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  1. Hello everyone so I have multiple tank setups in one of my tanks which is a 29 gallon that is stocked up with a bunch of Amazon swords Java ferns and dwarf hair grass. The fish in the tank I have one firemouth cichlid, two blood parrots, one electric blue jack Dempsey and a albino Pleco. I arrived home today after work and I do my normal routine of checking every tank and I noticed my EBJD was not in his usual place and he was on the bottom of the substrate on the other side of the tank basiablly laying down on the substrate and he was rolling on the floor of the tank like if he was doing a death roll that gators do I don’t know if the fire mouth was being aggressive towards him because he is the biggest fish in here but he is still alive and breathing hard I am just wondering what I should do with dosing him with Melafix or Fin and Body Cure by API. Please if anyone can help me and the little guy will greatly appreciate it please and thank you! 🙏🏽
  2. I love your Kribs they are so vibrant and beautiful I wish mine had as much babies as yours did I am waiting till mine get a bit bigger to show you guys! No it has two spider wood pieces in there with some rocks as well I have a lot of dwarf hair-grass in the tank as well! I wonder if it’s because it’s there first time breeding and when they started I had two Cory’s and a tiger barb in there as well but when they started becoming more aggro I removed them and placed them in another tank.
  3. You just have to get the tank parameters in the right spot for them to start and I noticed if the haven’t bonded or Aggro might take time I noticed with my other breeding pair of Kribs I have aren’t breeding and the male is Aggro to the female Kribs so I rescaped the tank with the lights off and did a water change and that seemed to ease his aggression for a while but they still haven’t bonded. So you can be lucky to immediately have a pair start breeding or you might have to get different female to bond with your male also depends on the age and size of them as well. I have counted in my main breeding tank at least 8 fry that are at least 5 days old swimming around with there mom and I see a straggler that seems to be newborn and still has egg yolk sac attached and it was literally all by itself only the dad paid attention to it not the mom so I am freaking out of that discovery just trying to figure out what that happened.
  4. That's awesome how many fry for each time they spawned did you count and where you able to see how many eggs where laid??
  5. Hello everyone! This right here is my 29 Gallon tank that I have a couple of blood parrots a fire mouth cichlid and a electric blue jack Dempsey with albino pleco I have a lot of Amazon swords about three or four pots of them in there with two Java fern and one Anubias on the tips of the java fern there are brown and I was wondering if I there aren’t getting sufficient minerals in roots from my flourish tabs. This tank was cycled properly and fish have been here for about three months any tips or tricks and this is just a temporary tank for all of these guys eventually moving them into a 75 gallon.
  6. Hello everyone! So I got a question I have a tank right now that has a breeding pair of Kribensis they have spawned and only 8 Fry are swimming doing field trips around the tank it’s been about week now since I noticed them in the tank and maybe 4-5 days swimming outside with both parents. Today I came home from work and was noticing the 8 fry with there mom and I looked over to the dad and noticed a one little wiggler by himself like a little baby tadpole I see the yellow sac on the top of him/her eating away at matter on the bottom of my spider wood that I have in the tank. It’s this pairs first spawn together and while doing research I have seen multiple people have 30-100s of fry on there first batch. I was wondering maybe because in this tank I used to have two Cory’s and a single tiger barb with them but this weekend I removed them and placed them in my other tank I have. I did that of course to give the parents more room with the baby fry and of course they were becoming more aggressive as well. But non the less extremely exciting seeing a late bloomer I suppose 😂
  7. So for instance since there is going to be return pump needed to be added once I am doing my filter clean when I pulling the sponges and bio media out to clean in tank water in bucket when I pull it out will it leak into the tank since there are slits on the back wall or do a partial water change when I do that as well. Still thank you for the helpful tips and I will keep an eye out, as soon as I get working on it I’ll show you guys the build step by step!
  8. Thank you! I hope to find all the helpful information I can get.
  9. Unfortnately not at the moment I am currently at work won’t be able to do the dimensions till this weekend but will post as soon I do! Awesome hopefully so I will be doing a major clean and water test this weekend so stoked I can’t wait! Do you know the pros and cons with internal filtration?? Any helpful tips will be great or if you can point me in the right direction it will be much appreciated 🙏🏽 I will keep that in mind thank you once again!
  10. Hello everyone well today me and my GF were doing a morning drive to our coffee shop close by our house and we noticed a house that was having a garage sale and noticed this tank so since me having that mild case of MTS we asked them how much they wanted and they said “Ahh I’ll do twenty” paid them right away and we drove off but I don’t even know what type of filtration it has seems that it’s built Internally to the the tank and there’s two tubes on each side of the tank on the bottom. Can anyone help me out and tell me what type of tank I got and if it’s a steal? I will be doing a water test on the tank in the next couple of days after I clean it up to see if there is any leaks.
  11. Hello everyone! My name is Michael aka (FrezhFinz) I have been in love keeping pets as being a kid around the last time I had a fish tank I was 12 years old. I wasn’t the best and left the hobby sort after a bunch of mistakes. But now as a adult I have been re-introduced into the hobby and I have been doing a lot of research and trying to learn everything I can to be the best caregiver for my pets. I have been back doing this hobby for about four months now and have a mild case of MTS right now I have one 5 gallon,10 gallon, and three 29 gallons. I am looking for any helpful tips on aquatic plants and plant care and any tips tbh will be greatly appreciated -FrezhFinz
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