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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Congrats to the winners, very well deserved. This forum should be a blueprint and run like a wildfire into other hobbies. Bravo to everyone involved!
  2. @Tihshho That is totally understandable. Wolf spiders can be quite intimidating. Let me pose this to you, you may not see many insects because of your geography, however if the spiders live there then they are feeding on something. Whether or not, it’s worth it to you to have them around is a different story. I do know that if you destroy any spiders webbing, but do not get rid of the spider, they will definitely start up another web. If I were closer, I’d come catch them for you. It’s not as difficult as you may think, however a calm, steady hand is required. If not, the risk of being bit isn’t worth it. If you’d like to eliminate via catching methods, I can explain. If not, I don’t want to highjack the thread with useless info on this forum. I hope this helps.
  3. Having spiders is actually a good thing in a home. They eat other “pests.” In my home, whenever I see a spider, I leave them alone because they are usually dining on flies, mosquitos, roaches, fruitflies, gnats, mites, and the occasional escapee cricket. I also am an avid Tarantula keeper, so I may be bias. In Florida, roaches are a problem, regardless of the level of cleanliness in the home. Hence, I consider them my 8 legged friends.
  4. I love the suggestions listed above. Personally, I’d pick a live bearer or a few of them, some multies, and Gold white clouds. I always love seeing fry swimming around without doing anything different. I haven’t tried breeding Corys though that does sound fun.
  5. I haven’t harvested wood yet. In the future, I plan on setting up a (3)10 gallon aquariums with some platy runts that I have. The plan is to harvest wood. One piece of wood will go in after sitting in the Florida sun for a week. Second aquarium will get a pressure washed piece of wood. The last aquarium will get a boiled piece of wood. I will then have some sort of data as to how my local area’s wood should be treated before going into an aquarium. Obviously, common sense will be used and no wood will be used that looks as if it will be a problem. I will be documenting this on the forum in the future. Time line looks like I will be doing this some time in March.
  6. @BlueLineAquaticsSC @aquachris there was no official video, but @Cory did mention it briefly in a live stream not too long ago. I could be wrong, but I believe it was about a week prior to the Peru trip.
  7. I’m in Florida and I get the same reading. Currently I have livebearers that seem to love it. However I have kept various rainbows, Cory’s, goldfish, various plecos, Odessa barbs from Greg Sage, and also a 75 gallon filled with shellies, with absolutely no problems. All of the aquariums and/or ponds have also been planted and everything has been great.
  8. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha I’m not laughing at your misfortune, but the look on her face is tremendous. Kids are excellent.
  9. Same here, I can’t wait to get my paws on a few of these nets.
  10. I went to a LFS to purchase some Turbostart 700. The “manager” tried to give me the deal of a lifetime (his exact words) by attempting to sell me the largest bottle for 40% off. It was open, 25% had been used, and was expired by about 11 months. I told him he could sell ice to a snowman, but all I needed was a 4oz bottle that wasn’t expired and preferably unopened. He looked at me like I was the biggest idiot walking. Needless to say, I never have and never will return there again.
  11. @IxrayuI love the goldfish aquarium. I’m very surprised they haven’t eaten all those plants. How long have they been in there?
  12. Is there anything you need in particular? If not, I’d save it until something is actually needed. If you absolutely must spend it, then plants are always an easy option. Personally I prefer to always have extra root tabs and fertilizer on hand.
  13. @Keeg Gotcha, for a 5 gallon, it is going to be way easier. I would use a “water change only” cup to scoop out water into a 5 gallon bucket. Dump the water or better yet, use it to water any plants you may have. Next fill water to whichever level of the bucket that you removed. Drop in dechlorinator, then use the water change cup to fill aquarium. You could use an air pump to circulate the water to ensure the dechlor has really been distributed throughout. Ozone is completely foreign to me.
  14. @Keeg This is what I’ve done for many, many years. First purchase a 32 gallon or 45 gallon trash can from any big box hardware store. I’d also purchase the wheels that go under it, makes for a much easier time. Next, I’d purchase a water pump, I’ve got one that moves 800gph because I think I paid $10. Also I use a water circulator, again I believe I paid $10. I purchased both on Amazon. I use a python to fill the trash can. After it’s full, I drop some Fritz water conditioner and then turn the water circulator on. Next I use the python to remove water from said aquarium. After that I use the water pump (in the trash can) to pump the water into the aquarium. When pumping the water into the aquarium, I use a plastic container to place the end of the hose from the water pump into the container inside of the aquarium. If you do not do this, the water will rush in and rearrange everything in the aquarium, so a “buffer” is very important. You can also bend the hose a bit to reduce the inflow of water. After it’s full, move onto to the next aquarium and repeat. Please let me know if this makes sense. Thank you kindly and good luck.
