Hello everyone so I have multiple tank setups in one of my tanks which is a 29 gallon that is stocked up with a bunch of Amazon swords Java ferns and dwarf hair grass. The fish in the tank I have one firemouth cichlid, two blood parrots, one electric blue jack Dempsey and a albino Pleco. I arrived home today after work and I do my normal routine of checking every tank and I noticed my EBJD was not in his usual place and he was on the bottom of the substrate on the other side of the tank basiablly laying down on the substrate and he was rolling on the floor of the tank like if he was doing a death roll that gators do I don’t know if the fire mouth was being aggressive towards him because he is the biggest fish in here but he is still alive and breathing hard I am just wondering what I should do with dosing him with Melafix or Fin and Body Cure by API. Please if anyone can help me and the little guy will greatly appreciate it please and thank you! 🙏🏽