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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Very true. Also substrate takes up tank volume. I have a calculator down in my signature line which I use if I'm medicating a delicate species. Most recently I used it to calculate meds for my shrimps, which had parasites. I'm so sorry this happened. Don't beat yourself up too badly. You were making decisions based on your knowledge and experiences in the fish store and you were trying to treat them for illness because you cared about them.
  2. I want to say like day 3-ish? Did you run an extra airstone bychance? Meds tend to alter the viscosity (the liquid is thicker) of the water also, making it harder for the inhabitants to breathe. Not sure. The manufacturers may have some reasoning behind those instructions based on lab testing, I’m guessing. Kind of like how we’d change out 30% to dilute nitrate? You should run carbon in the tank next to remove the meds.
  3. Are you treating fish? Shrimp? This may help. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish @Colu
  4. Hi @DallasCowboys16, so sorry for your losses. While I haven’t used Maracyn and Ich X together, I did experience a die off of beneficial bacteria on my filter after using Maracyn, resulting in ammonia readings. To combat this, I did a water change with Prime before redosing. Do you know what the water parameters were between doses and if ammonia may have been present at that time?
  5. They will be fine. Adults with juveniles are not an issue. They do not exhibit behaviors such as trying to eat their young as fish do. They are very peaceful.
  6. Sad news. My snail friend did not make it and I believe they had passed even before this quarantine. I would like to think that they had a wonderful time in my tank over the past year with their 6 friends eating lots of green beans and snellos and parasnailing together. 😭
  7. @GoofyGarra I’m so sorry for your loss of the mystery snail. I believe I lost one today as well due to old age. I discovered it this morning and moved it to a quarantine, but I believe it passed during the night in the tank. I will check back on it shortly. My betta loves his tunnel too. I made it out of a PVC pipe and a suction cup, and he spends a lot of time in it. If you suction cup your tunnel to the side, you can drop your waterline so there is some air in the tunnel, and the betta will be able to take a breath while chilling out in there. Mine makes a bubble nest inside his pipe. I always think he’s lonely and want to give him buddies, but when I show him fake fish he flares and acts violent, so… A mystery snail crawled on my hand a few days ago while I was doing tank maintenance. It was so cute and felt cool.
  8. I'm glad your ram is eating. Your guppy fry are awfully cute.
  9. The leaves would need to be trimmed off. This is the supplement I use for extra potassium. I found it necessary to supplement with this when my java fern leaves were turning brown. Java fern has a higher potassium requirement and needed the extra boost, in my experience. https://greenleafaquariums.com/products/potassium-sulfate-k2so4-1lb-jar.html
  10. Someone is ill, but more likely, worse than that. I never assume so I setup a quarantine with heat and air. There is no odor, but also there are no reflexes, so this could be grim. This snail is old… all of them are at this point… 😞 I have been thinking about the lone shrimp in Geppetto’s tank (because I think he ate the other one). It stays in the cholla wood. That is no life for a shrimp. I don’t like to see a creature in isolation (fear) like that, so it has now joined my wild tank colony. I did a simple bag acclimation since the only difference is temperature. It immediately made a blue shrimp friend on a clump of moss. The blue tank has a bit of an issue. Substrate seems pretty clean and was siphoned not too long ago. I believe this is an OD of bacter AE. I will have to siphon again, but right now I’m preparing for the hurricane tomorrow. This is the substrate. It doesn’t look too bad, right? And this is the spiderwood in the blue tank. I love how the algae is growing on this. It looks so natural. The moss UFO has gotten more “fluffy” and always has shrimps hanging out on it, which is fun to see.
  11. Got the new bird bath fountain since the solar-only one only got 2-3 hours of sun and kept shutting off. I got a refund for that. This one has a battery behind the solar panel which charges when the sun is out, but when I plugged it in (without sun) it started right up, so the battery already had a charge. Great! 👍 (The cinderblock is a squirrel step)
  12. This year I have the ACO air pumps with internal battery backups. I’m excited to see how they do, if we lose power Wednesday. I’m glad I got them when I did because they’ve been selling out. Geppetto’s tank does not have one because he is a surface breather. I will likely throw a nano pump with power bank on his tank anyway so he has filtration. His tank has some plant melt going on right now. I have 4 power banks charging and will switch to those w/ nano pumps after the ACO battery-pumps quit, if it comes to that. Hopefully the power will be restored by then. I will fast the shrimps and 29gal tomorrow. I can’t ever fast Geppetto or he gets mad and will bite his tail, so he will get a few pellets in the morning. Also I will get the breeder box ready. I keep the media in that so it doesn’t dry out in the HOB. That worked well last year.
  13. I was doing water changes and the Alexa shuffled this one in amongst some Neil Young and some PM&Wings. I had never heard it before. I love it!
  14. Oh man... what a mystery. Heartbreaking. I noticed that other hobbyists have had a similar experience with pea puffers. These little ones had the best caretaker though! It just seems they are a difficult species to keep. I'm sorry for your loss @FLFishChik Also thanks for keeping us updated along the way.
  15. Well apparently I’m listening to this. Which I think is incredible. 🤟✌️ At first you'll be like, wuuuut?? is thisssss? And then you won't be able to shut it off.
  16. The hummingbirds do not know my feeder yet but the very first hummer came today after I added this firecracker plant yesterday! 😍😍😍 The feeder is above this plant.
  17. Whoa! Very next day- first blooms! They are pink!
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