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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. I wouldn't use the carbon and I would switch out the bio balls for as much Seachem Matrix I could shove in there.
  2. Have you treated for internal parasites? What's your KH and GH? It is a problem when a social fish is hiding. I would try turning your lights down.
  3. Pearl Weed Marsilea Hirsuta, cool clover plant that will stay small Bacopa, any kind Hygrophila Polysperma Corymbosa Compacta Pennywort Ludwigia Repens All these grow well without CO2
  4. It's kinda low. I run 4dGH and 0dKH. My source water TDS is 85ish and tank is around 160TDS. I would test GH and KH before adding any booster.
  5. It just comes down to dosing correctly. I use dry fertilizers and I know exactly how much NPK and Micros I'm dosing. It's a leaner Estimative Index regiment, but the same principles apply to non CO2 tanks too. Just have enough nutrients in the water, proper light and CO² and the plants will thrive. If you don't use CO2, then bring the light intensity down and the fertilizers too. If you're interested, just Google Estimative Index dosing.
  6. Ah, just give them light and dose the water column. I don't use root tabs at all. I know the plants will be fine. Keep temps and light stable and you should be good to go.
  7. I'm 100% confident you don't need root tabs at all and just add a bit of nutrients in the water is all you need to make your move. The plants will take a "hit" but should settle once you are up and running. I had some plants, shipped to me, that took 6 days in the mail. They were fine. FYI
  8. My female bred and she has really colored up. Finally got a decent shot of her.
  9. Mine just bred too. That could be a free option!
  10. I had Lemon Tetras in the tank. But he was going to kill them. I had to remove them.
  11. I'm looking for suggestions that can be placed with breeding Apisto's that won't get murdered or snack on fry. If such a suggestion exists!
  12. https://tanninaquatics.com/blogs/the-tint-1 These guys know their stuff. Read the blog section.
  13. You might want to do a little more research. Hopefully this helps. https://youtu.be/KiGE0WfRLRQ
  14. If KH rises, pH rises. What water parameters are you trying to achieve?
  15. I connect this to an Alexa device. "Alexa, water on/off".
  16. I wonder which one is true? That email or @Koi picture?
  17. If they are still flashing, absolutely. I went through this nightmare scenario some time ago. I ended up dosing 4 weeks of PraziPro and another 3 weeks of Paracleanse to finally get rid of them.
  18. Just dose the water column with which ever fertilizer you choose. Root tabs are not required.
  19. Flukes. And they are becoming very resistant to meds. Dose Paracleanse per directions. I would dose 2 weeks, then 1 week off and then dose 1 more week.
  20. https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/algae-control/how-to-get-rid-of-staghorn-algae
  21. CA and Mg are nutrients that plants and animals uptake. CA and Mg make up GH. If you want to set a GH while maintaining a lower TDS, you will need to forgo equilibrium, and use as I mentioned.
  22. The high TDS is because Equilibrium has potassium and iron included it its mix. If you are looking for lower TDS, switch to diy dry fertilizers. CaSO4 and MgSO4.
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