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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Usually I would leave the salt in for 1-2 weeks it depends on how the fish is doing over the course of the first week all you have to do is add back in what you take out if you do a 2 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in
  2. I am not familiar with the tetra whisper filter I just looked it up they have adjustable flow so I would turn flow down and see if it becomes more active
  3. What type of filter are you using if it has to much flow that could be way he is resting on the bottom of the tank a lot
  4. I haven't kept that combination so I can't comment on that hopefully someone else can chip in
  5. When he swims does he just float back down to the bottom after swimming little
  6. Neon tetra disease is spread by your fish eating the body's of dead fish and ingesting to many pleistophora for there immune system handle leading to neon tetra disease the only way to stop the spread is to remove any fish showing symptoms so they don't die in the tank and get eaten they will typically get lumps in the muscle tissue Snout chondroma these are growth on the mouth fin loss in your picture it looks like the start of neon Tetra disease @AndyR
  7. It was mainly temperature keeping them at the higher temperature will also shorten there lifespan
  8. Rosy barbs like it cooler than angelfish with a temperature between 64-72 so I wouldn't keep the two together
  9. I would be learning towards neon tetra disease am not a 100%. Sure that's what it is or it could be a bacterial infection if it's neon tetra disease that's spread when a fish dies in the tank and other fish feed on it ingesting to many pleistophora for the immune system to handle leading to neon tetra disease currently there no treatment available other then removing any fish showing symptoms so they don't die in the tank and get eaten it can also infect Rasboras danios barbs guppies angelfish goldfish other Tetra species melafix is more like a mild antiseptic treatment it's not effective at treating anything more serious what I would do is treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for a week if after a week they look the same or have developed lumps in the muscle tissue your more than likely dealing with neon Tetra disease
  10. I would keep up with the treatment I recommended till you have dealt with ich outbreak
  11. Camallanus worms can survive without a host from between 3weeks to 3month from what I have read you can treat with flubendazole once every 4 days if I remember rightly flubendazole work the same way as fenbendazole or levamisole and paralyse the parasite making it easyer for your fish to Expel any parasites @TOtrees
  12. Just looked on planet catfish and there's no breeding reports for this species
  13. Colu

    Baby Barbs

    Your snails probably eat most of the eggs I would try using a tank with no snails if your going to try and breed them again
  14. I think they are a type of filamentous green algae it would be a more expensive option I think it would work as a food source for algaevores It's a really good quality food it will definitely get bristlenose into breeding condition
  15. I would take a step back if it were ich or Gill flukes they would have killed your fish by now fish will sometimes just rub on things for no apparent reason if he's eating ok active I wouldn't treat with ick X with amount time he has been doing this I would rule out ich or Gill flukes
  16. Dropsy is just a name that cover a multitude of illness such as polycystic kidney disease organ failure internal bacterial infections lots these can cause the characteristic pineconing you associate with Dropys what I usually recommend is a combination of aquarium salt to help reduce the fluid buildup metroplex in food that treats aeromonas that can cause some of the symptoms you see with Dropys and kanaplex to treat any possible internal bacterial infections kanaplex is also a good antibiotic treatment for kidney infection that can cause fluid buildup what I would do is just treat with metroplex in food and aquarium salt and ick X once you have treated the ich then I would do course of kanaplex if your seeing no improvement with the fish with pineconing
  17. I have been feeding the tropical hi-algae disc for over two weeks now really like them the wafer keeps it shape for 4 hours they are big wafer's and very thick so you don't have to add a lot of them to your tank it like a feeding frenzy when I add them these are going into my permanent feeding rotation I would highly recommend them to anyone with fish that require a high percentage of algae in there diet
  18. What I would do is test daily and do daily 50% water change's and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia till your ammonia constantly stays at zero I can see some white spots on the body and near the tail fin it could be Ich what I would do is treat with ick X as it requires daily water changes it will help keep your ammonia in check as well I would treat for 3 days after you see the last spots I would add a Small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as Ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes @HelplessNewbie
  19. What I would do is just use metroplex in food while treating the tank with ick X I wouldn't dose the tank with kanaplex and metroplex while treating with ick X and 1 table spoon for 5 gallons shouldn't harm your plants you can use less salt if your worried about your plants 1 table spoon for 7 gallons @FishMama814
  20. What I would do is just treat with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks and treat the tank with ick X for three days after you see the lasted spots I would also add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as Ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes kanaplex isn't very effective in food as its poorly absorbed by the intestinal tract so it's better to dose the tank I would dose the tank with kanaplex if your seeing no improvement after you finish treating with ick X
  21. It could be a fluid filled cyst or a tumor Frist I would treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon the salt will help reduce the fluid buildup if it's a cyst and maracyn2 as the active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties if it's a tumor you would have to go to a vet and have it removed
  22. How are your congo Tetras any improvement there
  23. A little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH temperature what percentage of water changes are you doing and what type of filter are you using
  24. Molly's would be a good choice and they can tolerate brackish water
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