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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I have this angelfish with some kind of parasitic infection. I think it could be hextemia from the small signs of hole in the head. Right now hes lying on his side at the bottom of the tank. Hes progressing quite fast, yesterday he was swimming just fine and now idk if i has the strength to swim. I moved him to my hospital tank where i was going to start treatment. The only parasitic infection treatment availble to me (live in Canada) is the fritz mardel parashield. Its quite expenive $30CAD. I dont want to spend the money if it wont work, do you think its too late? Do you think he'll die? Im surprised he survived the night😪.
  2. The wood finally sank! Hugo also LOVES the wood, I was taking it out to readjust the anubias and he was not HAVING IT! "Thats my wood hooman, back off"! So I fed him and he was all happy after. Thankyou @Streetwise I readjusted the anubias and it looks WAYYY better! I just cant wait to get my hands on some Buce! I will be going to my LFS soon where I'll be looking for different fish for my community tank. As well as some Buce, and some Freinds for Hugo, still dont know what I want. Also I relize that I forgot to update you all on Hugos Fins. Not any dramatic growth, but were getting back to his full moon week by week. This was him 2 weeks ago: And then this is him today:
  3. Aww... So sorry to hear about that It could just be old age... and it probably has nothing to do with how you treated the fish, you treated the fish to the best of your ability both before and during his popeye treatment. He was such a gourgoues boy when you first got him, and still is now! When my betta was SUPER sick, He too had those eratical motions, almost looked like a seizure. My old betta did that lots (but thats because of his living conditions, he lived in a bowl with not heater/ filter. (Don't judge I didnt know any better, and once I did I gave him away)
  4. Hey! How's Leonardo doing? Is he still holding on? Has he gotten better? Has he gotten worse? or has he stayed at the same state of health since the last update?
  5. Just a quick thing I learned when treating by betta with finrot. If the fins aren't getting worse, dont move on to another treatment. Chances are if days have passed with 0 dis-improvement you've killed off the bacteria. Now you just wait for the fins to grow back by themselves. Its probably been a month since my Bettas last salt treatment. His fins still aren't 100%, but every week I see new growth.
  6. I'm assuming you dont feed a whole cube. So I would cut it to size, and then let it defrost in the tank. You can place the cube in the feeding ring so he knows its food, as he takes a chomp from it peices will fall to the ground for the corycats.
  7. I'm assuming the daphnia is sinking which is why your corycats get it but not your betta fish. In my experiance with bettas is that they dont like eating sinking foods and usually wont touch it. When I feed Hugo Frozen Blood Worms, I make sure that they are partially defrosted (not all the way defrosted) defrosted daphnia/ blood worms will sink, where as frozen ones will float.
  8. Wow I dont quite have that much variety compared to the above. I feed NLS Community Sinking Pellet to my Community Tank almost every day (once a day). Frozen Blood worms on fridays. For my betta tank I feed Hikari Betta Bio Gold through out the week and then frozen blood worms on Friday as well as Fluval Bug Bites on Monday. I wanna try some repashy soon. Thinking the Community Plus Variety.
  9. I've been looking at it more closely and it defentley does look like hole in the head. I'm going to setup the hospital tank tonight, then head out to the LFS tommorrow to get the meds.
  10. After the salt bath make sure ther is 0 salt in the water, or close to it. My betta acted just like that. I put him in the salt bath, he floated on his side (I thought i killed him) and then moved him back where he just layed down on his side for a while. @Anita Suggested that I cover the tank with a towel and turn off the tank lights and to stop feeding. After a week I didnt see it get worse, but it also didnt get better. So I left it, took the towel off (but kept the tank lights off) ocaisonally fed him and overtime his fins have been healing. His fins still aren't 100% but he is growing them back. Make sure to check up on him, if you see any more damage, I would start salt treatmetn like @Colu reccemended, or try a antibiotic like Melafix or Maracyn. I should also mentioned that I fed him his pellets after they were dipped in garlic, I'm not sure if that did much. Heres the thread that I post regularly about Hugo, If you go back you can find exactly what I did to cure his finrot: Remember to keep us UPDATED!
