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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Hello everyone, I’m pretty sure he has said this on a livestream, but I forgot the brand. Thank you, Manny
  2. Hello everyone, I have 14 corydoras agassizii in a 75 gallon planted aquarium. Today I noticed 1 of them laying on its side on a piece a driftwood. I thought he was dead so I reached in to scoop him out and he dart under the driftwood. I haven’t seen this behavior before so I’m not sure if something is wrong. Everyone else in the aquarium seems perfectly normal. Is this normal cory derpy behavior? Thank you kindly
  3. @Salmystery snails are fascinating. As stated above, it’s probably just digging for food. Out of everything I own, my mystery snails always have the ability to grab my attention from across the room. They are inquisitive and extremely derpy. I could watch them just trail around any random aquarium and it’s very peaceful. You haven’t lived til you’ve seen a mystery snails scaling up a super long piece of Val. Good luck to you and enjoy them.
  4. I would venture to say they are most definitely Nerite eggs. They will lay a bunch of them, but none will hatch unless they are in Brackish water. I love nerites, but the eggs after a while can be start to look like the beginning of a connect the dots game.
  5. Platys are incredible from the top, super entertaining as well.
  6. @DShelton No you can easily find those as well. I have zero interest in an animal that can assassinate me, but if look, you’ll find it.
  7. @anewbie I do not heat my aquariums, but I cool my house constantly. I live in Florida so there’s not much need for heat, but definitely for the A/C. The house is usually anywhere from 75-78, which kicks the aquariums closer to 79.5-80 with the lights on. Thank you for that input. @stowcenter93 I agree with your reply fully, however after all things considered, I may go with the Sterbai’s and just wait until I can purchase at least an even dozen of the lasers. My biggest issue with the lasers was the idea of getting only 6, when I habitually only purchase a minimum of 12 of basically anything I keep. Thank you for your input as likability is the most important factor.
  8. Definitely not here in Florida, but then again anything goes in Florida.
  9. @Jennifer V Understood. So it seems like you’re doing everything you can. I applaud your proactive efforts. In an emergency you could always add some prime or fritz dechlor to temporarily obsolve the ammonia, but it still doesn’t get to the root of the problem. The only thing that may remain is reducing the number of puffers (which you are doing). If I remember correctly, Cory stated that 1 pea puffers per 3 gallons is adequate. By that calculation, you may be doubling your bio-load, which may be the leading factor to your problems. I hope this all works out for you and please keep us updated.
  10. @Jennifer V How long has the aquarium been set up? Was it fully cycled before adding the pea puffers? Also, is it planted? Without further information, my inclination would be to feed once every other day until your water parameters are ideal. The reason I ask if it’s planted is to give some line of sight breaks so the puffers won’t nip at each other.
  11. @CorydorasEthan Dude thank you for the brilliant reply. I knew if I posed the question here, I’d get some excellent input. I will most likely go for the Sterbai’s. I think it may be best to purchase the lasers when I can afford at least a dozen. I normally only buy fish with a minimum of a dozen and the idea of buying only 6 was kind of messing with my head. Thanks again dude and you have helped tremendously
  12. @MN-AQUARIST that is fascinating. I hope it all works out for you and if you ever get an abundance of lasers and have no where to put them, I will gladly lend a helping hand and take them off your hands. 😎 Thank you kindly dude and good luck to you.
  13. @MN-AQUARISTthats what I was thinking. I much rather have all the subtle behaviors of a larger school, it’s just a tough one because the orange and green lasers are my favorites. Thank you for your input
  14. @DSH OUTDOORSHahahaha I already thought about getting another aquarium, however this 75 that I’m filling is brand new. I have everything set up for it. So far, I have 12 Alleni Wapoga Rainbows in the aquarium (which weren’t cheap), and after adding some Corys and possibly 6 Roseline Sharks, then this aquarium will be finished. Hence, setting up another aquarium isn’t an option until I complete this one. I have plenty of room, but I am very detailed when it comes to finishing an aquarium and starting up another. I could possibly add the “other” Corys to another aquarium down the road, but definitely will only be purchasing 1 of the 2. As for water parameters, I live in Florida which has hard water, however both sets of Corys are captive bred a few miles from my home. Thank you for the input dude
  15. Hello all, I have the opportunity to purchase 12 Sterbai Corys or 6 Orange Laser Corys, both at the same price. I absolutely love the lasers, however I also dig me some sterbai’s. They would be going into a 75. I’m leaning a bit towards the Sterbai’s because of the quantity, however I am curious what you folks would do if presented with the same situation. Thank you
  16. Personally, I don’t think you’d be able to get any better than an aqua clear with a much thicker plastic, and of course self priming. I’d purchase one for all my aquariums, but until the coop fabricates ones, it looks like it’ll remain a dream.
  17. Also as a side note, the stand you can build will have a ton of room inside of it as opposed to not being able to get a 10 gallon inside this stand as stated by @AquaAggie
  18. Personally I wouldn’t purchase this aquarium for a few reasons. 1- The stand is MDF and not going to be very secure once it touches water, which definitely will happen. 2- I prefer a 75 gallon over a 60. 3- The lights it comes with aren’t very good. 4- For $200, I would purchase a 75 gallon during $1/gallon sale for $105, then for another $30 I would build a stand using 2x4’s, and lastly $60 for a stingray 2 for a grand total of $195, and you will have an extremely sturdy stand, larger aquarium, with a light that will grow most low-medium light plants. I am aware that some people don’t have the space, tools, or skill to build a stand, but if you search the YouTube’s, you will see that it is a pretty basic thing to do. Thank you and good luck to you!
  19. That’s just your Java Fern making babies, the brown are roots.
  20. Personally, I only purchase 75 gallon aquariums or larger. I own my home and have plenty of room (3100 sq ft, 6 bedroom). I prefer having larger over smaller. I’ve had 20’s and 40’s before, however I’m mainly a rainbow fish guy so anything under 48” is only adequate for the pseudomogil’s or rhad’s. I think the 40 gallon breeder is an excellent sized aquarium and if I still lived in my apartment in the Bronx, then I’d probably have a ton of those. I also have (3) 150 gallon stock tanks and they are the easiest to maintain out of all my aquariums.
  21. I’m in Florida and I set mine up with a ton of water lettuce and hornwort. Everything seems perfect. This was probably one of the more rewarding projects because it has a direct connection to nature. Good luck!
  22. Most critics are not experts.

    And most experts are not critics. 

  23. In my experience, they will be fine. I literally just dosed the med trio on a few of my aquariums with fish, plants, shrimp, snails, and everything came out the other side looking better than before. Although you can always pull the betta out and put it in a quarantine. Either way will work.
  24. I was never a quarantine person until it happened to me. The naked eye can only see so much. You may have been lucky til this point, but it’s just a matter of time before something pops up. I’ve been seriously into aquariums for about 6 years or so and had my first incident just this year. After losing a ton of money in fish (which came from an extremely high quality source), it became time to quarantine everything before things spread. I had to medicate and quarantine everything in their aquariums. This isn’t ideal because ich-x will turn your silicone blue. It’s much easier to set up a 20 gallon ($1 per gallon sale), and use it to quarantine everything. Also keep in mind that different fish have different levels of hardiness. For example, an Oscar may never get sick without quarantine, however those CPD’s or Fancy Goldfish are a completely different story. Unfortunately there is no way around this. If there was, no one would quarantine. Good luck to you.
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