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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Interesting! I haven't had any issues with the fine mesh seachem ones. I got one of the "telescoping shrimp nets" and it's not great in terms of handle quality or build quality. That sort of material being "stiff" might be useful for what you do as well and giving them a cave to swim into.
  2. I've had it happen with an old magnet in an impeller. If the impeller doesn't "seat" all the way into the pump cavity you could see some issues. I would just inspect the impeller and shaft for any sort of issues. Add some silicone grease when you do it, if possible. @Colu Let us know if you ever figure out the puzzle! Edit: It shouldn't be possible to clock it at a weird angle (limiting flow), but this is another thing to check is working properly. Should be same design on most or all of the Oase's.
  3. Yeah. They are glass cleaning machines once the lights go out. Fun to watch and always named "bubba." I really do love most / all plecos and not picky at all. I would love to breed flash plecos one day in the shrimp tank, but it's not something that would happen soon. One day I'm sure you'll have one for me, no worries at all! 🙂 I was so indecisive in my pleco purchasing when I first had the 55/75G setup I had 5 species in the tank and enjoyed all of them. They all behaved uniquely and just had their own behaviors. At that point I didn't even know what L numbers were or "fancy" plecos. Discovering places like planet catfish and other cool resources, learning about more species, it's really inspiring and makes you want to have a rack and a fish shop. It's the catfish bug in me, I like plecos and corydoras a whole lot.
  4. Hey hey Everyone! I am one of those people that attempts to plan ahead and it's that shopping season time of year for the holidays. I wanted to put together a brief list of my own ideas and ask the hivemind for some of your ideas! What would you like to see in your fishy stocking or gift to fishy friends? Here's mine, I was thinking about things might not be relatively fish specific, but always seem so useful! Fish shipping bags or heat packs Nature themed Art Command Brand Hooks, specifically these ones work well for me) A good pair of pinsettes or aquascaping tools of any kind Seachem Nets (I just really love these ones) moss thread bottle of plant fertilizers of some kind Aqueon Nutrinsect food! (specifically this one because of the whole shark conservation ties) Stainless Steel Tumbler / Cup for tool storage A "Tool" drying mat / Silicone Drying Mat (Oxo has great ones) Coral Feeder or Turkey Baster pipe cleaners, Impeller brushes, or tube cleaning brushes Hand towels or as Mark's Shrimp Tanks would call them.... Floor Towels A nice rug to sit on (Definitely wont fit in a stocking) Gift cards for a fish purchase (Looking at you Aquahuna and Dan's Fish!) A "coupon" for a future visit to the LFS that can be redeemed through the year (your friend gets to go with you sort of thing, useful if that person really doesn't want to go too often or enjoy the hobby) Lots of Coffee to sip while waking up to the fish.
  5. LOL. Definitely unsure about that, but yeah. I definitely don't want to be "old" yet. 😂😂
  6. It's for the 75G. Just something that loves to clean up glass is best. My go to last time was the Rubberlips. I also had a normal / black BNP. Pretty much they just have to be able to go with corydoras, barbs, and my RTBS. The smaller tank with the shrimp is a 29G and has a clown, but I am considering something specific for pleco breeding if I ever figure out how to sell fish online.
  7. What do you mean by debris? manzanita is pretty much known for having that type of flaking "bark". Spiderwood I think is fine from all I've seen. Pacific driftwood (ghost wood) as well as mopani is really good at being dense chunky wood that doesn't really fluff too much into the water in my experience. I use both and have pretty clear tanks when running pumps. If you use moss in some way too, it can act as a fine filter too and catch things, then shrimp and other stuff will eat off that. In terms of big wood you're going to only have very few options. Basically something with the term "driftwood" in it. Ghostwood or pacific driftwood does come is really big sizes. Manzanita (the big pieces) can be similar and long/tendril style pieces. The only other one that comes close is malaysian driftwood. It just depends on what you want for a shape. In terms of using big pieces of wood, here is one I like, with that big driftwood style piece of wood. Just imagine it fits in your tank properly. 😂
  8. 😂 I don't know why the lemons / albino types of fish freak me out a bit. Maybe I was scarred from the white bat in ace ventura as a kid? No idea. I seriously appreciate it though. I was trying to get some of OD's Red BNP or just find some local. I do plan to get barbs from Dan's fish and might be able to get one from them as well.
