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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. ive noticed my dwarf aquarium lily doing something odd, it sent a stem out of the water. the other stems i have from when i cut off the pads, the stems just float there, but in this case it is out of the water. is this just a case of low water level, or is something else happening? @Coryyou are a aquatic horticulturist @nabokovfan87 you would know who on this forum knows about this stuff, please @ them. please help me.
  2. @coffee do you have any fish in the tank? they will happily eat them, and i dont think these worms are harmful, ive had them before.
  3. no offense to @TheSwissAquaristbut i logged on today, 24notifications, and at least %50 percent of them were you (i follow you). I saw my nerite snail today! i havent seen her in so long moving, that ive forgotten about her. @Guppysnail does having multiple make them less shy? im working on hatching some live BBS for the cory fry, they are doing well. @Colu the sick fish have recovered with the salt and maracyn, im going to leave them in to make sure for a few days. Hair algae is STILL outbreaking, sorry platies, you are going to be fasted. i wish there was a way to fast the platies, but not the baby cories, well, downsides of a breeder box. anubias petite that i propagated a few weeks ago is growing back strong: my water is cloudy, it looks like ill need to replace the filter floss: i forgot to get a BBS picture. but i have a new song (sing to the tune of Whopper) Platy,Platy,Platy,Platy Standard,Highfin,Plumetail platy put them in a tank and be ready breed fish today with Platay keep fish today You're cool! (dont copyright infringement me on this, please)
  4. @nabokovfan87@Guppysnail here is what i ended up doing: first i tried the siphon into a net trick, it was hard, and i lost a fry in the process. . (i got around 1/5th of the mulm this way) then i switched to an old school net, i swept it along the bottom, and the one fry in the way moved. I got maybe 3/5ths of it this way. i still have some left, but hopefully not way too much that would cause a problem. here is my equipment: the breeder box looks like this now: ( i didnt get all of it, but most of it):
  5. ill post some pics of catfish good luck finding them 😆.
  6. At some point you all will get bored of me posting pictures of a dirty breeder box 😆 (I count 9) : the photos arent the best, but can you spot any fry? i have gotten very good at finding them, as apposed to someone else thats looked for them and said "3, no wait one's moving 4". they are getting bigger, BBS isnt ready yet though.
  7. @Ahughes1805 they are copepods. harmless little creatures, fish my eat them, but they wont hurt anything.
  8. i can make good guesses of the genus, but specific plants i cant identify. i can know, "this is an abubias" but not "this is anubias xyz"
  9. @Lacey Grant ive done this. In my experiences the moss will tolerate the water for a few weeks, then die, then come back growing submersed.
  10. @Katherine let us know if you want some ideas.
  11. if i get a plant from aquariumcoop its already identified, when i get it from my LFS, i try to figure out the type, but often even they dont know, as long as i can grow it, i dont really care though.
  12. @AndyP ACO doesnt sell longer tubes, you would have to make your own, possibly from PVC.
  13. @TheSwissAquarist i have been doing this for a while, i have ended up possibly having infusorians but also green water, and mostly copepods. i filled a peanutbutter pretzel container with old tank water, squeezed out filter media into it, put it into sunlight, and occasionally put it food, i bet if i needed it i could use that to feed fry.
  14. that might be true, to my knowledge i have never bought a sick fish from tropical, however i have bought 1 fish from CA and it was fine so i cant really make a judgement call. I went to CA for the panda garra because the few times i went to look, TL didnt have any. (funny story i went a few weeks ago and they did have one, but i already bought mine). Also could we maybe move this is a PM @The endler guy to avoid spamming everyone that doesnt live near these stores.
  15. @DaniV its just hair algae, im encountering it myself. I am using a mix of hungry platies, and manual removal with planting tweezers.
  16. they do!? everything ive seen says that they are snail safe.
  17. @jwcarlson im dont go anywhere near a movie of a book until ive finished the book.
  18. there were 2 ways i saw you could interpret that sentence, i guess i chose the wrong way. maybe try to show her some pygmy cories at the LFS, see if she likes those.(next time you go)
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