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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Good morning! It’s been a busy morning in the shrimp/snail tank! Everybody has found a little job to do, and everybody is swimming the length of the tank too! Tiny nibbles even had a shell cleaning today. A nice way to start the day, with a clean shell. Also these 2 snails are riding the seesaw.
  2. My brother and I raised convicts. It was so much fun! I also never tried live plants til this year. Or maybe I did but they died. I am sure I didn’t fertilize if I tried them before. I was watching ACO videos too and found out about Easy Green and that’s why I now have a nice planted tank.
  3. Me too @TheSwissAquarist. I love classic rock. & I just recently added another degree. Completed it in May. Somewhere along the journey I found this silly video and after tests I would text it to 2 student friends and they got a kick out of it. Helped ease the exam stress for sure. LOL
  4. Rockfisher hey! How are the home repairs coming along? Have you heard from your friends on Pine Island? Mystery snails changing sex is a common myth and here’s why. A female snail can mate (say, in a pet store) and hold the fertilized eggs for many MONTHS. Then she can produce viable clutches for the aquarist who only bought one snail (guess who that was). Lol
  5. Big news! I’m feeling blue and I’m dreaming.. I’m nervous guys, seriously. Over the past month or two I’ve been to stores looking at shrimp and every time I walked away. They look so fragile. You’ll help me right? I’m out of my element here! @TeeJay@nabokovfan87 @Guppysnail P.S. you think my black neon in there would be ok with them?
  6. I have had good luck with the JF + Kanaplex using the instructions from Colu
  7. This silly one is for our students @TheSwissAquarist and @Scapexghost
  8. The fish in question is a new fish I bought. He is not a relapse case; it’s just that the day I added him to the main tank I could finally see what his symptoms were. I couldn’t tell he had symptoms through the plastic of the QT tote. Qt tote gets sanitized as well as nets, buckets, anything else that touches that water, between each fish purchase. (Symptoms noticed within 5 minutes of getting him into glass tank)
  9. Alright. Today is the last day for 2nd course. He still has a patch on top but the other ones went away. So I will be doing salt only now, after I give him a break. I need to do some water changes. He still has some salt in there which I will add back with each water change.
  10. Well I got the new 5.5 tank in the door very sneakily. Husband was taking a nap! 5.5 because the bottom shelf is designed to hold a 5.5. It’s not too noticeable right? Wish I could say something exciting was happening with it, but I think I’m gonna use it as my new quarantine tank. With the tote, clear as it seems, I still miss symptoms.
  11. My journey is like Patrick's. We always seemed to have a 10g tank. Had one as a kid, then when I was like 10-ish we got a 20g hex. Also had a 10g in high school. Then I went off to college; I think I may have given the fish away to neighbors that had fish tanks? After college I started up the 29g and had cichlids. Then moved from PA to FL. The fish in a bucket w/ airstone - well, there was some loss on the trip. From what I could see, some were aggressive towards others in the bucket. 😞 Anyway I set up the tank in FL and added the fish I had and then bred mbunas. My brother found that his convicts had a love affair also, so we were breeding those too. Then I moved again, several times, once again adopting the fish out to other hobbyists - and it was a number of years before starting the tank back up. I did that after I bought my first home. Eased back in with a 10g and got just a few swordtails. Then next thing you know, my friend got in trouble with the landlord for having a fish tank and he didn't know what to do, so he brought all those fish to me. So then, what do you know, my 10g is now overstocked. Fortunately still had the 29g and the stand at my parents' house. Dusted that off, halfway filled it, monitored it. Ok great, no leaks. Added substrate, decor, filtration - we are rolling baby! And filled the rest of the way up with water. (Fish not moved from 10 g yet) Now time to chill. Sit down, watch some TV... the next day... I heard crrrrack... ok, what was that? Went to the tank... puddle forming on the floor. Oh man, the tank is compromised! Hastily drained it (thank you, Python) and got everything out ASAP. My husband carried it to the curb with what little water it had left in it and on his way to the curb THE BOTTOM OF THE TANK FELL OUT. So then I had to go to the store & get a new tank. And then eventually another one. And then a tote-aquarium... and so on... and all this was probably TMI. End of ramble.
  12. I'm not sure why I didn't get the notification on this one but seems like you figured it out. Same box. Also @BAT I had been keeping track of my snail's clutches. She laid 23. Then I quit keeping track because I got another female snail and I didn't know which snail was laying which clutch anymore.
  13. My first thought too. Looks like a glob of aquarium silicone. @BAT your babies are so cute. Do be careful at how many clutches you hatch because as they grow they will affect your water parameters. Are you testing your water every day? Do you have a plan for adopting them out? You could: -attend a meeting of your local aquarium club and put snails up for sale there -post on the Nextdoor app that snails are available -put a listing in a small town newspaper or the larger city newspaper -sell or give to forum members Of course, to do any of these things the snails will have to get bigger first.
  14. I'm of the fishless-cycling mindset. Live plants help w/ cycling though. They eat ammonia and nitrites. They will eat nitrates if there are none of the first 2 left to eat.
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