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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. @Hobbit, your tank is gorgeous! Massive swords, epic driftwood, and nano fish.
  2. Algae is part of the system, especially in this tank.
  3. So far, I have learned that turtles: Generate waste Escape tanks Eat Plants Like flow Enjoy dry spots for sun Enjoy wet places at the waterline Move rocks Knock over filters Act cool
  4. Nerm. Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Nerd Term' | FAQs | Feedback | Opt-out 🙂
  5. Sorting gravel is mostly just agitating the sifters while they sit stacked on a bucket. I need to get a funnel for cleaner pouring from each sifter.
  6. You have created a beautiful tank, and your photographs capture the details well.
  7. The Peace River gravel is such a great size. I used my sifters to separate the Rio Grande gravel into an array of sizes for future tanks. I need to have my LFS bring in some Peace River for more of the small.
  8. I finally did another Duckweed roundup from 2 x 2.5, and 2 x 3.5 gallon tanks. Now to watch for shrimp fry. Edit: I added more water.
  9. I would leave it and enjoy it, like many of the weird surprises we find in our little ecosystems.
  10. Great news! These lights have been extremely reliable for me, including getting dunked in water.
  11. @LillyBlomqvist, these two journals cover the journey of my White Clouds and Neocaridina: I will run at least one tub outdoors again next Spring, with the knowledge that I have gained from my experience, and the forum.
  12. Try left-swiping your light in the app, and choose upgrade:
  13. I review, slightly rotate, and crop all of my photos in the Photos app. I only get a strange orientation if I photograph from directly above. I hold my iPhone so that the lens is in the upper left-hand corner. I have the guides on for rule of thirds to help me line up vertical and/or horizontal elements in each shot.
  14. I have kept several varieties of Tetras and Danios, but certainly not all. I enjoy the swimming activity of Bloodfin Tetras the most. They are very active and run loops and figure-eights around my wood and plants. Ember Tetras and CPDs are pretty shy, and Leopard Danios are bolder, but not as busy as the Bloodfin Tetras, and may be more hierarchical. Glowlight Tetras are kind-of in the middle, but underrated because people may think that they are GloFish.
  15. I have kept Neo shrimp with the White Clouds, outdoors first and then moved indoors, and the shrimp did fine. Fry will still want a high density of plants or hardscape for more safety. I will report more as the current tank matures and gets more plants. I have a couple of journals on these here, which I can link when I am off mobile.
  16. If you get into summer tubbing, those White Clouds can go outside unheated too! I love them.
  17. The library also has a goldfish tank, so I think I will leave the Anubias here for a while.
  18. We have seen several recent examples of Mycelium on the forum, and this may be another.
  19. I brought in a couple of Anubias to try, knowing the risks. I dropped them in at about 08:00. Here they are at 12:00. He bit off about four leaves, and chewed on some others. His lunch was more expensive than mine! I pulled the plants to take back home, or find another tank in the school. I'm still glad I gained first-hand knowledge.
  20. I would recommend posting on a reef forum for your Brittle Sea Star, and checking your salinity and temperature ASAP. Good luck.
  21. Cheers @Penny! This has been a fun tank for my folks. I will be adding some more Co-Op plants soon, to make it an even more stable ecosystem.
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