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Everything posted by Keeg

  1. That gave me a good chuckle @Guppysnail, Im kind of thinking something around medieval royalty but nothing comes to mind
  2. just got this bugger a couple hours ago, never saw golden dumbos in person before. LOVE him already
  3. Saw this betta for sale when I went to go get some frozen baby brine shrimp. Saw him, loved him, bought him. Plus they greatly underpriced/ wrongly labeled him so I just had to snatch up that deal 😏 Golden dumbo half-moon plakat, Male
  4. Thanks, I saw this guy's face in the news and I just had to use it for this 😂😂😂😂 Because @Bob didnt have a stream this week because of the move, I still needed a laugh
  5. I do the same except with a funnel, they fall right out the bottom 😂
  6. Anybody else here like to fly model planes? Personally I've been flying a cool little module that lets me fly paper airplanes. Been folding my own and I like my box winged glider the most. While my brother likes jet style planes that go too fast for my liking. If you haven't tried it, I recommend you do, especially on an open field on the beach at sunset, best feelings ever!
  7. If the parameters are basically the same from when he was fine, I wouldn't strep him out by doing a water change.
  8. Ive only had this happen once from the co-op. I bought a golden anubias and when I got home it was completely rotted in the rhizome. Kind of a bummer, but flash forward a year later and they made it right by giving me a new one when I explained this story when I ask to see the roots before purchasing new different plants. So my advice, contact their customer support/ talk to them in person and they can fix the issue no problem, plus you can ask to see the roots before you buy the plant (I do this all the time now) 10/10 would recommend
  9. manually: a clean toothbrush, I have one just for algae. Without touching it: balance the problem and it'll die on its own
  10. I will always vouch for finnex. The moment I started using them, I started to get real results out of my plants. I upgraded from a flood light, the ones that came with the giant plastic lids for 20gs. Holy cow I didn't know how much better they were. I might transition into the fluvial range once I start want to keep more sensitive plants and have the money, but for now, the finnex will continue to exceed my expectations for a great price.
  11. I only use air stones for quarantine tank, but the rest just have small sponge filters because why not have extra bacteria for them while im at it.
  12. What do you have for circulating the water? Your tank looks amazing but it doesnt look like there is any water flow. Could it be why he's hanging around the heater
  13. This is black hair algae, usually the cause is an abundance of light and high phosphates. With Accra cichlids, I wouldn't put shrimp so you could try some snails like rams or nerite, but those will leave eggs around and could cause infestation. CO2 can be added if you want to, but I always find it easier to under dose my tank and manually remove it until I can find that good balance between it. Guppies will munch on it, but with your fish, there isnt a lot of options that I know of. Best of luck!
  14. I have no words Disclaimer, I did not make this meme. But it has given me tons of laughs every time I see it. The one below, I made the one above
  15. I got more memes! This time because a baby chick was born and is being loud, plus I have nothing better to do. Enjoy the second meme streak! # 1 Multiple tank syndrome is hard to beat # 2 The awkward silence of a new conversation Another reason why I can't sleep # 3 #4, 4/5 times, those rescuers are just hoarders who want views on YouTube Last one for the night #5, based on a true story
  16. Keeg

    Other Pets

    I almost made my own one of these, glad I looked it up first. Ill add to this when I can get more photos. This is Toby, but my family and I all call him other names like Tobster, Tobuscus, Tooby, Chonker, Bubby, Baby Toby He weighs over 100lbs, and that's why he gets the majority of the nick names. He gets the name Baby Toby because we like to hold him like a baby, on his back and in our arms. In this photo, he's smiling because he's not allowed in the bed but got caught and expected belly rubs. He got belly rubs, and kicked out of the bed lol
  17. Yep, just making the main tank parameters closer to the quarantines will allow for a less stressful transition
  18. I would drip acclimate them in a bucket, similar to salt water fish. And try to bring the ph in the main tank up so that the quarantine fish doent have to transition as much. After drip acclimating them, turn off the lights in main tank and then just a cup/ bowl/ or whatever to move them rather than a net.
  19. I would wait 20 days after putting them in an actual tank. Quarantine is stressful for guppies I get and they choose not to bred, but when I put them in a new tank, bam babies.
  20. Do you know if damage to the base will permanently halt recovery/ healing to the fin. Thanks, he was an impulse buy from a chain store lol. Never saw a dumbo with a solid tail, which are a personal preference.
  21. Instead of growing roots at where they were cut, my floating ones just make roots all over the stem trying to ground it self. Makes a good place for fry to hide.
  22. Thats so sweet. Enough to make a grown man cry 🥲
  23. Does anybody else have a little Easter egg in their tank or hidden feature that would go over looked but is a staple to your tank? For me it is the "sacrificial rock". I found this piece of slate in a box from a closed down pet store that was in the garage. After upgrading Bob to the 40 and giving him sand with new plants, this rock became the sacrificial rock. Its purpose it to honor the lives that were sacrificed for Bob. It has seen plenty of clams, shrimp, worms, and snails. Plus it looks nice and gives Bob a nice place to look for food. Kind of an older pic, but you can see the rock in use. Does something in your tank(s) have a little separate meaning?
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