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Everything posted by Keeg

  1. Ultimate power move # 2
  2. I can't sleep so I made a bunch of memes, please enjoy! # 1
  3. What kind of fish are you consistently seeing SBD? You might want to change breeders if you're constantly getting fish with issues. For quarantine, I personally just use a clear storage bin and fill it with water, bubble filter, and heater if your room is cooler. Then I just wait for 3 weeks. If the fish look healthy, bowl movements are good, and are acting fine I go ahead and move them into whatever tank I planned for them. If you want to go faster and cover all bases (I haven't had to do this bc I get my fish from co-op and they already quarantine, and when I do get fresh from a chain, they end up fine after the 3 weeks anyways, you could go with the med trio recommended by the co-op (Maracyn, ParaCleanse, Ich-X). Treat according to instructions and you should be good to go. For sensitive fish, its better to just wait and see before adding medications because you could do more harm than good.
  4. @Torrey Very much so, thank you!
  5. My super red plakat male and my Melano plakat female (had some blue appear from mother's genes). Was lucky for her to be fertile, now they're a breeding pair
  6. Welcome to the forum! Beautiful scape and tank, any ideas for stocking?
  7. Do you know if member only videos will become public access? I dont have the money or time to be a member at the moment or near future.
  8. You could take the substrate and decor from the cycled tank and see if the tank could handle the bio load, but to be extra safe I would add some of the filter media to the new tank. if you want to try adding the betta back into the 20, you can try rearranging the tank a bit making a lot of eye sight breaks to further persuade the betta that he is in a new territory. Im surprised the betta could catch the neons in the first place.
  9. Could be poop, I found that my snails are a poop magnet and have it hang from their shells a lot.
  10. It's recommended that tanks over 10 years should be resealed with silicone. But that's just a recommendation, I have a 15 yr old tank that still works. But with a tank that's 32 years old, id be a bit more skeptical. So it could potentially hold water, but the seals could fail any moment.
  11. If you want to get another angel to mate with your current one and you want fry, you could try pairing them with a separator. But if you want another angel so that they can form a group I would get more than one to make a loop of who picks on who. Similar to a betta sorority.
  12. They're a cross between plakat and crowntail, so I dont know if they'll end up being ctpk or ct ot pk. Im hoping for at least one male ctpk. The biggest one is just barely 1", their parents are short bodied so I dont expect them to grow like regular fry. This is my first batch with this dad so im excited.
  13. Looks like a lot if it goes like that 24/7, especially at night when plants dont use c02. You'd be better off actually testing the c02 levels to be safe.n As a side note, I have a similar looking heater in one of my other tanks and there's a maximum and minimum water level. Does yours have a maximum? Never seen that style be fully submersible.
  14. Does anyone know when betta fry will start to show egg spots? I can't tell with mine but im pretty confident that they're mostly if not all female. It seems highly unlikely for a batch of babies to only be female.
  15. Does anybody know the probability of a batch of betta fry being 100% female? Does any environmental variables affect the genders of betta fry? Or is it just more common for females than males?
  16. Thats a sign of internal parasites. Para cleanse would take care of that
  17. Maracyn and kanaplex are for bacterial and fungal infections and won't have any effects on ammonia poisoning. The guppies in the photo doesn't appear to have severe ammonia poisoning to cause them to be lethargic. Yellowier and clearer guppies tend to have naturally pinkish to reddish gils that appear, with ammonia poisoning I would expect a bright and large red patch for these guppies. The best thing for ammonia poisoning is to have a stressless environment and clean water.
  18. What is your water hardness vs the stores? And temperature? Guppies are pretty strong so my guess is that the change of minerals from the store and your home are too different and need a longer acclimation like drip or having the tank be at their parameters and slowly work your way to yours.
  19. Was is stained/ retained before putting the tank? There a possibility that water got underneath the tank? One of mine got stuck bc the water felt like it fused them together and I fixed it by prying the tank off. But you could use rubbing alcohol and the fishing line
  20. Normal ocerlaris are great and all, but have your heard of maroon lightnings? Definitely a dream saltwater fish of mine, and with a great looking puffer, why not go all out?
  21. You can never go wrong with some clowns and gobies.
  22. For me, behavior with fish isnt a problem. If I feel like this fish will be happier with my care and I want to enjoy its presence, I work around it. All fish are practically like puppies where you can change their behavior with time and effort.
  23. Usually yes, honey gouramis are a bit more passive. My powder blue started really shy, but grew to be aggressive, she's now housed with a baby bichir at the moment and leaves him alone.
  24. I forgot to do a post on my gourami, Debra. I have looked for a female gourami for awhile, but then gave up because you have to order them online usually as chain stores never sell them. Debra was an impulse buy and no regrets, I love how the females are short bodied and how their top fin is curvy. Powder blues are definitely the best in my opinion. She is currently in a newly and heavily planted tank. She's pretty young which is nice and she's going with me to college. Impulsively bought at the co-op, had a small nip in her tail when I got her. It hasn't healed and I dont think it will but I think it gives her character.
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