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Everything posted by yannachka

  1. that’s how i feel, although i may set up a large jar in the window for some just for fun. maybe i need to get back into breeding so i have an excuse to hatch them 😂
  2. i do feed frozen bbs and other nano frozen foods like cyclops to that tank. i also feed golden pearls, not quite the same but it stays in the water column and most fish ive tried it on love it. i may set up a large mason jar for bbs by the window just for fun, ive been wanting to get back into live daphnia as well.
  3. i can’t show it well since it’s behind all the plants. here is what photo i could take: they are soft plastic pencil/holding trays you can buy at walmart/target. i got a 3 pack from target for like $2. i used my soldering iron to put holes throughout it for water flow and super glued some large strong suction cups to the back. i did end up putting a little hook through a hole on the top and hooked it on the lid as well, i found the soft plastic to not be strong enough to hold itself up. next time ill use hard plastic holders. i have two of them and i have the filter outflows (running two canister filters) pointed at the planters, this ensures there is water circulating through them. i filled the planters with fluorite, eco complete, and stratum, the roots of many of the plants have grown through the holes. the top of the planter is level to the water level. these planters cost me like $6 in total to make and are holding up pretty well.
  4. thank you! and i definitely agree, she’s moving during the rescape. the only difficulty is that both pieces of driftwood are on slate so i can’t really put them in exactly where i want them.
  5. this is one of my emersed plants set ups, i have a light suspended above and the plants are planted into little planters suctioned to the side of the tank. plant list for this is: pothos, peace lilies, corkscrew rush, red mangrove, and sweet potato. sweet potato, red mangrove, and pothos are really the only ones that would be find just rooted in water. other emersed plants i have include creeping jenny, charlie mint, sedge, basil, arrowhead, snakeplant, monstera, strawberries, ivy, and a few more i know im missing. those all would need to have a substrate to root in.
  6. i am a big fan of the ai prime, you can really play with the shadows and create depth when used on a large tank, you’ll need 2 at a minimum for a 75g though. i do think the customization is better than a fluval light. for larger tanks i think the fluval 3.0 is more affordable (1x $200 vs 2x $200) and will have a more even light distribution. if you really want to dive into aquascaping the 75g the ai prime would look nicer (in my opinion, i think pendant lights look better) and you can play with the positioning more to create an interesting look (for example have one light hanging more forward while the other is positioned more towards the back to create depth).
  7. feeder fish bought from stores aren’t a good idea for another reason as well: nutrients. stores typically feed feeders poorly or with low quality food. you always want to quarantine feeders and feed them very high quality foods for the few weeks in quarantine to make them a good option as food. its much easier to have your own colony you are breeding (livebearers work best for 99% of fish you feed live to) since you can control what food you are putting in. the food/nutrients you put into the feeders is what you are going to be putting into the fish being fed those feeders. as a sidenote goldfish make terrible feeders. id do guppies for smaller feeders and platies/mollys/swordtails if you need to feed larger fish.
  8. i have heard that it can take weeks for fish to really acclimate to ph and drip acclimation is more of a necessity in saltwater vs in fresh. anyone read any studies done on this?
  9. if i only have one tank that would really benefit from bbs, would you go through the hassle of hatching them? im limited in space and time so im trying to decide if it is worth it for one tank.
  10. i dont keep loaches in it so can’t say but they honestly should be fine in it. its not as heavy as gravel so they can still root through it if they want.
  11. i planted the 4g last night and sorted the shrimp. threw a few baby culls in here and added live bacteria today. in a couple weeks i plan to add some ricefish in here, maybe the gold or orange. i think once the plants grow in a bit it’ll look pretty nice, i was going for a “grassy area around a tree” look, definitely a fan of the monochromatic look. working on organizing and cleaning today.
  12. do you have any roots tabs in? that looks like standard gravel. val is a very heavy root feeder and from my experience gets most of its nutrients from the substrate.
