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Eddie Dingle

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Everything posted by Eddie Dingle

  1. Lonnie doesn't like to sit still for pictures.
  2. Week 2 update. The Amazon frogbit has at least double in size, the dwarf sagittaria is converting into underwater growth, my driftwood isn't floating!!!!!! As you can see I didn't have enough substrate to cover the pearlweed pots, I'll fix that this weekend when I do a water change, I'm at .5 ppm ammonia and 1p pm nitrite after being around 2 ppm ammonia.
  3. I would recommend a water change to add to what I said above.
  4. I would do daily testing and stay on top of water changes, it can take a few weeks before your aquarium can keep ammomia and nitrites at 0 ppm. Don't over feed your betta and you should be able to get through ammonia spikes until your aquarium is fully cycled.
  5. In a couple weeks when it warms up a little more I'll have to give this a try, my rosy loachs go nuts for live foods. I'm sure they'll like the change from baby brine and microworms. Thanks @Daniel
  6. I've never tried this before, do I just set out a bucket of water and see what I get?
  7. Sweet YouTube channel dude, I just checked out some of your other videos too, your platy fish look great, I've always wanted a big colony of red wags.
  8. Right on, let us know of you decide on something, I have some female bettas in quarantine for my sorority and I'm struggling with names. I might name them after characters from books and short stories from my favorite author.
  9. Do you want a fun name or something more serious? Maybe give him a professional title like Dr. Archibald Gills or Lawrence Fishface Esquire Attorney at Law.
  10. They look Great! Definitely something to be proud of 🙂
  11. I picked up a few female bettas today and started the quarantine process. I use 2.5 gallon aquariums to quarantine bettas, I just use salt and and keep their water clean and warm for a couple weeks and that usually works out great. I can't wait for my new tank to fill in with plants so I can add my new girls to their home.
  12. Your scape looks great! I absolutely hate that nasty slime that grows on driftwood. That stuff is the only thing in this hobby that has ever really grossed me out.
  13. Yes those white roots are a good sign, you can trim scarlet temple and plant it back into the substrate to create more plants. Scarlet temple is a stem plant and feeds from the water column so a liquid fertilizer will help keep your plants healthy.
  14. Thank you, hopefully I'm able to get the dwarf sagittaria to grow in thick enough that it hides the rock except for about the top 1/3 or so.
  15. I finally put my new 10 gallon planted tank together this Tuesday. The dragon stone is holding the driftwood down until it becomes waterlogged. Not visible is the pearlweed I planted in the background, I'm going to let it grow nice and tall and attempt to have a lush green wall of pearlweed. The foreground will hopefully be a lush "field" of dwarf sagittaria and a couple scarlet temple stems to give the aquarium some color other than green. Floating on top is some frogbit. I'm running a couple hours of CO2 in the morning just to give the plants a little extra help.
  16. I have not had a hydra outbreak in any of my tanks with endlers. Feeding small tiny foods can cause an out break of hydra, I'm not sure what you've been feeding your shrimp but maybe that could be a course of action that might help with your hydra problem. Hopefully others can chime in with what has worked for them in the past.
  17. Maybe try a couple of endlers? They are always picking and nibbling on things and would be shrimp safe. I have three endlers in my 5 gallon blue dream tank and they haven't impacted my shrimp production.
  18. @AquaAggie Gotha, let me know what you decide to do. I'm interested in how it works out for you.
  19. Another suggestion, maybe a female betta could be an option for you, I have a flex 15 with ember tetras and a blue female half-moon, the green plants, red tetras and blue betta look great! A female would General be a little less aggressive than a male
  20. I think with a long fin betta you would definitely be good to go. I'm going to try chili rasboras in a betta sorority, but I've got a shrimp tank I can move the rasboras to if the bettas don't get along with them. Green Kubotais might be a better option since they are a little bigger and the ones I've kept have been very active and are constantly on the move, I think a betta would get tired before they could ever catch one. The bettas I've kept from big box stores have been the most docile that I've kept, so if that's where you are getting yours from I think you'll find success.
  21. This is my buddy, I got him the year after I graduated from high school, unfortunately it was time to say goodbye this January. I miss coming home from work and having him roll over in front of the couch and beg for belly rubs while I take off my boots.
  22. I'm a truck driver and when I still drove over the road I'd encounter the most violent storms in the south, the wind was incredible in places like Oklahoma and Texas, growing up in Ohio I had no idea how powerful a thunderstorm could be. Stay safe everyone and take these storms seriously.
  23. @Daniel Those are beautiful fish! Thank you for sharing. I want to keep a pair of wild betta for my next project. I think I'll start easy and go with wild betta splendens and if I have success I'll try a more difficult betta species.
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