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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. How are the temps doing? Have you ever used paracleanse on the fish? Unfortunately I don't know if it's prudent to focus on the internal parasites as an issue, the epistylis, or the severe oxygenation issues. I can't really say what's going on and it seems like everything is quickly becoming a moving target. Monitor them daily for a few things. If it helps to have a record, please post the details here. 1. What is the temp? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate tests. 2. We're any meds added or water change completed (and how much). 3. Did they eat? 4. Any weird behaviors? 5. Status of white spots on the fish. (Same, more, less, etc.) If you have the ability to do so, add another air stone.
  2. I seriously had an image of Joe running around the grocery store trying to find Larry. 😂
  3. Can confirm, it's very easy to overfeed the fish too. 😂 Tank looks good though, so clear! Try this method.... obviously modify the method because you don't need to drain+fill the tank, but the brush and peroxide method works pretty well.
  4. Very nice setup. Make sure your epiphyte plants aren't buried in the substrate. Looks like you even got an Anubias flower!
  5. Oh wow. @Goldie Blue please check this out!
  6. Congratulations on finding a home for the shrimp. Hopefully they continue to thrive and do well! For blooms I think it's just water changes, clean filters, and time. If it lingers, I just tend to add some ceramic media or lava rock or something to the tank.
  7. Yes. Ich-x. Dose it per the bottle instructions after a water change indicated on the bottle. Salt, I would recommend 1 TBSP per 2 gallons. I'm sorry about all the losses and struggles. I really empathetize and wish there was more we could do.
  8. I just got one in the mail today so I wasn't using the coarse one anymore. I prefer the marineland ones. I have one of the co-op nano prefilters that I think is a little bit finer than the big sponges. I have a lot of issues with hole size vs. sponge size. The nice thing about the ML ones is that they will always be one size, the hole is just a different size. two size holes, very easy to use. Fluval also has nice nano ones. Clean them often enough (once a week or so) and it's not a big deal of them choking or clogging. Some people clean weekly, others monthly, some people never.
  9. I found some flash plecos. I really am considering a colony, but IDK if they make sense for my setup. I do enjoy them..... Most people have skittle shrimp tanks, I would love to have (and have had) 3-4 species of pleco in my tank before. All really cool and I enjoyed watching each of them do their own, unique things.
  10. It's preference. Cory designed his sponge to run for a longer time and it does come at a cost (lower mechanical filtration capability) That being said, there is a variety of foams available and there's a lot of different options out there for what "works well" based on application. For a matten style filter, I think one major concern is the density of the foam and it's ability to trap, i.e. lock in, the debris. It's a slower flow style filtration and the ability for that foam to trap debris is important. It takes effort to remove it and you're going to compress it/release some debris when you do so. You can look at the structure of the foam itself, even in the co-op sponge vs. other sponges. There's open-cell, closed cell, but the main thing you'll see in difference is the structure. Something like a matalla mat is similar structure to what you see in the co-op sponge filter, while the one above, hikari, and other brand sponges are more similar to something like "memory foam" style of sponge. (structure of course, not elasticity) Here's some side by side comparisons. 20ppi vs. 25ppi vs 30ppi (in order) The last photo is a bit distant, but as the PPI goes up, you see it's "finer". The particles that flow through are smaller and it's a bit harder for things to get stuck internally. Meaning, it might be easier to clean. What this means is that if you have a 15-25ppi sponge compared to something like 45-55ppi, it takes more pressure to remove the debris from the finer sponge, BUT it also is harder for that stuff to get deeper into the sponge. Something to think about. Visually, here's a cool example. How do things "flow through" the structure, this is what you want to keep in mind. In terms of baby fish, shrimp, snails, plant debris, algae, food particles, and actual waste, what is the best thing for your situation? What is the application like? Using a sponge in an air powered filter is much different than using foam in a canister filter. It's night and day. One of those is purely setup for mechanical filtration, as opposed to the other being primarily biological with some mechanical ability. It's like everything else for me, how the sponge feels (if it's "crunchy" or if it's easy to clean), it's very difficult to tell without time in my hands and using it to really know. Find a foam you like to work with, go from there. After you use it for a year, if it isn't destroyed, quality stuff and I would recommend it. It also may not stop some pretty big debris from getting into the pump impeller.