  15. @Nooby I do not currently have any hang on backs running. This is just something I’ve done in the past. I’m sure if you google “Pothos in hang on back” it will pull up a bunch of images for you. There are many ways to do so. Personally I would purchase a nice little bushel ($5-$10 any big box hardware store) of it and just plop it in, roots in the filter, leaves popping out. It’s fairly common as I am not smart enough to have thought of this on my own. Good luck and I hope this helps.
  16. @Stephen Zawacki I’ve had the same problem in the past and apparently it is very common. The lids are just awful. I removed mine all together and placed some pathos in its place. Every so often, I would trim the roots. No more rattling and it creates a much more efficient filter. Hopefully, the coop puts out their own hang on back and then none of these problems would be an issue any longer. Hope this helps.
  17. @Patrick_G Thank you for the kind words. Currently I only have 1 40 gallon with assorted platies and a muck bucket “pond” with Gold white clouds. About 4 months ago, I had 4 75 gallons, each with Wapoga’s, Boesmani Lake Ayntinjo’s, axelrodi’s, and lastly Bleheri’s. Excuse the misspellings. However 4 months ago, we sold our home. I was in the process of preparing to move everything when I got an offer of $4k for all the aquariums as is. Obviously I went with it because I knew we would be living in a much smaller apt until our home was built. The new home should be ready in January and then the rainbow journey will begin again. Again thank you for the kind words.
  18. Personally, any school of rainbows. I would toss a dozen in with some corydoras and call it a day. I love me some rainbows. I do love basically all the options listed above as well.
  19. Personally it is also a double edged sword. I am an addict. Seems like a life time ago that I was shooting heroin and was homeless. I am clean and sober 10 years this Oct 1. I have had no relapses or even urges to do anything that stupid again. As a matter of fact, it frightened me. Aquarium keeping is my favorite hobby as I have a few. Setting up an aquarium, maintaining it, and watching the fish are all extremely soothing and it easily gets my mind as close to meditative as possible. The problem comes in when I begin thinking of my next aquarium. It can be an obsession and it takes quite a bit to check myself. My anxiety levels elevate and it can be quite a bummer when I realize that I can’t just go blow $500 on a new 75 setup. My favorite fish are rainbows and I would never purchase less than a dozen. This can get quite expensive. My other hobbies aren’t quite as expensive. I keep myself in check through perspective. I have a roof, a place to lay my butt down to go to sleep, a lovely pregnant wife, and a son that is way cooler than I’ll ever be. These thoughts keep my grounded and then I realize how silly the fish anxiety is. I am very self aware and keep myself sternly in check. This forum, watching/listening to Cory’s livestreams help a ton as well. Thank you
  20. @Deku-Corydorasthat is exactly what I do with mine, I toss them all over my water change trash can. I was putting the stickers on my “work” table. It’s basically a table for anything aquarium related and also for anything tarantula related. If I have to tie down some Anubias to a piece of driftwood, I use the table. As well as, if I have a small tarantula rehouse, I would use the table. It’s full now, so they go on the wc trash can. So far none of them have peeled up from water.
  21. I began watching the coop on YouTube about 5 years ago. I used to watch a ton of different “fish tubers” until I started eliminating most according to how much they impacted my hobby. Aquarium coop is one of 2 channels I watch now, and the second is a history channel. The coop has never let me down and they’re always trying to improve the hobby. I wish we had a Cory for the tarantula hobby as well. Thank you for 5 tremendous years.
  22. @Arcite just bury them as deep as you can and you will avoid this problem. Good luck
  23. Aquabid can be amazing. I’ve never ordered from Aquahuna, though I plan on doing so at the end of the month.
  24. @Chewyrat77 I live in Florida so I don’t use a heater on any aquariums. I have a 40 breeder with assorted platys and the temp usually hovers around 78. I remember listening to @Randypodcast and there was someone that kept platys (swordtails as well) outdoors where the temp dropped into the 60’s. They are really hardy fish that can tolerate a wide range of temps. Good luck
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