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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @Streetwise Ultimately, I don’t think anyone is here for badges, however it does add a bit more fun, imo.
  2. @Streetwise Yes I can, you are literally a posting machine, good for you dude!
  3. @ARMYVET hahahahahaha I can think of a few customizable badges that may be worth giving a shot.
  4. @Streetwise Great info dude, thank you
  5. @Guppysnail They are meant for “accomplishments” through out your journey on the forum. Something like: -first 10 posts -first 100 likes -consecutive days posted These are just examples, but they can quite vary.
  6. @Griznatch The golden advice…makes a ton of sense, thank you dude
  7. @anewbie Understood, hence the apprehension. I do know that in 4 months, they’d be going into a 75 gallon, but the question is, do I get them for bottom inhabitants for the 10 and then add another 10 in the 75, or just wait for the 75?
  8. @H.K.Luterman it’s definitely not a big deal, but it would mostly make it more video game like for me.
  9. Hello all, Is there a way to view all the possible badges that could be earned? Just curious. There is a list of ranks, but I can’t seem to find the badges. Not sure if it is because I use the forum solely from my phone. Thanks again
  10. @sudofish @ARMYVET 5-6 is what I was thinking, just wanted some confirmation. Do you have experience with kuhli’s and snails?
  11. Hello all, Recently I was watching a coop video (may have been top 10 loaches), but not too sure. I remember Cory saying something to the effect of he doesn’t believe kuhli loaches add any bioload at all. Obviously there must be some bioload, but nothing crazy detectable. With that said, how many would you add to a 10 gallon planted tank. It currently houses a betta and a mystery snail. I could easily relocate the mystery snail if it will be an issue. Thanks for the feedback.
  12. I would think that it depends on what’s coming out of the tap. I would definitely test my tap water before doing so. With that said, any day I’m cleaning any sponge is a water change day or maintenance day, so I just use tank water for cleaning anything in the aquarium. Risk/rewards: risk is you kill some, most, or all of the bb. Reward is you saved a few minutes doing so using tap water. Doesn’t compute for me so I’ll always use tank water for cleanings.
  13. @Nooby Yes I am aware, but it does say dream aquarium product that doesn’t exist. Hopefully, eventually a substitute that is stain free but just as effective would be discovered.
  14. I’d love to use Ich-X without the staining. If there were a stain free ich-x, quarantine would be much easier. If it didn’t stain, then theoretically any aquarium could be a quarantine tank. Obviously I wouldn’t want to treat a 200 gallon aquarium, however in my 40 gallon, sometimes it isn’t worth the trouble to net out a few fish that appear sickly. Just thought of this and had to jot it down.
  15. Personally I’d go with nerites and/or Malaysian Trumpets.
  16. @sudofish That is a sweet setup, love the digs
  17. @Dorian I live in Bradenton and work in St Pete. If you’d like a list of fish spots, private message me, I've been to basically all of them. Hope this helps
  18. This is Gilbert. I just picked him up yesterday. I wasn’t in the market for a betta, however I couldn’t resist a black/white plakat. Sorry for the terrible photo, my photography skills are awful.
  19. I also have had them clog up on me because of the hardness of the water. I saved every felt pad I’ve ever gotten in the pack, so replacing the felt allows them to run like new. It’s a super easy fix, however eventually I will run out of pads, and I second the notion of purchasing a bag of these. @Cory this would be a great idea!!
  20. I believe anything close to 70% and up will promote mold growth. Personally I’m in Florida so I have my dehumidifier set to 55%, but 45% is ideal.
  21. @Atitagain I give you all the credit in the world, it is not easy doing what you do. You’re an inspiration and hopefully my grandchildren will look up to me the way I know yours will. Honor and loyalty aren’t very common, yet yours shine through (even through a forum). Kudos and bravo to you and your family.
  22. Hello all, Along this aquarium journey, I have gone through joy, pain, laughter, friendships, stress inducing, yet ultimately stress relieving experiences. I’ve built a fish room, only to tear it down and sell most of it off due to moving across the country. After settling in a bit, an aquarium was a first priority, to be followed by the slow building of an eventual fish room. This came to a halt when my wife finally got pregnant. We were so stoked, however money isn’t flowing through here like the Mississippi River. Projects had to be postponed, second jobs were found, all in the name of the family. As I sit here and stare at my 1 and only aquarium, I began to ponder via perspective. There are things in my life I am ultimately grateful for. My wife, Kaius my son, and soon to be born daughter, Kaliope. We live in a decent apartment and soon to be built beautiful home. I love this hobby because even with 1 aquarium, I still can stare into it in an almost meditative state. Thank goodness for this hobby and for all of you. Today I am grateful I can post this here in good health. Can anyone relate to this? Thank you kindly to anyone that shares. 😎
  23. My mother bought me my first aquarium when I was about 10 years old. It was a 15 gallon tall octagon tank. I remember it housed 1 bala shark, 1 clown loach, 1 angelfish, and a goldfish. Looking back now, the pet store had absolutely no idea how to think about keeping customers long term. Needless to say, they went out of business. I got a 75 gallon saltwater reef tank at about 20 years old. I enjoyed it, but it didn’t fully satisfy what I was “seeking.” I sold that setup a couple of years later. It wasn’t until 35 that I discovered the Coop. This sparked my interest and even without an aquarium, what I was “seeking” was in Cory’s videos. The man knew what he was doing and it was blatantly obvious. Especially when compared to others on YouTube. A month after binging every video the coop had at the time, I purchased a 55 gallon and have been in the hobby ever since. A million thank you’s to the coop.
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