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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Is there any dedicated feeding happening?
  2. I recently started working at my LFS, so would you have any tips or suggestions for me, @Jason A.?
  3. That would be such a cool scape! Please post a picture once you're done. Sorry I can't be of service🙂
  4. Have you thought about adding some Indian almond leaves, or some water softener?
  5. Maybe add some very tall plants, such as hornwort and such which grow really fast. Maybe be add some more white clouds so the aggression evens out. That LFS employee is rubbish, I always recommend at least 6 of a schooling fish to people.
  6. Congratulations! Keep us posted on how they do! Aren’t they quite a rare rainbow?
  7. I’ll had a couple of my Normal x Gold BN plecos.
  8. Trust a diver to post something like that 😂
  9. If you call a guy who painstakingly puts his out in May and brings them in in October (I’m in the alps, so winters are quite harsh) a reliable source then yes. Have a nice evening!
  10. What I mean by won’t spawn is “not successfully” (sorry for not specifying!) the male seems to be absolutely sterile. The female age laid eggs soooo many times, and I have seen the male “fertilise” them but the eggs all die off and get eaten over the following days. I got rid of the male and brought in a new one, and they spawned today!!!🎉
  11. I have them in a 29 gal with absolutely diddly squat in terms of flow and they’re doing fine. People recommend a lot of flow because they come from fast flowing mountain streams in South Asia, but they do fine in low-mid flow range. Any pics of the tank going?
  12. Didn’t know those worked outside of freshwater. How are the new Apistos doing?
  13. Wow! He's right ! Thanks @lefty o! Nice cat btw🙃
  14. Didn't know he was on here! I love your YouTube channel!
  15. @Zenzo seems to have done every shell dweller known to man!
  16. Did you use any dechlorinator? Or water conditioner ? Welcome to the forum btw!
  17. It’s always very hard for a pet to die, @Jess, but in the Stone Age death was just a part of life, so I expect our ancestors learnt to rise above it but still, thankfully, feel compassion.
  18. I usually just wait until it’s a floppy, jelly like thing with no nutrients, and then I pull it.
  19. I don’t think you’re supposed feel at peace with a pet passing! It’s one of your best friends!
  20. Must have been the zoom! I was betting on an arowana or a snakehead 😂
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