  11. If this helps my pleco refused to eat any algae wafers until last week. (I've had him since october) He just ate the left over of the sinking pellets.
  12. So, one of my angelfish haven't been their normal selves recentley. I didn't really think much of it till today.... Today he refused to eat, all the other fish were going crazy for the food, but he just left it. He likes to hide in the Swords, but he isn't really that active. As metnioned today he didn't eat and he and long stringy white poop, sound like parasites... At first I thought to leave and if it got worse find some treatment. But... after doing a photo shoot with the other angel, I saw somerthing... UH-OH! It looks like MAYBEEE hole in the head, but I need someones confrimation. I live in Canada so I don't acess to meds like Paraclense. But I did see some Fritz Mardel Parasheild behind the counter at my LFS, maybe give that a try? als the Supertech 100% Natural Fish Health Remedy MIGHT be able to treat minor parasite infections. What are your thoughts? Let me know if the pictures loaded, I've been having trouble with that recentley. Anything helps guys, even encourgement.
  13. They'll notice soon, you can also try feeding sinking pellets. Maybe hes annyoed because your spending too much attention on Aurora and not him, LOL.
  14. Is spritz still on spring break? or did he return to school?
  15. Anubius and Java Fern will should do Beyond fine in that tank! Some Hornwort also wouldn't be a bad idea to fill in the back. You could also glue the anubias/ java fern onto a peice of hard scape so that its closer to the light. Hornwort will grow just fine without a tank light, so that should be fine.
  16. Had a plant shipment arrive today! Some were for the community tank, and other were for Hugo. All the plants arrived AMAZING, except for an anubius, it came with rhizome rot. I've heard that once one anubias has rhizome rot, every anubias will likely have it so I decided not to plant it but to float in a bucket till I get further instructions from the seller. I also bought 50 root tabs for only $11! What a STEAL, I really hope they work well. Plants for hugos tank Hygrophillia Siamensis Anubius nanna paxing (compact) I then went to the fish store and then see a peice of Drift wood I fell in LOVE with. But the best part is that there wasn't any price tag, so they gave it to me for only $10 CAD ($7.97 USD). So natrually I took it home! On the way home I was wondering if I should save it for a future scape or use it in one of my pre-exsisting tanks. I figured Hugos tank could use a re-scape, and with the new plants it was the perfect time to do so! So... RESCAPE TIME!!! It may not look good now, but wait till the wood has sunk! Give it a few days, and it will look PHENOMANAL!!! I will post pictures once the wood has sank. Hugo seems to like it too, he has been lying on it ALL DAY! I feel like I should remove the betta hamock, he doesnt use it much and seems to like the wood more! I only want some Buce to glue onto the wood, then the scape will be final! Now Lets talk tank mates... After seeing @Catfish_Lover_Jane put Pygmy Corycats in their betta tank, I have seriously been thinking of doing the same. Theres sooo many tankmates I wanna try with Hugo, but I feel like Pygmy Corys or Neon Tetras will be first! But in the mean time I may move the mystery snail in my community tank back into hugos tank. I never see it in the community tank. Edit: The Supplier of the Plants just agreed to refund the anubias
  17. All my photos from my phone get uploaded to google photos. So most of the time I will download the photos from there. But every so often, I get lazy and copy and paste from google photos, I beleive this is why you can't see them. @Streetwise PM'd me earlier this evening and informed me. I willl start fixing the problem, and download them.
  18. What a coincedence! My plants just came intoday also!!
  19. @Demobanana petlands in my provinces require parents with a child to buy an animal. In away it makes sense because that way the parents are on board with the pet, and in most cases its the parent taking care of the animal, not the child. Not any of my LFS though, very glad about that. Haha, I just came back from walking to my LFS. I would bike but theres a snow storm. Yep a snow storm in mid april, well thats Manitoba for ya! Walking is like 40minutes, biking is like 15 minutes.
  20. When you go away on vacation, and come back to this... And then you relize its only because you follow @Daniel
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