  13. are you looking for plants that can grow just in water? if you can somehow add some substrate for the plants to root in you have quite a few options. i made little planters that suction cup to the back of the tank, you can also run a second hob but instead of filter media you just fill it with your choice of substrate (eco complete or another gravel would work well) and plant into that. it will double as filtration since bb will grow in the substrate in the filter but lots of options for you if you can get something for plants to root in.
  14. i have very hard, mineral rich water and all of my tanks start looking like that. ive always used bar keepers friend and have never had any issues long term as long as i rinse very well. i use it on the outside glass for weekly cleaning as well.
  15. go for it! lots of fun to build. i like the challenge of only being able to use the supplies you have on hand, really forces you to actually use them
  16. @akconklin thank you! ill post updates every once in a while, im hoping it becomes a jungle.
  17. one of my favorite substrates is a mix of fluval stratum and fluorite (i use dark). the two combine to make a great texture and a pretty natural look. it’s pretty easy to plant in as well, you just really need to rinse the fluorite well.
  18. the water cleared up and it tested good so i moved the shrimp in. managed to grab some photos with my camera, i do like how large the shrimp look with the distortion. accidentally let some duckweed in when adding the shrimp in.. probably going to make a feeder ring to keep the center clear. i cant wait till the plants grow in.
  19. another late night build; i had this rimless 4g shrimp cube i planned to aquascape, i had the hardscape done but i didn’t rinse the sand (fluorite onyx) and it never really settled well. i left it alone and it got overgrown in algae, i decided i was going to plant it finally and bought some crypts from an online plant farm. plants came infested with leeches which still creeps me out. i decided to catch out (what i thought) were a few remaining cherry shrimp and redo this tank. apparently the leeches weren’t hunting all of them down because there were a handful of babies. the state of the tank it took an hour of me netting this water before i caught all of the babies the leeches. i have been sanitizing the plants that were in here so hopefully these don’t come back. the shrimps. these are moving to the shrimp bowl i made earlier this week. i added some window diffuser on the back, it will help hide the ferts and food i keep on that bottom shelf. i have this nice piece of driftwood i’ve been wanting to use, it is screwed to some slate, which while it keeps it in place, it’s going to be difficult to plant above it without having a deep substrate which i don’t want i added some black river stone to match the monochromatic look, i really want the plants to pop against it. i also plant to keep other shrimp or small nano fish in here and i love the look of bright fish on black/grey. tomorrow: plant it and clean up around it, i need some major cord management.
  20. we had a crazy sunset the other day, probably from the fires that is straight from my phone, no edits. it looked like the sky was on fire, all the neighbors were out watching it.
  21. @Cory the mobile site has issues with editing posts the button disappears by going to the top. this is on iphone on chrome, if i request it as a desktop site it works fine again so im thinking it’s a mobile only issue.
  22. the closer the stem was to the surface, the deeper and brighter purple it is. this is the top of the plants: unedited photos from my phone taken just now. this is the underside, you can see a green stem going through the center on the underside that is purple on the top: im not dosing any iron into this tank, i only dose the og flourish i still have a gallon of since it’s low in nitrates, it is high light with co2 though. i just never see this plant advertised as a “red” plant when it clearly has the potential to be, well more purple.
  23. it’s only on the underside on the lower leaves, the top leaves are entirely purple
  24. this is one of my favorite plants, it grows well and really fills out large tanks. i have some growing in a high tech set up and the leaves start turning purple once they are about 4-5” from the surface. easy way to add color to all the green! anyone else getting this with their pogo? any other plants that surprised you with their color? i wasn’t aware when i got it that it does turn purple in high tech.
  25. my favorites go from 20L (more nano style), 40b (my favorite), 75g, and then 120g. i do really enjoy the 120g for the depth, it suits a lot of fish well while still taking up mostly what a 75g would take up but it is damn hard to aquascape, all big tanks are. i do really enjoy rimless cubes too, from nano all the way up to large sizes, i think cubes give very interesting dimensions for scaping.
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