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Everything posted by Alesha

  1. That was an awesome explanation of your process! Thanks for the step- by- step. I'd been wondering what soil to use in a plant in the tank, so thanks for including that too.
  2. Great job @ange and whew! Getting to this point is so rewarding. Now you get to sit back, dial in those parameters & ENJOY NATURE! 😃👍 Thanks for taking us along on your journey. 😍
  3. That's so awesome! My brother is a big decorator too. His is all inside the house though. I remember touring a property in Ohio (near Union City, OH/IN) with my in-laws years ago, that was all decorated. Being from FL, driving past the lights in cold weather with snow on the ground, it was a magical experience. I'm sure you bring lots of joy to lots of people.
  4. Hey @Grapevine89, I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you have this struggling tank! I get it... it can be so discouraging. 🥺 If you stick with @Brandy she will help you figure it out! The worst thing you can do is listen *too* many voices. So...no advice from me, except to keep at it & follow Brandy's advice. 😁👍 And keep us updated!
  5. Running the blue lights is increasing your algae. A bigger light with more blue lights is going to increase it more. I'd avoid the blue lights & narrow the white lights' time to 8 hours or less to minimize the algae. Your plants are going to love the new light though!
  6. Air bubble volley ball?? That is cool. Their releasing those bubbles can happen at the funniest times!
  7. The Easy Carbon works really well for me. It usually takes about 2 days after I drip it on the leaf. It turns all pink...and then my guppies will eat it! Sometimes, the leaf has a little damage underneath, but other times, it's just fine. I hope it works well for you too!
  8. Sooooooo corny!!! 😉☺🥰 You guys & girls are too kind. It's a team effort at my house. My husband is a one-in-a-millon man. I couldn't do anything without his support & help. We love our life! And we love that this world of aquaria is part of that! Glad to be here.
  9. I have guppies, endlers, snails, shrimp, pygmy chain loaches and Siamese algae eaters and they all get along just find so far. 🙂 I've only had the SAEs for about 3 weeks.
  10. @Ken Burke, 😄😄😄, well I know quite a bit about you now, it seems! At least, I know how you spend your spare time...following your goldendoodle around! And btw, since I'm frequently at home from church, due to some health issues, I am SO grateful for y'all who man those cameras! They are a real blessing to those of us who can't make it. 👍
  11. I love to sing at my church - solos and with others. I read a lot...probably too much. I also make jewelry (not so much for sale, but I still dabble). I am learning to do watercolor painting and to sketch. Still have a lot to learn! We have 2 dogs, one is a 5-month-old puppy, so I spend lottttts of time training...and cleaning up accidents. 🙄
  12. Yes, we did that too. Used apple cider vinegar to clean and get hard water stains off a used 55-gallon. I think the 2 vinegars are so interesting...they do many things so well, but not necessarily in the same way.
  13. 😭😭😭 At least, now you have a straightforward plan...hoping it works out for you!
  14. Ack! So sorry, @ange! Hoping somebody will have some good, clear advice for you.
  15. Ha! Yes, I thought they would need some weight on them. But all they did was tip over & spill the gravel. 😁
  16. Ohhhhhh...yep, that makes sense. He's just a regular neocaridina, but you had no way of knowing that! I've got some really weird colors being thrown out, and LEFT OUT, of my skittles group. Lots of paleness and lack of pigment. But hey, good workout for your eyes today. They seems to be in fine fettle, despite your surgery yesterday. 🙂 Thanks for playing my game of "Spot the Species". 👍
  17. All right...I give up. I have 2 kinds of fish, shrimp, loach, SAE, 2 kinds of snails. What is the 8th species?? Wait...are you counting the Nerite eggs???
  18. But...where would it all end????????????? 🤣🤣🤣
  19. Ah...you are technically correct. I love to learn something new every day!!! Endler's livebearers are nearly all hybrids! - Practical Fishkeeping WWW.PRACTICALFISHKEEPING.CO.UK
  20. 😆😆😆 (I'm out of emojis for the next 24 or so hours, I guess!) No, @Daniel, your eyes are fine! That's the reflection from the other tank across the room. It was either that, or the floor lamp, desk lamp and computer screen. Ha!
  21. Black beard algae, I think. If that's the only place you've got it, yay!!! You can do a search here and on the Aquarium Co-op blog for various ways to get rid of it. 🙂
  22. @Ruud, yes, it is! My dad collected rocks...from all over. He kept them in his yard in various spots. When we got ready to build our tank, I asked my mom if we could use a few of Daddy's rocks. (He passed away in 2016.) She quickly agreed, knowing Daddy would've been tickled to see them used for something nice. I love them in there...sweet memories attached, and they always brings a smile. Thanks for asking...I love to tell the story about them. 🙂 I used white rocks (from Lowe's - a home improvement store) underneath to raise the rock on the left up several inches off the bottom. The rocks on the right are underneath all that java moss. The Marimo moss balls are from Aquarium Co-Op.
  23. Lots of teeming life in the 55-gallon this morning. Thought I'd share. One picture has 6 different aquarium species. Can you spot them all???
  24. We've been struggling with our tanks for several weeks. One had to re-cycle after several rounds of medication and the other was just waiting for a re-scape and the arrival of quarantining fish. After a couple of weekends of work and a few cycles of cloudy-clear, cloudy-clear in the 55-gallon, I woke up this morning to 2 beautifully scaped and clear tanks. It was a nice surprise!
  25. This is my Quarantine Tank, a 5-gallon Marineland Portrait. I set it up in early September and added this plant on the 8th. I was so amazed by the growth. Thought I'd share a pic:
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