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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. If you did no water changes while it was cycling, then that explains the low KH. It was depleted by the acids in the tank while it was cycling. 0dKH is not a problem, in fact, most plants appreciate little to no KH. If you add crushed coral, you are going to raise both KH and GH. A 16dGH is high if your focus is on plants, which it seems to be the case if you are injecting CO². I would see if your source water has 16dGH from the tap and use Distilled or RO water to cut your source water to lower GH and KH. Here's my tank at 0KH and many others run 0KH and here's Greggz's tank at 0KH
  2. Increase GPH turnover and improve flow through the tank.
  3. Looks like inflation prices, but any of these. https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/bulk-reverse-osmosis-filters-systems/reverse-osmosis-systems/4-stage-systems.html
  4. Long term, I think it's a solid idea. Using an RO unit will allow you to build your water any way you want to, or just have RO water on hand to cut your source water. I would grab a GH/KH test kit so you know how much RO water to use.
  5. The easiest way to lower pH, without a buffering substrate, is to lower KH. You can lower KH buy "cuting" your source water with distilled water or RO water. You can fine tune your numbers this way. I've never heard of spaghnum, so can't help there, but I'd imagine you would be guessing on how much to use and how fast it would work.
  6. I have both and they are equally great. The Lemons do pick at certain plants though. No problems with adult shrimp.
  7. I was nervous too, but I found it to be well worth it. Just throwing an option at ya!
  8. Here's a great source I use. https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/algae-control
  9. Green water is linked to ammonia. Unless Easy Green contains ammonia or urea, I doubt it contributes to green water. It can be confusing, but ammonia is always present in our water even when our hobby level test kits register zero. When we feed, have dead or decaying fish and mulm buildup, we increase/ spike ammonia in the tank. These spikes are usually undetected and our test kits aren't sensitive enough as well. If these spikes have enough light, they trigger green water. Increasing turnover increases the rate at which BB can reduce ammonia and also helps to clear mulm.
  10. Okay, the new light and new reduced nutrients had a temporary negative effect on the tank. The Ammonia and Pantanal really got upset. Today is the first day I'm seeing some good changes. I'm removing a majority of the Pearl Weed in the 40 and I think I will use S. Repens in it's place. I didn't want to remove it all at once, seems like when I do that, things go off track. 40 also got a big hair cut. Edit: Forgot to mention, whatever was raising KH in the 75 has been depleted. The 75 and the 40 are officially at 0dKH. That's a negative for Eco Complete.
  11. What kind of filter do you have? I run this in a 20 inch RO stage. Easy to build and 100% dissolution, I hate the sprite water look.
  12. Green water is caused by too much light in the presence of ammonia. I would keep dosing fertilizer and reduce light intensity or improve filter turnover rates after you have cleared the green water.
  13. This is the best sand I've found. Perfect size and weight. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JJ5GXSK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_FN4CXP4T9E430GB4EER4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Not Sharp and can be Python'd without being sucked into the hose. Grew this tank with no root tabs just column dosing with CO2
  14. We need more information. What kind of fish? What specific GH and KH do you want? Why are you adding crushed coral? What kind of plants? Being more specific will help you get to the answers you are looking for.
  15. You don't need root tabs for a planted tank with sand. Just make sure to dose the water properly and have appropriate light.
  16. Yeah, I'm sold. True red RGB is where it's at. I was looking at their Vivid model, but I would have had to buy 2. That's on the expensive side.
  17. I have not, but it's worth looking around on the net and see if you can find a recipe. If you find one, please post it here, I would like to have it as well.
  18. New light arrived. It's not hung yet. But here's a picture. What a difference! I still need to work out the settings and height. But I'm happy with it. I hope it has enough par when hung.
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