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  1. I have around 90 fish right now. I LOVE cichlids, Plecos, corys, angels, tetras, bettas, apistogrammas, blood parrots, severums, raspboras, etc etc. Thanks for asking. What do you have?
  2. Your tanks look amazing!! I'm new to the forum also still trying to figure out how this works. I'm old school so it takes me awhile.
  3. Right now I have my eye on a beautiful 65 gallon cube tank I saw at my favorite fish center! I guess you can sat I'm hooked!
  4. I love your tanks! I've been starting slowly introducing plants to some of my tanks. If you have any tips for the newbie about planted tanks I would be very interested.
  5. Hello all. Brand spanking new here. Hope to learn slot and meet some great people. I haven't been fish keeping long...maybe a year or so but have got caught up in the hobby. I have 8 tanks as of this post but I'm always looking.
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