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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. I would do it again and take photos, something seems very off if you’re getting an absolute zero for results.
  2. L014 sunshine goldie pleco i absolutely adore these, they are beautifully and get a decent size without being unmanageable.
  3. I do know that Prime can have a sulphuric odor, but I’m not sure about API. I wouldn’t chance it either.
  4. @Mako13 I would definitely incorporate rainbow fish one way or another, but I prefer platys to guppies. It looks awesome, good luck to you
  5. @Patrick M. Bodega Aquatics How long do you think it will be in the pod?
  6. I’m down here in Florida and there’s a ton of fish farms, but no quality freshwater stores that I’ve been to. Saltwater seems to reign supreme down here. It does seem like prime territory to start a migration to freshwater, but I’m heavily biased.
  7. That’s where my brain went immediately. If proven as some sort of spore that grows on random driftwood that isn’t harmful to fish, plants, or water parameters, then you may actually be on to something. @Anomalocaris You could see what happens when you wedge it into another piece of driftwood in a much smaller tank, would it reattach and grow? Pretty fascinating stuff, please keep us posted.
  8. @DShelton @RockMongler yes I forgot to mention, while removing the sand it stunk to high heaven. Now everything is good and the smell is gone, but it’s smelled exactly like rotten eggs. My question wasn’t as much what is it, but more how to get rid of the black stain on the background. Thanks again
  9. Ok folks. As promised here are some photos. Funny thing is that it was jet black yesterday and today it seems the water flow has cleaned it up a bit so I think I have my solution. Please pardon the shotty photos, I stink with a camera. Thank you kindly
  10. Snakeheads and Asian Arowana are banned not only here in Florida, but I’m across the country. Channa Barca and AA are in my bucket list, but I may have to move very far away to make that happen. Dreams...
  11. Personally I wouldn’t add anything. Whatever money you would spend on shrimp, plants, or snails, could just be set aside. Wait for a $1 per gallon sale and buy a 10 gallon or 20 gallon for either $10 or $20. Then your options open up tremendously compared to a 1.5 or a 2 gallon. Good luck!
  12. I have some of those in all of my aquariums, mixed with nerites, mts, and mystery snails. If you want to reduce numbers just feed very little so only the fish have enough to eat for about 20 seconds or so. You’ll begin seeing little unoccupied shells. One time, I was over run and once I stopped feeding, it literally turned into a shell cemetery. It’s very manageable. Snails are your friends though, you just may not need that many friends.
  13. @CorydorasEthan What I meant by “they” are the rainbows. I would only add 1 type of corydoras. I actually never mix corydoras species because it’s more appealing to me to have a ton of the same species. With that said, they’d clean up any eggs.
  14. Hello all, Because I will be moving, I decided to rehome some of my stock, but definitely not all. I sold off my shellie colony and as I cleaned out the sand, I noticed that the shellies built up a little sand mountain on the background. When I removed that area of sand, the background appeared stained black, just like some of the deeper sand itself. Question is, now that they are gone and most of the sand is gone, will the black stain on the background go away. I believe it’s a hydrogen sulfide stain. Do I need to scrub it to get it off or will snails eat away at it little by little? Does the water flow help alleviate the issue? Any and all feedback is appreciated. ps I can post a photo tomorrow as I didn’t have my phone near me when my arms were wet. I’ve lined some ez planters in front of it to make it not so noticeable, however tomorrow I will be doing a water change so I can snap a photo. Thanks again
  15. @CorydorasEthan @Brandy Thank you for your replies, that’s exactly what I thought. Worst case scenario, I could always add some corydoras and if they ever did hybridize, the eggs would get gobbled up.
  16. Hello everyone, I have a 75 gallon with 12 Chilatherina Alleni Wapoga in it. I also have 12 Rhadinocentrus Ornatus Searys Creek in a 40 gallon. I want to consolidate a bit so if I were to toss the Rhad’s in the 75, is there the potential for hybridization? My gut tells me no, however I want to be absolutely certain before doing so. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you kindly
  17. I think I may be making a bigger deal out of this than I should. It just makes me super nervous to do this sort of thing because our intention wasn’t to move for another couple of years, but the market called...
  18. @Kirsten That is actually an excellent idea. I don’t mind if I loose some plants, I’m way more concerned with the fish. I have 12 wapoga rainbows, 18 Boesmani aitinjo’s, 10 Odessa barbs, 12 Rhadinocentrus searys creek, a ton of shellies but they’re tiny and will instantly hide in their shells which makes for easy scooping, 14 corydoras, and 12 fancy goldfish (150 gallon outdoor pond). Some can be mixed for a bit, yet the shellies definitely can not.
  19. @Streetwise This is true and I have the patience of a monument. Question is, can I supply enough air in only 2” of water? I have 1 usb air pump, but will obviously be purchasing 1 per aquarium for the move.
  20. @Streetwise @lefty o @Daniel In a way I am lucky because a friend of ours is offering us his home rent free until our house is built. This will require moving everything twice, however I could start moving all my stuff now and save the aquariums for very last. I do like the idea of moving with 1”-2” of water and leaving the fish be, however my paranoia won’t allow me to do it. I’ll most likely have a ton of clean 5 gallon buckets on hand. My hope is that everything gets moved twice without springing a leak or killing the fish. I think I’m more concerned with a broken aquarium because I’m confident in my fish moving skills and I’ll have a bunch of help. Thank you very much for your replies.
  21. Hello everyone, Last week we sold our home and will be moving. Any advice or suggestions with moving 4 75 gallon planted aquariums, and a few smaller ones. Last year I moved from NYC to Florida, but before I did, I sold all my fish and aquariums because it would of been a bit much to tackle. Currently we are moving 30 mins away so I do not want to sell anything unless necessary. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or suggestions anyone has. Thank you kindly, Manny
  22. @ScottieB Yes that’s exactly what I was referring to. Thank you kindly
  23. @CorydorasEthanHe was fully on his side. He looked as dead as a dodo.
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