  9. It's called a rummynose rasbora another name for them is Sawbwa barb. Scientific name is: Sawbwa resplendens
  10. You'll have to tell me about these. 🙂 I need a pleco again. (why I can't go to the LFS to buy one is beyond me)
  11. I was just talking with @Odd Duck about these! Trying to find what is the "go-to" source for certain things. I think the co-op ones come from plecoceramics? (Not sure, but they look similar) and they do have a ton of really natural looking, awesome decor. They also do sell on amazon, which does help cut a bit of the shipping cost too. I have some from this place, Love em. I just have the basic rectangular at different sizes. From the last time I checked, they do get expensive to ship, but I like the selection / style they have. I have the darker brown shade to try to hide them a bit better into the wood, but they do have 3-4 colors AND.... they do have "packs" where you get a set of varying sizes and colors. https://plecocaves.com/
  12. Go for it! On that left side of the tank, you take some zip ties, suction cups, and some grid material (acrylic white or black) and you could have an awesome little moss wall. 🙂 I started one in mine, hoping to cover the back panel and the right sidewall.
  13. I checked my tank today. 2 air powered filters, 1 with a jetlift and one standard ziss airstone, Not a big bioload at all, a pump designed for a 150G pond.... It's pretty good in terms of the setup, but there is particulate in the water and I can't really get the "suction" to increase any more without using a pump.
  14. That's too awesome if/when you fill that tank up. I can only imagine how much you'll love it! Please do yourself a favor and get a 60 if you can. it's just "deeper" meaning you don't have the narrow front to back. It's slightly nicer to work with and you just get a stand for a 75G. I still have my 55G stand for that eventual 33L or 30G long, whatever the tank size is. I basically Loved having the 4 foot long tank, but a 55 is so hard to work in for me. (very tall and just so narrow front to back) Front to back: 12" vs. 18" Height: 21" tall vs. 16" tall (60B" is less tall)
  15. Yeah, I'm right there with you! I tried swordtails + corydoras in mine. I would imagine something like danios, barbs would go to town on them as well.
  16. I'm totally going to get tripped out thinking you have a tank full of amanos at some point. 😂 Beautiful shrimp!
  17. Congratulations, that's really awesome news! It'll be good to see the relationships develop over time and how things develop with the LFS. Are they a partner store? Always good to see when people at the stores work with customers. I had some folks at the big box store that absolutely had the mindset to do so, but the management wouldn't allow it. Tried to bring in cool fish, anything non-common was a once every few months occasion. I remember the day they brought in SAEs and my jaw dropped. I think I made 4-5 trips that week just to research, try to ID if it was the True SAE or the False SAE. I'm excited for you, that's awesome. 🙂
  18. Here's a video of the action. Be sure to read reviews, as always issues do pop up.
  19. Should be fine. I use it on mine all the time (seachem brand) and I've been doing it for near a decade at this point. Neos have been exposed to it, no issues multiple uses. In terms of answering is this the solution, I would try the Jetlifter and then decide if it is or isn't. Essentially, you need the circulation to push it towards the sponge but the sponge has to be churning air to make sure the particles stick to the fine filter media. I am messing with my tank today, I have no real idea on the clarity, but I can check it out. I will make a mental note in future and check it out. I'll snag a quick photo before I mess with the tank and siphon today and give you an idea of how well you can clarify things with a sponge filter only setup. In my case, I have a tidal 35 I have specifically for polishing, you can also use a skimmer for the same sort of thing or a tiny internal filter. All of those should be pretty easy to make shrimp safe and they really don't have jobs outside of that one use. I've also used a small sicce syncra nano pump and a fine prefilter sponge as a "build it yourself" nano pump and that's pretty dope too. The only issue is output, but EH. Shrimp safe in about 3 seconds flat and very easy to keep in there and maintain. Without clarifier, but just fine sponge and a ton of air.
  20. Pro is a million times better for me. My issue with the egg one / ADV is that the clips are pretty tight and cold tanks don't help to get them off and the egg shape is seriously unfriendly for the hands to get things open intuitively. I know you have had great success with them. I love my ziss bubble bios for similar ease and awesomeness, but I would lean way harder into the newer versions if you go that route. And as it's a sicce, great overall pumps and longevity.
  21. That's amazing and awesome. Dan's fish just brought in some from Germany, I believe the same scientific name. So if anyone has some ideas about major breeding projects and needs some genetics variation long term it might be a great resource. Co-op now has a partner code with them, so that's awesome as well! Cc @Fish Folk ^^
  22. For sure. You could even have it on the tank, taped or something, then cover that whole paper with the vinyl to give you the same protection like laminating it.
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