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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Replace it with Salvinia mini and send us all some!!!!!! 😂 Joking aside, the real way to use it is as food for chickens / livestock if that is something they can eat, or compost. You could also use it as a means of paying for food or other items by selling some on the local seller apps (offerup, letgo, etc.)
  2. Plants and all that, location of those aside this is where I would start.... A. What does that wood look like in the tank in terms of other rotations of that piece? (marked in purple in this image). B. I would move the filters inward 1/3 of the tank just to improve flow (red arrow), and move the heater to the center to improve circulation of the heat (blue arrow). Black background would help to hide that if that's an eyesore. C. I would remove that anubias, sort of figure out where to put / rotate the wood. Can always reattach it later, but that's just so you can see what's going on and potentially try to locate that piece of hardscape in a way it's more vertical if that makes sense for an orientation. The hobbit house would go right where that pink arrow is on the substrate in front as a feature to pull your eye in. Middle of the tank would be open a little bit more or as a place for plants to carpet and accent the "front lawn" of the house.
  3. Not sure if you were able to see it, but in the video it's on both eyes. That first photo the fish was moving, the "wound" that looks like a discoloration on the body is just algae on the glass and the only issue is the white on the eyes. I honestly can't tell if it's cloudy or blindness and so I'm at a loss on this one. Does that change anything in terms of trauma being a culprit here?
  4. Hey everyone, I had a bit of a freakout this morning. Thought I had an ich outbreak, still might, but that's something to monitor going forward. I saw a wound / white mark on one of the fry and it looks like he just injured himself, but could be indicative of ich starting to form. In the midst of my looking for Ich I found this guy. He is a new fry, born in november / december, so very new fry. He is undersized compared to the rest of the group and there is a small group of them that hang out in the S.Repens carpet. they are all similar in size, which is about 1/2 the size of the rest of the fry at that time. Now, behavior wise I see zero issues. there's no signs of stress, just a very different appearance. I did try to capture on video, potentially the eyes moving which gives you an idea that it is the eye and it might be the iris itself. Let me know your thoughts. Much appreciated. Black Corydoras Tank: Temp: 71.6 Phosphate: 3.0 ppm Ammonia: 0 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: 5-15 ppm (Difficult to read!) PH: 7.0 KH: 60 GH: 150
  5. You could verify in the manual, but most of the time it's based on water level. Has to be below the water for the siphon aspects to function. I don't think having the pipe short is recommended because then it means it's too tight of a bend. You want to keep in mind those braces on the rim, use those as a guide for minimum bend radius. Especially having to disconnect and re-attach the pipes, you might want to give yourself some slack to do so (a few inches). Whatever that "minimum distance" is, it's going to take into account all of those factors.
  6. Correct. Does the air pump work if you set it up just to power an air stone in the tank?
  7. Black Corydoras: Stocking: wellbeing of inhabitants 8 Stocking: looks 8 Plants: variety 1 Plants: health/growth 4 Decor (wood, stone, etc): 8 Ease of care: 3 Daily Enjoyment: 7 General Appearance: 7 Panda Corydoras: Stocking: 3 looks 1 Plants variety: 2 Plants: health/growth 1 Decor (wood, stone, etc): 3 Ease of care: 8 Daily Enjoyment: 8 General Appearance: 1 I can explain these if someone is interested but needless to say it's a project to get the tanks to where I'm happy with them. It'll get there.
  8. Leave the sponge itself in the tank. Take the rest of it to somewhere that you can take photos of everything please. There's a few reasons stuff like this happens and so we have to look into a few things. Question, does the air stone itself work alone without the sponge filter?
  9. Ammonia showing in the water like that could be a sign of chloramines before the water gets to you. Easiest way to handle that is to add a double dose of dechlorinator when you do water changes. (Some will specifically mention it on the bottle) Up to 5x dose is often deemed as very safe for the tank. Higher doses (2-5x) are used when you run into issues or when you have something severe like a heavy metal issue in the water. It will take time to cycle. You can dose in bacteria and then you can dose in dechlorinator once every 24 hours.
  10. Ammonia does things like this. If temp is good (over 78), parameters are good, then I would do a good water change and add in salt + kanaplex + ich-x I do see some "stuff" on the edge of the fins. so some sort of sign of stress might be indicative of the behavior issues you've seen that led to adding the cube. As mentioned by Phoenix, I treat frayed or damaged the same as fin rot and go from there. Especially with barbs it just happens.
  11. Tank is crystal clear from the water change. (yay) I woke up this morning contemplating how to explain my method here and what words make sense, what the parallel is. My hope is that everything I am doing now carries over. The order was supposed to be placed by now, things in the mail, but it looks like the seller isn't posting items right now. Unfortunate, but it does mean a slight delay to everything and I'm at the mercy of things being listed for the time being. I ordered everything I think I need so I will prep that and toss in photos when that arrives. This will be a blackwater setup visually, I would think, but we shall see just how the tannins continue to form in this tank! It currently is a "blackwater" setup, but there aren't any botanicals. The color is just from the wood itself. I do enjoy that aesthetic and it'll be a nice balance compared to my other tank that is dark tones and very bright greens. For now, until then.... that's all I have. 🙂
  12. For a 20, no I would have just the one pair, not anything additional. Adding a pleco is generally almost always fine. They know how to avoid things and come out at night. Adding other fish as well, something small, I would think is perfectly fine. I would be careful of anything they deem a snack, but generally anything is going to have a different section of the tank, avoiding a lot of issues.
  13. I pretty much gave up on trying to get that fixed on mine. The fish move it around, it's always slightly leaning, Even when perfect, it still released bubbles outside of the lift tube. My assumption is that the porosity of the sponge has something to do with it, there's not a way around it. You can try turning down the air, but beyond that just ignore it, you're fine!
  14. yeah it happens. Just use a cheap toothbrush or something like that to clean off the decor. Once things settle you might see that stuff go away. I see it a lot on tanks with cartridges (meaning no sponge) which isn't the case here, and I see it on tanks where the pump is just very very poor and not moving the water. It's usually on the decor, plastics, tubing, etc. Eventually you can remove the cartridge in your HoB and replace that with a little bag of biomax (aquaclear media). The tank looks good though, welcome to the forums!
  15. Looks good! The plant in the back breaks up the wall of green so that's nice. We'll have to see how it develops!
  16. Can you show or explain your filtration and how it's setup?
  17. From 2010.... Referring to CW51, has anyone ever seen these? https://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archives/corydoras_sp_cw_49_and_cw_51_en/
  18. Opal being the keyword there. YES I DID! Kind of cool this randomly came up. Pearlescent is what I would call it. Similar to the paleatus corydoras green shimmer. You can see the smallest hint of this on the midbody here: Tail here: A bit more clear photo with the slight pearlescent scheen, very subtle....
  19. It very well could be a sign of chloramines in the water. There's a few things that could be at play here, but please feel free to post pictures and break down how your filtration is setup. Potentially we can add a little bit more ceramic media and that is all you need to do. Please share test results of your tap water vs. your tank water as well.
  20. The corydoras can lay eggs where the snails likely won't get to them and that takes time for them to learn. It's a process. I don't keep snails but as mentioned, yeah.... Eggs are food and they eat what they feel like. If you're feeding them something they might avoid others, but then the water can get fouled from feeding too much.
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