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Everything posted by Keeg

  1. Sent by a friend.
  2. College dorm tank finally replanted. They definitely took a hit but I think with some easy green and light, it'll bounce back in no time. Also im afraid my dorm can't keep a stable environment so I might have to shell out on a heater at the co-op and a divider to add the betta. Oh well, I guess ill have to go back to the best place ever 😉. Other than this, everybody is settling in just fine. I can smell chorine in the tap water (im used to well so this was pretty obvious), so ive been dosing conditioner as if it were chloramine and heavy metals in the water to be safe.
  3. Ive seen chubby grow all round from a slight pink, to an off white, and to white dandelion yellow. It think it might have something to do with environmental factors. Because of this, I am going off of pollen stem shape and pedal shape, not exactly colors per say, but if it were purples I would change the answer.
  4. Oh geez, didnt realize it was illegal to keep and cultivate them. Thank you all for your help!
  5. Not too long ago, @Guppysnail mentioned zebra mussels as possible culprits to one of my current problems. That got me thinking that since they're so invasive, could they be a good source of hard shelled food for puffers. With being so adaptable, I feel like a farm of mussels would be much better than a messy snail farm. Any thoughts? Also lets say I got my hands on a few mussels and I find that they aren't great and are not attempting to take over my tank, would a copper medication take care of my problem. I know invertebrates are very susceptible to copper medication so rather than treating a disease, it would treat an outbreak.
  6. I saw the notification for this post, was expecting actual results, not disappointed either way.
  7. Looks like Nymphaea Chubby to me.
  8. I used to use them a bunch. And my father still uses them. They're basically a plastic sheet with a design on it that you stick onto the back of the aquarium using water and/ or tape. Depending if you want it attached right or not. When I planned my 40g tank, I was originally going to use a solid black background but decided against it because it caused reflections. They're really about personal preference in appearance, I personally feel like they're a bit over the top in design but then again I like my white wall being the background.
  9. Keeg

    Other Pets

    She was the alpha of her litter but ended up being the smallest one. Super cute when she's being loud and you can just grab her with one arm 😂
  10. I agree with @Jimfish98, pleco will out grow it fast. I personally like to keep guppies in tanks because they do a good job on algae for me.
  11. I believed I used the soilent green one. I dont know if its because I got them used to brine shrimp, algae, etc.
  12. I dont want to be that guy, but repashy is a little overrated 😐. At least for me, tried it with the guppies/ pleco and they didnt seem to care for it that much. They like shrimp and algae wafers tho😂
  13. Thats black beard algae, fish dont seem to eat it because it doesnt taste great to them. Best solution is to manually remove it and find a balance between nutrients and light in your tank.
  14. "cute p This aint just a "cute poster", this is a whole work of art. 15/10 😍
  15. I would quarantine the betta and any other afflicted fish into the 10g. Make sure there is sufficient air circulation in the tank because you'll need maracyn if it is indeed colunaris, which to me it looks like it is the start of it. In case it is not bacterial, ich-x is also effective in treating fungal infections, with salt. Dosing instructions are Here. Best of luck, also that is quiet the beautiful tank, I really enjoy the large mound of moss in the back.
  16. I finally figured out how to set up my router in my dorm, only took a couple hours. Moving in was kind of hectic, when I first used my key, I broke it in half and had to wait for a repair guy and then going through the process of getting a new one. But now everything is going smoothly. Due to restrictions, I can only have a 5 gallon tank (mine is 5 gallons when you add substrate, hardscape, and plants 😉). So I have my female gourami, 3 guppies (meant to eat the pods before I left and forgot about them, whoops) and my baby bichir. In a minimalistic vase, I have my golden hmpk dumbo betta. I dont want to do hardscape with him because his fins are massive and beautiful, but I'll upgrade his living conditions through out the year for fun. He's doing great, doesnt like pellets or flakes, but he does like blood worms. My gourami tank's design was destroyed during the move, rocks shifted, moss fell out, and plants are now floaters. But that'll be a fun project tomorrow. Glad to have access to the forum on my computer again, I was getting tired of using my phone.
  17. Currently he's like 4 and a half ish inches. I got him as a juvenile and kept him in a 20 tall for about 2 years, until he started wanting more space. So that's why he's in a 40 now. I wouldn't recommend keeping a single one in anything smaller because it was pretty stressful for him to be moved to a whole new set up. It can definitely be done short term, but eventually they'll need more room.
  18. They can be slowly turned over to marine but it's more common practice to keep them in brackish. Definitely not freshwater though. I think he was just trying to say that he keeps 3 puffers with the same approximate size in a 40, so that he could get more. I believe Dean's Fishroom keeps 3 spotted Congo's in a 40 as well, but I find that a single one thrives just as well in a 40
  19. Spotted Congo puffer will do just fine in a 40 g breeder. For 150 I would be skeptical if it were captive bred or wild caught. In either case, I would treat for internal parasites. But beware they are definitely not "friendly" like what most of the internet claims. And they need lots of attention compared to most fish.
  20. After being an assistant to a lab, a bunch of substances are light sensitive. Toothpaste as an example, doesnt function as well as if it were kept in complete darkness. Hydrogen peroxide degrades much faster when exposed to light as well. So maybe Easy Green is also affected by light, based solely on the packaging. Such as making it a less effective product or like you said about the pump heads, causing it to crystalize.
  21. Favorite breakfast: Crepes with heated frozen blueberries (turns into a less sweet jam) and cream cheese frosting, with a side of ice cold grapefruit juice.
  22. Is Easy Green light sensitive? Its in a completely black bottle, so tells me that it probably is. And if so, how sensitive is it? Can I keep it under normal lights?
  23. This is a project far into the future. I dont treat my water with anything besides easy green. All of the plants, wood, and fish were all properly quarantined before being added. So im pretty confident I would not have any aliments enter my body through the tank. If I had to drink from it in an emergency situation, I would not hesitate.
  24. @Nooby FOUND IT, its by a woman named Henrika Šantel and its a painting of Ana Kansky. Its in the public domain as well! All I can find is cover to a chemistry book section
  25. I honestly dont think you're too far off. They pop like poppyseeds but are filled with a white-yellow liquid when popped. Im going to get them looked at and im gonna try to either hatch or germinate it. Hopefully its a seed and germinates 🙏 Additional information: Ive found a couple "clusters" ranging from 3-20 pods each but theres more single pods. Ive tried adding guppies to see if they'll attempt to eat it, they won't go near it.
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