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Everything posted by Keeg

  1. In my nano desk tank I kept 2 endlers, one male dumbo guppy, and 3 female endlers. The point of this was to get off spring that look like the males, went great for awhile until one day I woke up and my dumbo has been torn to shreds. His tail was missing chunks, his dorsal fin had a hole, and it looks like the top half of the base on his right side was torn as well. He is now in the tank with a scarlet badis (have had it for a very long time, for sure not the culprit ), shrimps, and snails. He is healing very well, only a small bit turned black from rot but I cleared that up in a day. But his pectoral fin doesn't seem to be improving. Though it has only been 2 days. He is plenty active, still uses the fin but not as much as left side. Still eating good, practically healthy except his fin. He's super hardy and will put up a good fight against anything so... really any treatment would be good. Does anybody know if it will reconnect with the fin? or regrow? or heal back to what it once was?
  2. Thats kind of true. While plakats are deemed one of the healthiest domestic fish on the market, it really depends on color after choosing a plakat. Blues get graphite disease, red and marble tumors, yellow and purple deformities. The bettas without diseases from domestication are the wild types. Mahachanesis and imbellis (among others) are the go to for healthy, long lasting, and classic looking bettas.
  3. They look like assassin snail eggs, they take awhile to hatch, like 3 ish weeks minimum. Depending on temperature. 78 is the fastest development temp I believe.
  4. Personally it seems like you have a betta with bad genes. When the big chain stores first started selling the dumbos, they were relatively healthy. But as time went on and demand grew, they lowered their quality standards and started shipping fish that should have been culled. Your betta's "S" shape tells me that it is affecting the swim bladder. In bettas, the bladder stretches straight through their bodies, and those with curvy spines are often affected with swim bladder disease. Same goes with his abdomen, with a curved back, the stomach doesn't fit right so it has to expand more in the front rather than all around the base. To improve your betta's quality of life, you can move him to a shallow tank with dim lights and plenty of tannins. That way he is doesn't have to fight to get to the bottom as much. With that being said, his fins and color are quite impressive. Its a real shame that these chains focus on profits rather than quality of life, im sure if they were careful with their breeding, they wouldn't have these birth defects all the time.
  5. I took one of those sponge blocks with a sticky side to it, usually meant for HOB and stuck it underneath my canister filter tubes so that one is higher. I also added a super strong air pump to a separate sponge filter because I wanted another open spot fin the duck weed. The black box thing is the sponge like material. I think its meant to quiet HOB filters
  6. Is there a time of day that hits this spot with natural sunlight? Its recommended that tanks have 8 hours of light a day so that could also be a possibility. Another thing you could try is to take the piece and sterilize it. Take the plant off and then scrape off the algae then wipe with hydrogen peroxide and let evaporate. This is if it is algae in the first place^^ To me it looks like the film wood gets from when you first add it to the tank without treating it. Did you do anything to the wood before adding it to the tank?
  7. The way the water flows and how much duck weed there is, it stays in place.
  8. Ive been seeing this trend a lot more lately and I sort of got the hype but not entirely. So I tried it myself to get a first person perspective and honestly its a lot more fun in-person. Usually my tank's surface is all wavy from surface agitation for oxygen or is covered by duck weed. With the portal, I can stick in my fingers and have guppies nibble on them while seeing it crystal clear. 10/10 would recommend those of you who like seeing your fish from the surface and have a duckweed overload. What do y'all think of it?
  9. Batch 1 ctpk betta fry update: They're slowly growing, some have finally started to grow color on their bodies. They no longer need to eat live food too, they're chowing down on soggy flakes now so I dont have to worry about the brine shrimp hatchery being low for all the babies. They got a water change 2 days ago and that went smoothly for them. Theres some minor aggression, only a matter of time before I have to jar some 😞
  10. It'll grow big with tons of time and love, grows medium with neglect lol. And moss is awesome!! I really wish I got into it more before hand. I seem to have better luck with weeping moss more than java but its all dependent on parameters.
  11. Moss is great for fry and shrimp lets! Also java fern is pretty easy to care for and medium growth rate.
  12. You could try moss, I like flame and weeping moss the most. But other people like java
  13. Bob update! I cut away the pogo octopus plants in the left corner and started to grow it more on the right to get a slope. The amazon swords are in need of more ferts than easy green so I will probably pick up some root tabs soon. And the giant duck weed is growing out of control, covering most of the surface, gonna give it to some friends if they want it. Bob is doing just fine, happily snacking on snails, clams, shrimp, and guppies.
  14. I did something similar, instead of letting it float in the tank, I took an old HOB and jammed like 3 used cartridges in there and let it sit for a day. Worked like a charm. Also that's such a smart idea to put the substrate in a mesh bag, I would've just tossed it.
  15. 😂 Thanks! Its surprising what one could do when they can't sleep at 2am
  16. I make my own memes lol Template is just "kid holding fire meme template"
  17. To end this 2am streak of memes, here's a personal favorite. # 10
  18. It's not entirely their fault, but kind of is because that's part of their job lol. # 8
  19. She moved across the country for school and long distance allowed me to do this # 7
  20. The truth hurts # 6
  21. This one is from personal experience, 0/10 would recommend you check before you plug in # 4
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