  11. Unfortunately a lot of designs out there are copy and paste. The ziss box is unique enough to where I don't think you would have the issue mentioned. I have a very similar floating style breeder box and on some tanks there's no gaps, but in other situations there is one. There's softer mesh style ones as well that might work a little better in your situation as well. There are also hang-on breeder boxes too, fluval now sells them, but they were formerly labelled under Marina. There are a plethora of ways to solve a problem and a lot of those result in various "solutions" all deemed to be the same thing. "breeder box" sells a lot better than "floating chamber made of some sort of acrylic like plastic to hold fish for a time period away from other fish and works best on a 10G tank". In my case, finding one that actually works well on a 75G has been a really particular issue.
  12. I'm sure another 75 would fit right there.... Heck. 60G so it looks all fancy and tiered heights. The tank looks AWESOME @FLFishChik. I'm excited to see what you do with it. It'll be so much of a different experience with this tank. I'm excited for you. The 75G versatop lids are pretty awesome, but get whatever brand to match the tank. One of the "best things" about those size tanks is the affordable lids are actually nice.
  13. temp is higher on the spectrum, which means that you have less oxygenation for those fish. I don't think rainbows need to be that hot and it would help the plants too to be a bit lower, but I will let someone who is more in tune with the rainbow side of things to help us out. Maybe @mynameisnobody can help us out! That being said..... Temp is warmer, so you should have an airstone or added oxygenation. You're adding salt, which further extends that need for more aeration and oxygenation. It's a lot harder to move saltwater compared to freshwater, physically. The fish are giving you signs of low oxygen by going to the surface and breathing rapidly. I don't think the salt is to blame here, but it made a variable worse. Welcome to the forums too @Elyse Douglas!
  14. There's a bright orange tail! 😂 To be fair, she does go a bit nuts at night and I wish it was easier to share. Her "I'm gonna go on an adventure tonight" moments are pretty cool as long as it isn't very jarring and worrisome. There will be some silver in there and I do have plans for something that isn't (as jet black), but we'll see what happens. Trying to find what I want to find at the right cost is definitely a factor. Ah, love it. There are albino tigers too! I was leaning towards 2-3 specific barbs, but I hadn't considered the golds. I tent to want more vibrant greens and blues. I'm excited to see how much the tank develops given all the plants and how they could (potentially, if they grow) alter the landscape a bit! It would seem so blacked out or stark. The colors will definitely pop. If I knew someone with a LOT of rummynose rasboras... I'd be tempted 🙂 Welcome to the forums! She did grow up with a lot of barbs and tigers especially. I am sure she misses them!
  15. That's awesome. I love the good stewardship. I wonder what is the hummingbird of the fish world. Something that helps spread corals I would imagine... Hm.....
  16. Hey everyone, I may, potentially, be able to do one small fish order and add something that isn't just corydoras to the tank. Grace the shark is in there now and it's not something where she won't be happy to have a few friends in there with her. I want to ask.... take a moment and just look at the photo and tell me what stocking comes to mind. Water is generally softer (around 7 PH, KH is 3-4) and hardness is in the middle somewhere. 6-8 normally. Right now, the plan is to get some plants, get a pleco, some otos, SAE, maybe some amanos. I have my own ideas, but you can see the just of the space and there's plenty of opportunities there.
  17. Yeah. That looks like epistylis to me. I'll grab treatment notes. @Colu does that look like Epi to you as well? Treatment notes: Ich-x + maracyn 2 (or kanaplex) + salt and the other instructions listed in this post on this thread. Very hard to treat with the bacterial meds given the ammonia. If there's any way to give that tank stability it would help.
  18. The eyes are definitely a bit definitive as to the fish. Interesting. Maybe albino cherry barb? Hard to tell until it grows up a little.
  19. My corydoras, I had them for a long time before I decided to treat for worms fully. Symptoms were basically lethargy and not eating well. After trying a ton of foods and all these things. I ended up treating and it was like a whole new fish.
  20. Add an air stone to the tank and see if that helps. Shrimp will do the same thing when trying to get to oxygenated water.
  21. There's some baffles you can get on Etsy as well as things to split the output flow.
  22. Not necessarily. If there is one that is pale, I would move it to QT and treat for internal parasites. If you can get a video or image of the one lying on the substrate that would be helpful. I don't think that is very typical behavior. I would start with Expel-P (make sure you black out the tank for 24 hours) and then a treatment of paracleanse. You'll need a minimum of 4 treatments for this to be effective. Very normal. Very very very difficult to see. Hm. Is it on its actual side "laying down" or is the fish just hiding?
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