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Everything posted by Pekitivey

  1. Thank you both. I like the idea of just one hour in the AM for feeding. gives me more time to play with in the PM. Might do 6-7AM then 6PM to midnight.
  2. Looking for some guidence on timing the lights on my Oscar tank. Its my first time with a large cichlid and non planted tank, and also my first time playing with wifi plugs. What are peoples opinions? ideally i want light in the morning for feeding and i want lights to be on until 11PM at night. Should I have them off during the day for a long peroid?
  3. Would the same be true for guppies or other livebearers
  4. Seen a lot about smart wifi plugs recently in CO-OP vids, but living in ireland means i cant order. I did a little searching on amazon and got four of these. mixed reviews but hoping they work out. https://www.amazon.co.uk/TP-LINK-Tapo-Wireless-Required-P100/dp/B07Z942YWS/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=smart+plug&qid=1601626973&s=books&sr=1-2-catcorr
  5. Didn't do a good enough job rinsing 25kg of gravel for my new 240L Oscar tank so went in with a gravel vac and removed a lot of the filth/dust that comes with new gravel. Still a new ish tank and not got a lot of "SEASONED TANK TIME" so will do sponges from the large internal Eheim filter in another few days, im guessing a lot of dust has gotten on there. Also put a zizz bubbler filter on the tank. The Oscar is really enjoying checking it out. Plus some water changes on my other two (much smaller) tanks.
  6. So I have constructed this water change system because I dont wanna fork out the money for a python, and because i like to DIY. its bassically a hose with a coat hanger zip tied and tapped to one end and bent into a hook and the other end has a connection for my tap. This hose both drains and then fills the tanks. I added the little inline valve (as seen in the pics) so i coiuld shut of the syphon, move tanks and start it again super easy. the valve also serves when filling as i can get the water line where i like with out running out to shut off the tap. My potential issue is that when i store the hose (coiled and hanging) i keep the valve closed and this keeps alot of the water trapped in. therfore when i change water the next time, as soon as i open the valve the syphon starts automatically. I am curious to peoples opinions on : 1) By leaving the waterin the hose between water changes am I risking a bacteria build up in the hose that i could be introducing to my tanks? 2)Should I just suck it up (pun very much intended) and manually start the syphon each time. 3) What do you think of my homeamde Python?
  7. I plan on moving to house in the future with a new softener and am wondering the same. I understand the salt replacement thing. But are you saying the levels of salt in the water will be ok for aquariums? On a side note, let's say the bypass works and I just use that, but then I'm mixing hot water from the same tap.... Doesn't that defeat the purpose because the hot water will have been softened? Also I lik the hardness for at least some of my tanks because.... Livebearers haha
  8. For me it was feeding frozen and a variety of foods. When I started out in the hobby all I knew was the generic flake food. Now I love trying new foods and frozen and understanding what they have to offer
  9. Be interesting to do some testing around this to see the difference in temperature
  10. Hi Daniel, thankful it only lasted an hour! It was completely unexpected as no storms or rough weather. Our national electrical company were on the case pretty fast and had it sorted. I live in a small town in Waterford, Ireland. Maybe only a few hundred people. Nearest city is an hour. So I was surprised it was fixed as quick. We plan to build a house in the near future and I will 100% be building in redundant power for when this happens.
  11. Just had a power outage and it's gonna get to about 4 degrees Celsius here tonight. I've wrapped my three tanks in every possible blanket and sleeping bag I have. Anything else I can do?
  12. I legit said that in the comment thread over there haha. Also I love neon tetras before someone jumps on me haha
  13. Man, I got slated on that thread for saying I put my smaller fish in the trash or feed them to my dogs/cats. Where my larger more important fish to me get burried. Even some of my more lovable guppies. Some of the replies couldn't get over how I value some fish more than others. "All fish are equal" apparently I have to have the same affection for my Oscar as I do a random neon tetra.
  14. I bet that's true. You could achieve that. But I also feel for the person that needs to and willing to go to that much effort, they could probably set up an RO unit with the same effort. That's assuming they actually needed one. In most cases I bet people who do it.. .. don't need it.
  15. Glad to hear you found the balance. I've also noticed that the four week timer thing on the Britta filter is useless. I only get about 2 weeks before the filter clogs and becomes useless. So for me anyway there is to many variables to get it right.
  16. I have been thinking about this since I read it. I have very hard water with lots of calcium. And if I use the water straight from my tap in the kettle the element gets super crusty with calcium deposits. So I use a Britta to filter the water for the kettle. With me so far? So by removing the calcium you remove the buffer..... Hence the PH swings. Crushed coral or wonder shells would help this as they slowly release calcium and stuff back into the water, if you were to continue using the Britta. Or just get the fish used to the tap water and use some dechlorinator.
  17. What are the nitrate levels? If close to 40 then maybe. Try and establish a routine so you feed the same amount and change the same amount of water consistently. As the plants grow this will change tho as the bigger the plant the more food including nitrates it will eat
  18. I don't add ferts to many nano tanks as a test (swords, stems, Java fern, Anubis's) I'm not saying what I do is good as it's too soon to tell but I like to over feed all my tanks (especially my guppy tank) and then I've got panda Cory's and snails to pick up the left overs. My hope is that everyone gets what they need including the plants. (I've got hard water but no idea what is in there only that it's full of calcium) I found so far that my nitrates tend to be higher than when I didn't feed so heavy. I try my best to keep them below 40ppm and so far so good. Guppy's thriving. Paradise fish and dwarf frogs thriving. Plants looking pretty good now (some still recovering from a rescale) Basically I hope to over feed to give plants more than enough and hope the "clean up crew" do their bit
  19. Yes the swords and the stem plant were not too happy with me! It's taken a few weeks but there seems to be some new growth now which is encouraging. I only used the cheap substrate from my LFS. so it's not branded or anything. Bit swords like to feed from the roots more than most plants and it all seems to be working out now. Best of luck with your endeavours. Please post some pics on this thread so we can see how it works out for you!
  20. Just seen a youtube vid from Fluval taking about their new UV steriliser. What are peoples initial thoughts?
  21. You can get really awesome wall posters that are maps but the difference is you can scratch of the countries you've been too. Like a lottery scratch cards kinda thing. If that makes sense.
  22. And how do you differentiate PPI and mg/l is there like a chart to compare them
  23. Id actually get over the shaking. What really grinds my gears is how you have to shake between bottles. So the lid gets all wet on the inside and then it drops leak out on the second shake. I also have this problem when I make my kids bottles 😂😂
  24. I think I'll add the GH and KH to the inventory eventually. I like the test strips for a quick nitrate check to see if I'm still on course. Not cheap here in Ireland. About 18euros
  25. That's actually really clever!!! I literally just finished painting my 65G black. And I'm feeling it's all a little plain because I've got an Oscar. So wanna leave the decor to a minimum. I'm pretty sure I've got that guppies twin sister by the way. Along with the frogs twin brother 😂😂
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