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Everything posted by Ben_RF

  1. If it doesn't work inititally, you can try again in time. Often bettas become more docile the older they get (I guess like most of us). In my own experience, I find also using a betta mirror about 5 to 10 minutes a day helps to keep aggression down and provides great exercise for the betta in a community setting.
  2. Glad to have you here! And don't be shy the people are great. So please feel free to ask all your aquarium questions 🙂
  3. Check out this video by this amazing fishtuber, our @Irene!
  4. Having that much iron, also makes curious about your sulfur levels.
  5. I have one tank that is 8.4 and my crypts are absolutely flourishing in it, particularly my wendtii I got from the co op.
  6. Getting fish is sometimes hard this sometime of the year. You could go ahead and start getting the tank ready; come back in the Fall and get them. That way your plants are all ready. You could have a steady population of snails for them to feast on. And so forth.
  7. Generally iron in drinking water is recommended for us humans not to exceed 0.3 mg/l (ppm) . Anything above that, filtration is recommended. Not sure how it would be for the impacting of fish.
  8. So all of the plants are absolutely beast in sucking up ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. Your plants may be limited by how little the biolode is. It is a good chance you could stock high with these types of plants.
  9. Also endlers and guppies kind of reach critical mass at certain point. So you might want to consider to do male and female endlers. When they get to many, you will find they will basically limit their own numbers (like eatting their own fry). PLUS it could save you some money by getting a few (a trio perhaps?) that you really like and just wait for them to populate your own tank.
  10. This useful video by @Irene may be useful. Really the big thing is your limitation is based on how much work you are willing to do to keep water levels healthy.
  11. A lot of it depends on the following, but there are some other relevant questions that are worth asking too. 1. How often and how much do you plan to change your water 2. How heavily planted will it be? And what type of plants? For my mother, I have a 10g tank that I help her to manage with male guppies. It is a low tech tank with a carpet of dwarf sag, some anubias among the rock, and pogostemon octopus going the length of the back area. So far I have been able to succesfully maintain levels with doing a 30% water change once a month. The stocking is 19 male guppies and 1 mystery snail. I imagine since you will be doing a lot of regulating of hte nitrite through floaters, you could do similar stocking.
  12. Heating the room is most common. Personally, I like during the summer to save energy by keeping the ac around 75'f in thee summer, fall, and spring. Plus having lids really does help keep heat in. AND also a lot of fish are ok for gradual temperature swings.
  13. Most people that I know and myself, have been happier to use assassin snails in the long run. Plus if they do decide to breed, they sale nicely.
  14. Have you been adding any fertilizers, like DIY root tabs with osmocote? What substrate are you using?
  15. Don't forget to use root tabs 🙂 They feed heavily from the roots.
  16. Vallisneria in different forms such as jungle and spiralis seem to do well in hard water. Amazon swords seem to do well in hard water. Both seem to need to get established first before rocketing with their growth.
  17. If it helps for the future, ADF normally scatter individually or in very small clusters. Often scattering on the ground and occassionally on walls/rocks. Personally, I find they are more brone to lay in grass like plants like dwarf sagiterria and in mosses. And yup they typically hatch within the first 48 hours.
  18. Just to add to the humor. I have a pair of shoes I ordered on my birthday last week that shipped out of Raleigh, NC and I live just down here on the coast about 2 1/2 hours away in Morehead City. As of this morning, my shoes are current in California.
  19. So brown algae is really normal during the early months of a fish tank. In most cases it goes away as things balance out.
  20. Welcome! Whats the name of your fishtube channel?
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