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Everything posted by CorydorasEthan

  1. When I was around three or maybe four, and my family would keep a betta fish in a large-ish vase (we didn't know anything about fish keeping). He was an orange/red one that we named Bubbles. When he died after three years or so, I was really sad and I got really upset when my dad flushed the body down the toilet. We got a couple more bettas (Rainbow and Rainbow Jr., one at a time of course) for the vase later on, but we stopped keeping them after those ones died (maybe three or four more years later). When I got back into the hobby recently, my first and favorite fish are the cory cats.
  2. I second @WhitecloudDynasty and @ererer on rehoming the fish if you don't want them.
  3. Hey everyone, I feel like it would be a pain to manage many different posts of questions I had, so I figured that I would just ask them all on the same thread. Has anybody had any experience with Thick-Lipped Gouramis (Colisa labiosa/Trichogaster labiosa)? If so, are they peaceful? What are good tankmates for them? The reason for this is because I found one amongst some honey gouramis at my LFS, and I was considering getting one. I've also seen them in some of Cory's videos, specifically the store tours. How easy are Rosy Barbs to breed? Can they be bred/kept outside during the summer in tubs? Can white cloud mountain minnows and endlers be kept together where they both breed? Do they prey on each other's fry? How about platies? Schooling fish recommendations for a 29 gallon aquariums with endlers and cories? I am looking for something that 1) doesn't get too big, and can live happily in a 29 gallon tank, 2) won't prey too much on the endler babies, and 3) that doesn't fin nip or is food aggressive. Bonus if they are easy to breed and easy to raise their fry. I was at first considering cardinal tetras, but now I am overwhelmed with many other great looking fish my LFS carries. I need to narrow down from this list: cardinal tetra, cherry barb, rosy tetra, lemon tetra, Cochu's blue tetra, black neon tetra, black skirt tetra, glowlight danio, dwarf neon rainbow, white cloud mountain minnow, diamond tetra, emperor tetra, phoenix rasbora, penguin tetra. How much do plants affect filtration/stocking? Like the number of plants in relation to the amount of fish and size of tank. Plant recommendations. I need them to be tall, really easy to keep, low-medium light (I have a Nicrew 30 inch light on my 29, not sure if it is low light or high light), and preferably not a stem plant. I already have water sprite, vallisneria, crypt wendtii, Java fern, dwarf lily, amazon sword, and dwarf hairgrass in the tank, but I want something different. If not, then I'll just do more water sprite. I'd appreciate the advice and answers. Thanks guys.
  4. Those are definitely a type of barb. I would say a color variation of the tinfoil barbs.
  5. Not really anything so far. I only keep really hardy fish like corydoras, endlers, snails, and gouramis. Though I would say anything from PetSmart I can't keep alive for very long. Stuff from my local stores never have any disease and are always very healthy though. So my choice is not a fish, but a plant. I never can keep Cabomba from slowly disintegrating.
  6. Yeah if they do it a lot it is probably a sign, especially if they are doing it and rubbing their body on the substrate at the same time.
  7. Same here! I've checked out pretty much the entire freshwater aquarium section a couple times over!
  8. Update: I treated the fish, with one packet of API General Cure per 10 gallons. Is it okay if I feed the fish while the medication is active?
  9. Nice! I am also newer to the hobby. I keep mainly corys, but also a lot of guppies, endlers, and gourami.
  10. I have Science Olympiad regionals competition tomorrow for Ornithology. Wish me luck!
  11. @Jungle Fan I remembered what you had said on why you don't keep cories, and now I have found a solution. In my experience and research online, pygmy cories (Corydoras pygmaeus) don't dig around too much or uproot any plants, so I think they would be fine with your Staurogyne repens. If you do decide to get them, do a huge school of at least 15 that would look so cool in your aquarium.
  12. @Denise01 Welcome to the forum! What kinds of fish do you keep?
  13. I would upgrade to the largest sized tank that fits and then put all my fish in there (all community fish).
  14. Yes I have the same problem I thought that a venezuelan cory was a bronze cory so I only bought one, only to find that it failed multiple times trying to breed with my albinos. In the future, the emerald greens will need a larger tank (40 breeder, no less than a 29), but for now they will be fine. Good luck!
  15. Yeah it's pool filter sand. I forgot the exact brand, but I remember getting it at Lowes. It works just fine for cories as long as you wash it really well (if not washed well enough, it will cloud up water a lot, very hard to clean). Good luck with your emerald greens! I've always wanted to keep them, but they are too big for my setups. I would recommend getting a couple more bronze just so he has company. Hope this helps!
  16. Okay then yeah I would add more cories and you might even be able to get away with some kuhli loaches as long as you have a good sand. Cories also like sand, so that would be an added bonus. If you don't, and have gravel instead, I would recommend a thin layer of pool filter sand (make sure to wash well!) over the top of the gravel for the cories and kuhlis to play in while also providing a base for the plants.
  17. I don't know much about breeding rainbow sharks. Unfortunately, the articles I skimmed through say that breeding has never been documented in an aquarium before. But I would follow @Brandy's advice on this one. I do have a couple suggestions though about your community tank as a whole. Gold tetras, rummy nose tetras, cory catfish, and deino barbs are all schooling fish that prefer to be in larger schools. I would say build up each school to at least six over time. Anyway, good luck with those rainbow sharks! And if you do successfully hatch the eggs, great job!
  18. Honestly, you could probably get away with any of those options, but the common pleco and the angels are holding you back a little. So I would go with the honey gouramis (if the angels don't bother them) and platies. If your pleco gets along well with your cories so far, do more cories too. I also agree with @Colu on their suggestions.
  19. Could it be a type of goodied? It looks like it is around that family. So it might be some sort of goodied, killifish, or livebearer.
  20. That might be a Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), another livebearer that kind of looks like a guppy. If so, then I'd be careful with these as I heard they can be a bit aggressive.
  21. Do you guys ever get in any Corydoras elegans? I don't live anywhere near the Co-Op, I'm just curious to see how common they are in the hobby.
  22. Nice looking tank! Corydoras are the best! Looking closely at them, they might not be Corydoras aeneus, but they might be a more rare, closely related species. Maybe a variant of the venezuelan cory? It is hard to tell since they are not fully grown yet. I look foreward to seeing how this aquarium progresses in the future!
  23. UPDATE: I moved the two vallisneria plants that weren't doing well over to the other side where the Java fern, water sprite, dwarf lily, and crypt wendtii are thriving. Hopefully, they will start growing taller soon, and then I'll decide where to plant them permantately (I also plan on getting root tabs for them and my Amazon sword, but I'm going to wait until I need quite a few things from Aquarium Co-Op until I order them). The absense of the vallisneria in that one spot has left a great empty space in the back on the tank (left corner). What would be a plant that I could grow there? Here are my preferences: Low to mid light requirement. Easy to care for. Tall growing. Something that provides a lot of cover. Preferably not a stem plant, I have bad luck with cabomba and moneywort (I'd be fine with water sprite, but I already have one in the tank, and I want something different). Internal Parasites: By the time the General Cure arrived, I've noticed the fish are still acting normal, but only occasionally rub themselves on the sand (to scratch probably). Do I still need to dose the General Cure? I am worried about doing so because I heard if you dose too much, or dose at all when they aren't sick, it may have negative consequences on their health. Any thoughts on this? I'll post something in the disease section on this too. Aggression: My Siamese algae eater is getting aggressive during feeding, so I'll move him to a separate tank or find him a new home. Might give him to one of my LFS because I don't know any other hobbyists that live in my area. I'm going to get a group of otos instead to clean up the algae.
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