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Everything posted by RyanR

  1. I just got some last night from an LFS, but they were hard to find. We had to drive a little over an hour to get them. I have been actively looking for them for about a month. Before that, I was prepared to order them online and even then they were not easy to find. I've had multiple people tell me they are hard to find because even though they can be prolific breeders, they grow slow.
  2. 2 months later, I finally got 5 Multies last night from a sort of LFS. They were pretty small, maybe about 1/2 inch, but they were pretty cheap. about $15 each. They were in really good shape and we get to watch them grow. The best part is that they said when they have fry, they will buy the fish for store credit! The kids are super excited.
  3. I freaked out the first time I saw pond snails in my aquarium (because my LFS freaked out). Then I saw how well they team up with trumpet snails and mystery snails to keep my aquarium spotless. Every once in a while, they get a little out of control and I use the Dennerle Snail Catcher to pick up some and move them to my QT. Seriously, that thing works awesome - highly recommended.
  4. The first light I bought for our 40 breeder was a Finnex Stingray 2. It's a decent light, but I would expect more for the money. After that, I started buying Hygger Lights and I love them. They are bright, they work great with my Leviton Timers and are very sturdy. I've had them slide off of the tanks a couple of times when I open or close the lid (my fault, not a fault of the lights) and they still continue to work. I can't justify spending money on the Fluval lights, so these are my go to lights now.
  5. I hatched some BBS for the first time using @Dean’s Fishroom original method using the Esentia water bottle. It worked awesome. I thought my fish went crazy eating Krill Flakes until I saw them eating BBS. There were lots of fat bellies after eating for so long.
  6. Thanks. Understandable. I do that same thing one or two days a week, but I like to throw in some high quality commercial foods as well to supplement their diet.
  7. Out of curiosity, why don't you like Repashy for shrimp?
  8. I know this post is a little old, but I bought some of these and I love them. They work great and the Repashy pops right out of them.
  9. Does anyone have any recommendations for which Repashy to use for Neocardinia? Thanks.
  10. I use all of the above. I try to feed a different food every day. Flake food is very versatile because it can even be crumbled up to feed to fry. I didn't have any fry food and a Molly caught be off guard and had some little ones. I promptly ordered Xtreme Nano from the Co-Op and in the meantime I crumbled some Krill Flakes and crumbled some Bug Bites Tropical. I would prefer the Flakes though.
  11. I got my MTS and pond snails from the Co-Op. At first, I freaked out, but now I embrace them and spread them around to my other tanks. I know my LFS has them on their plants too, but haven't bought any from them. It took a month or so for me to notice them. Also, I forgot to mention that my cleanest tanks are the ones with pond snails and MTS. Those tanks don't have a bit of algae and I don't ever have to gravel vac.
  12. Got it. I saw it under Cleaning Supplies. I thought it was under Apparel & Merch.
  13. I need to order another Co-Op towel because I got some Super Glue Gel on mine. I don't see it anymore under the Apparel & Merch section?
  14. @Cory I placed an order today and noticed the new order\shipping status page. It's very nice. Clean and modern...great job to you and the team!
  15. Rainbow fish would be amazing in a 40 breeder. I have 2 in a 40 breeder with some community fish and I can't wait until I can add more. Eventually, I want it to be only a Rainbow fish tank.
  16. I have a 20 long I'm going to setup in a week or so for Neolamprologus Mmultifasciatus (shell dwellers). I can't wait. I've heard that are very fun to watch.
  17. I saw this lily all over in a lake this weekend when we were camping this weekend.
  18. Each Betta is different. Mine hunts through my thick java fern, under rocks and wood and under my Christmas moss bridge. I know for sure, mine would eat a cherry shrimp if he could find one.
  19. Living in south Louisiana, crawfish are everywhere. My kids wanted to put two of them in our aquarium when we first got it. They picked two out of a batch that was about to be boiled (like the Thanksgiving turkey pardon...lol). One died within a day or two. The other one would sit under a rock and pick off a fish every once in a while when they got too close. When the novelty wore off and we were ready to get some real fish, we got him out and released him in a local lake. After I moved the rock, there were fish parts everywhere and my tank was a mess. Then I decided to get a test kit. Chemically, my water was a mess. I do not recommend crawfish or "lobsters" for an aquarium with fish. In most states crawfish are illegal, so they are sold as "lobsters." To anyone that has grown up around crawfish, they can spot them from a mile away.
  20. So, most recently I put 5 tbsp of salt in my QT. I have a lot of floating water sprite. I only needed to leave it in for about 4 days. The water sprite definitely suffered, but it didn't die off. In the past, I've put 3 tbsp in that same aquarium and didn't notice much of a difference. I cannot speak about other plants. That's my VERY limited experience with plants and salt. My reasoning for keeping the water sprite in my QT is that I have a lot of water sprite and if a medication kills it, no big deal, I just put more in there and it grows fast. I think the water sprite is therapeutic for the fish.
  21. @Cory Do you ever sell subwassertang? Does it ship well? I haven't seen it on the site, but I've only been buying from you for about 6-7 months. I saw some in an LFS and it was $12 for a "clump." I like the look of it and was looking for something different than java moss or Christmas moss for a shrimp tank. Thanks.
  22. I think I'm going to stick with the 10 gallon. It's going to fit on the wire shelf good next to another 10 gal I have. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting something too small. It sounds like the 10 gallon will be perfect.
  23. Thanks. I was thinking of a 10 gallon but I'm wondering if I should get something a little bigger or is a bigger tank a waste for small shrimp?
  24. With the Petco dollar per gallon sale, I want to get a tank strictly for Neocardinia (and maybe some otis or cleanup crew). What do you think is the ideal Tank size?
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