in tech and information could empower us. Instead, it's used to farm us all for data, and the tech giants hold the power.
  13. Welcome from the other side of the state (over by Winnebago)! Always love visiting over there, I used to have family in Chetek.
  14. I love the idea of a continuous scape across adjacent tanks! Usually when I've seen tanks set up endwise like this it's a bare bottom breeding setup. One of my tanks is endwise and I've been struggling to make it interesting and viewable, so I'm totally stealing ideas here!
  15. I keep thinking of more things I wanted to say about the minnows, because I really do love keeping them. They have a subtle beauty that isn't always immediately obvious, until you see them flare their fins at each other. The silver edging on the fins and the splashes of red really stand out in person in a way that's difficult to capture on camera. I love the meandering unpredictability of their swimming pattern. And they were such a low-stress fish to keep... honestly, keeping them in the old 10 gallon was easier than breaking down the tank.
  16. I had my white clouds in a 10g for a few years, recently moved them to a 20L and I'm also looking into options. My current plan is probably a honey gourami and six porkchop rasboras. Would really love to try a dwarf gourami but sources are mixed whether they need a 20. Honestly though white clouds were perfect. No heater + sponge filter meant I didn't need any wires going into the tank, maintenance was easy and their low bioload meant I didn't have to do it often. They had fry but not too many, and I didn't have to do anything special for a handful to survive.
  17. I have two 5-gallon Ace buckets for dirty water (though I usually just use one) and four 1-gallon jugs for clean water. Water changes can be a bit tedious on my 40 gallon; I typically change 20-25%, which works out to two wastewater buckets and three trips to the sink with 2 jugs in each hand. But there's no way I'm holding up a 5 gallon bucket high enough to fill up the tank, and the jugs came free with juice.
  18. Personally I wouldn't risk it... 37 gallons is a lot of water when it's on the floor. The most I'd attempt would be a paludarium with maybe a couple inches of water at the bottom, as long as the leak can be repaired. Also, welcome to the forum!
  19. I've tried duckweed in two tanks: my mollies are it all, and in my WCMM tank it covered for a while and then died off. After that I thought it was gone for about a year. In the last few months, a couple of surviving leaves suddenly grew into full cover on my 40 breeder. I'm glad I can cross off "so bad at plants, I killed duckweed" from my list of unachievements 😜
  20. I have heard rumors of mollies and endlers possibly interbreeding, but never seen it in person. I've kept them together but not for long enough to say it couldn't happen. I always kept my mollies with cories. They're not the most colorful, but they add a bit of contrast. Cories do tend to like softer water than mollies. I have hard water out of the tap and haven't had major issues with them.
  21. Tested the water in the office tank, it's not ready yet. 😤 Was kind of hoping I could avoid a cycle by using established substrate and filter media, but it was already having water quality issues before the move (5g -> 10g). I guess I'll have to keep waiting and checking...it's been a long time since I've had to stare at an empty, cycling tank.
  22. That's so cool! The remote-controlled vehicles were always my favorite part of watching Mythbusters.
  23. I'm the IT admin at a small chain of local hardware stores, with huge emphasis on "other duties as necessary." I love it there but I also look forward to the possibility of leaving for my kid(s). I'm not sure if I'm cut out to homeschool but I love the idea; I didn't learn well in the classroom and always got in trouble for reading ahead. (My 2YO son wanted to take a board book to bed last night, couldn't argue with that! It was pretty funny to hear him turning the pages in the dark.) Whatever they pay those crash test dummies, it's not enough! 😬
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