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Everything posted by Roko

  1. No honey gouramis won't eat amano shrimps. Sometimes you will see them sometimes you won't but if your water is fine there's nothing to be stressed about.
  2. @Hobbit Yes it is but extra research is needed to be sure you are treating right thing. But as something to guide you in right direction it's pretty great.
  3. Hi everyone, i wanted to share this website as i though it could help hobbyists in diagnosing fish disease. (Just disclaimer - i don't have anything with this company but i am thinking that most of the people out of Europe didn't hear for web site.) Online Hospital WWW.JBL.DE More than 500 photos of fish diseases give everyone the opportunity to find a diagnosis and a remedy. This is JBL online hospital web page where based on symptoms you will get answers what disease your fish have, what medication to use and more about disease. JBL si German company that is well known in aquarists world in Europe they make meds, filters, tanks, lights... In my experience it's better to use TEXT version of guide but you can use picture one too. They will tell you medication based on them and what they manufacture but you can use any medication that you like just research meds for same disease. Good thing is that this site will offer possibility of secondary infections too. Use this web page as guide but make research off your own too. Good luck everyone.
  4. Roko


    @JaredL if your quarantine is cycled i would leave them in it if nothing so you can see them clearly and react if necessary. Just do more frequent water changes. If you decide to put medicine you could go with one more trio treatment but then don't do more water changes then necessary. If it's just fin rot and you are treating with clean water approach it can take few weeks until fish is recovered but definitely you should see improvement. Also feed cory with good quality food.
  5. Roko


    And just wanted to say i am not expert in treating fish for diseases so make your research especially on corys and fin rot and make your decision based on it.
  6. Roko


    It looks like fin rot to me best cure for that is clean water and good water quality and fins will grow back. If it is white cotton like stuff growing on damaged fins it's possibly secondary infection that i would treat with antibiotics. But first make sure it's not just regular fin rot. As salt goes if you don't have experience using it with corys i wouldn't use it they are sometimes sensitive to it.
  7. Wow i never seen anything like that before. It could be Lymphocistys but i can't tell for sure. Only thing you can do keep your water parameters perfect and maybe try with some wide spectrum antibiotics but i don't think it will work. Only thing i can say if that disease wipe out tank make sure to properly disinfect all stuff used for tank (nets, pipets, rocks, decoration...) and tank too. Good luck
  8. I am not from USA and i don't know your local prices etc. but this looks good to me. Only thing i am thinking is that there's not a lot of local store that would buy 20 of same kind betta fishes. Other thing is that i know for sure is that you need to grow those fish before any store want's to buy them. There isn't much value if any for store to buy small bettas invest in food, vitamins, meds, place in store etc. until they grow out and can be sold. Most of the stores will buy already grown bettas 5-10 at the time of preferably different colorations and types. Good luck with your selling.
  9. @Lolo8234 i wouldn't go so fast as adding fish next, do few water changes make sure you're parameters are stable. Wait few days maybe a week and then start adding fish again. There is no need to hurry. And make sure you have enough oxygen in water.
  10. It doesn't sound like fungal disease killed your fish (photos of disease would be helpful. To me it sounds like lack of oxygen killed your fish in the end. Do you have co2? Do you have water agitation/movment? Do you use airpump? Colder water usually have more oxygen in it and warmer water have lower level of oxygen. So i would guess that fish where in stress because of infection, probably consumed more oxygen. Then with warm water change you actually decreased oxygen content and without proper way of adding air in yank fish had suffocated. This is just my opinion and guessing based on information that you gave us.
  11. I don't see problem with the over filtration ,flow maybe I didn't have that combination but you need to try and see how fish reacts but i don't think that you will have problems. If you have problem with flow reduce it if filters have option, if not add sponge on intake and it will slow outflow when it get little bit dirty.
  12. @JPenguin12 i personally don't have experience with Apistos and Kuhli but i had Apistogrammas (cocato, agassizi, panduro, macmasteri) with corys and shrimps and i never had a problem so i don't see the reason why they wouldn't be compatible. You could add kuhli instead of cory. But depending on your fish numbers, filtration,plants and water change regime you could probably go with both. But it depends how much of each fish you will get and on everything i stated above.
  13. Biofilm is from too low water movement and from biological decomposition of things in aquarium (fish food, poop, wood etc.). Oxygen enters the water through the surface of your aquarium (surface agitation) biofilm can act as a barrier, preventing oxygen from entering your aquarium. So it could be reason that your fish don't have enough oxygen. I would add airpump in tank and that should help your fishes.
  14. It really depends on what you prefer and like. Only thing is that you have large enough group of fish that need larger groups and that they are compatible in temperature range. I personally like one type of schooling fish but in larger quantity so i would probably go with something like this- large school of galaxy rasboras trio 1:2 m:f apistogramma type that you like probably 6 otocinclus and some cory cats depending what you like
  15. Why you just don't leave airstone all the time? I don't see some obvious reason for that. I know it's African cichlid tank but do you have co2? Do you have protein film on top of the water? Are you definitely sure your parameters are fine?
  16. That's always a problem and you need to try what will work for you. Some ideas - Put food on one side and while tetras eat there add some sinking food on other side for ram. Add some food to tetras and then with tweezers add some food close to ram. Put enough sinking food so tetras doesn't have time to eat all before it drops. You could try with stick on a glass food but add it in middle of tank. Use repashy gel food, it will sink down. Good lick.
  17. You will find your answers on aquarium co-op blog. How to Care for a Dwarf Aquarium Lily WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Wish you could put lily pads in your aquarium? Check out the dwarf aquarium lily or Nymphaea stellata... Nothing to worry about if bulb isn't soft.
  18. I only acclimate ammano or neocaridina shrimps as well as fishes for temperature.
  19. You can take driftwood scrub it even boil it in water. It will be fine you have bacterias in filter and gravel. As cause of that mulm goes it is probably combination of food, poop, wood, green algae, brown algae etc. Try decreasing your light time (6-8 hours, if it is 8 now decrease to 6 or 7) and adding timer on light if you don't have one. Good luck
  20. Hi, just do more frequently water changes and try to remove as much as possible during wc. In few week it should go. Plus you can maybe lower light time to 6-7 hours, and put it on timer if you don't use one.
  21. More informations would be helpful. Stocking? Plants? Ammonia in well water? Some photos?
  22. Crypts normally melts and should grow back in time just leave them alone, in low light, no co2 tanks they grow slow. As anubias goes just remove white fungus that driftwood makes, it shouldn't rot because of it. Few photos would be helpful.
  23. Best bet would be on Repashy community plus.
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