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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Mine hatched on the 12th day, but it does vary. Some people's clutches take 3-4 weeks. Just looked back, and it took my 2nd clutch 23 days to hatch.
  2. Please don't beat yourself up. YOU DID NOTHING WRONG. You are doing the right thing. You have the quarantine tank. You are testing your water. You are monitoring your fish health. Unfortunately with new fish, they can have internal issues that we cannot see. If we cannot see it, we cannot understand what is truly going on or what to treat for. There are a lot of variables. The fish start off in big ponds, then the ponds get dredged with big nets and they go into concrete burial vaults for holding until shipment to stores. All of these things cause stress on the fish, and they are put into different tanks with different water parameters, and then they take another trip again when they are purchased. Stress in fish leads to illness. You can do the quarantine trio or do a salt treatment. Either will be suitable if you don't know what is wrong. But even so, the fish could die. They may not have the strength to endure a treatment. It's not predictable, but we can do the best that we can based on our knowledge, observations, and comfort level. Also, I did the same thing as you are doing. I chose not to medicate my fish when I adopted them. I did quarantine them, then I observed them. If I saw something specific (in my case, white poop), then I treated for just that thing (in my case, parasites). It's all just a matter of what you're comfortable with.
  3. Look how she posed so pretty. Also noticing that big ol' scratch on my glass... ☹️
  4. If you keep the nitrites in there (no water change), you'll start to get the next type of bacteria you need for phase 2 of the cycle.
  5. Here is an example of a mystery snail egg clutch. See anything like this on the bottom of your lid or around the rim of your tank?
  6. Couple questions - Types of plants in the tank? (Do any plants or moss have foliage similar to what you see on the snail?) Any other critters besides the betta? How long have you had the snail? What is the snail's diet? Tagging @Guppysnail also.
  7. This is a good one. It's specific to cycling with plants; how plants impact the normal cycling process.
  8. I'd let it ride. The nitrites are a good sign; it means you already have the bacteria that's eating the ammonia. Brown diatoms are common in a new tank. If you start seeing algae, it's great! It means your tank is alive and things are starting to thrive. You can cut back on the diatoms by reducing the light as you suggested, and your new plants may not be rooted/established enough to take up all the nutrients, which may have encourage diatom growth. Also forgot to mention, plants like to consume ammonia & nitrites, as well as nitrates.
  9. What process did you use? Wonder if we can just put them in the usual mystery incubation setup?
  10. Alright, I texted her. She has named the mystery snail Goldie. The neighbor that wanted to adopt snails didn't show; she had car troubles, but another neighbor is going to come tonight to adopt 4. She already has 2 snails, so she is expanding the snail family. 🙂 I also decided to run a little ad in a simple, small-town newspaper where I live to get some more snails adopted. The aquarium club is a nice idea, but I'm not enthused about the 2 hour drive required, and transporting the little guys all that way. I'd just as soon try to stay in the vicinity and adopt out to hobbyists and give out the little snail care sheets. It would be funny if I titled them adoption certificates. 🤣 My other friend (the silly one) had attempted to name every snail. Of course I can't tell them apart, but just for funsies, here's what she and I came up with. Also I think we came up with more names than there were snails, but whatever. And the misspellings are intentional because they needed to be authentic. Here you go! Speedy Racer Lightning Gordon Earnhardt, Jr Zippy Flash Squeaks Nibbles Eddie Shelbie Gary Hobbit Snurl bringer of Doom Slurper Roomba Coolio Sparkles Escargoon Mano Slip Trip Skidmark Spike Slowpoke Buddha Zoomer Dash Slime Shady Dr. Slimy Shell-shocker Scooter Little Bo Peek Poppyseed Happy Trails Turbo Tuiquilla Tort Luna Snitch Bulldozer Boogie Man Tubthumper Slider Bob (there's always a Bob) Manchester Snape Dobby Rolo Bon Bon Freddie Merkie Shelly White Aqua Fini Mad Max Cuckoo Zelda Goomba Gizmo Gumps Dumptruck Kia Appletini Bissell Super Soaker Hudson Fri Qbert Mario Slimer Snoo-Snoo Romeo Marble Button Munchie Crunchy Brutus Hulk Zorak Ozrielle Peach Cupcake Princess Fuzzy Spot Sushi Quarter Pounder Tot Dot Bumble bee Phish
  11. So I got an update on my little snail adoptee. Here he is in my friend’s QT tank, having a nice time. On the vase is her little horned nerite. She didn’t name the nerite, so I named him Spike. She needs to name the mystery snail now.
  12. Thanks! And I'm guessing the seltzer is ok to touch the plant roots, because plants like co2.
  13. Alright we are on the last day. Tomorrow I can start doing water changes. I have had this in my cabinet for awhile. I think it’s a good time to put it to use to help clear out these meds. @Colu @nabokovfan87I’m using a sponge filter. Think if I just put some carbon into a pantyhose (my method of making mesh bags, LOL), tie it and drop it in, it would be effective? Or would I need to somehow attach it to the sponge filter?
  14. And what is the deal with java moss always turning brown? I have Christmas moss and it stays nice & green. The java moss, although brown, continues to send out new growth.
  15. Not to get too off topic, but how do you prepare moss for a tank? Just dump some seltzer on it? I do salt dips for everything else, but roots should not touch salt, so I can't do it with moss.
  16. I guess she’s not “picky”. She is a simpleton that knows what she likes (algae). I’m trying to cater to a low maintenance snail. But still, I may try to offer this and see what happens. I just want to spoil all the snails!!!!
  17. Hmm, I wonder if my picky zebra nerite would eat that.
  18. Wow, new growth already. Great! What are they munching on? Are those the snail pellets you were talking about?
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