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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. Im daydreaming about a cherry shrimp centered community tank, but dont actually want to restock my tank. Id keep the plants but i would have cherry shrimp amano shrimp hillstream loach mystery snail Mini-ramshorn snail (im not getting rid of these, itd be to hard, and they are so fun to watch) id keep my panda garra
  2. what species? My corydoras have laid eggs on plants 2/40 times theyve spawned (i dont count these things), both times it just looked like they missed the wall, but mine have layed on the top side of leaves before. laying on the bottom side of leaves is often a behaviour attributed to Harlquin Rasbora breeding. kind of like this picture, Harlquin Rasboras like to lay eggs on overhangs: (my cories are albino aeneus just and FYI)
  3. @nabokovfan87 as with most things. it depends what plants. If you are growing anarchis and hornwort, those things are invasive in places that get into the teens in the winter. other plants might not be so good though. Please clarify what types of plants you plan on keeping in this tank.
  4. Ive just realized my mistake, i was so concerned with sick fish last night, i forgot to set up BBS. Im sorry corydora fry. also @Colu i cannot get a good picture the fish are afraid of the camera, ill keep dosing maracyn and at what point should i water change out the salt? Tank pictures:( to clarify these are NOT the QT tank, but the display tank). John the betta in his root tab betta tunnel i got the picture wrong for this one, but its just platies and plants. can you find any cory fry? (also a photobombing platy) general picture of my tank.
  5. @Colu fish have been in seperate tanks for a few weeks now, i will continue salt and maracyn treatment as suggested, one fish has it by the lips, the other its by the tail. unrelated to this comment: i was looking through some old papers, and i found a previous fish plan i made, i guess my younger self was pretty smart. here was the plan: BNP pygmy cories white cloud mountain minnows glowlight tetras it would have been a nice tank, the issue IMPULSE BUYING. my LFS didnt have ANY of these fish when i went (or so i thought, i probably didnt look hard enough) so i got platies instead, and thus my adventure began with these fish.
  6. very useful trick, especially since this piece of wood is large, and well planted so i cant pull it out and glue the plant that way. yes, i swear, super glue will take 1000years to stick a plant to wood, but 2seconds to stick to my fingers.
  7. this is a thread of me looking for a new addition for my community tank,not a tank reset,so hence psuedemogials, tetras, rasboras.
  8. @anewbie cichlids.have the wrong behaviors and sizes then what im looking for.
  9. I would like to thank @Guppysnail for the help she gave me without realizing it. I was looking at @A3M0N's journal and guppysnail suggested suction cupping anubias to a tank wall, and it made me think. I have a large anubias in my tank that WILL NOT no matter what i do, stick the the wood with super glue, but its near the wall, so i have just used an airline holder suction cup, to hold it in place, much easier now. the other thing thats new is ANOTHER sick platy, looks external, she has been moved to my 2gallon tank, which now has ick-x and maracyn dosed in it (for a small tank i used approximate amounts). but il get the expert on this @Colu here is a picture: c fish wont behave for a picture, but its a small white patch at the back of the fish. (the other large platy possibly has culimanaris, this tank is a hospital tank at the moment)
  10. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/baby-fish-food?_pos=10&_sid=1ae08ab80&_ss=r
  11. @anewbie tank is a 20high, moderately planted. also if you could expand the list, what would you add?
  12. I have recently posted a topic about favorite tetras, so i came down to a few contenders, so vote on your favorites of these: Lemon Tetras Black Neon Tetras X-ray tetras Glowlight Tetra Cherry Barb (not a tetra but a consideration) Red Neon Blue Eye rainbowfish which ones is your favorite on this list? as the questions have been asked, tank is a 20High
  13. i cant have anything fin-nipping my betta,the betta is very peaceful/shy
  14. @Katherine if your children like mystery snails, it might be fun to do a smaller snail, i really like mini-ramshorn snails, they are rather active for snails, and you can keep a ton of them, for me they are SO entertaining to watch.
  15. who does? unless they are a fishkeeping hobbyist, some sort of biologist, or a conservationist
  16. i never said this was a good idea, just if you REALLY wanted to test it...
  17. @Katherine for purple fish, look into Elegant Cories, they are small cories (1.5in) and are harder to find, but have a nice purple/blue to them.
  18. can someone please post a picture of a berried rili shrimp? i have one that i think is berried but im not sure.
  19. @The endler guy this black fish was the child of the fish i got from my LFS, or its child, I dont know the color scheme farther back, and i have no good way of knowing, its easier now because all my current fish are bred in my tank, and none came from the store, but it leaves me confused.
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