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  1. I’ve tested it three times! It did this to me yesterday so I diluted it with tap water (tap water tested 0 nitrite) and I got crazy bright purple so I did a 50% water change and then the nitrites showed 0ppm. And now it’s testing grey again. This doesn’t make sense to me. If it was off the charts high a 50% water change shouldn’t have knocked it to 0ppm. What is happening? the photos are about 7min after. The timelapse is 5min.
  2. My non-fish hubby only (comes in to fish room once a week to look at my giant snail) actually listens when I complain about different fish products and how they need to be improved. He built me this it just finished today 🥰😍 please share some things that make your aquarium life easier that you have made or someone has made for you. I’d love more ideas please.
  3. Has anyone found a better cap for the API test tubes? There's a lot of capping and uncapping for the two part and titration tests that it actually starts to hurt my fingers. Frankly I'd take a cap that doesn't even hold itself on and just pinch the cap down when shaking over how tight these are.
  4. I'm having some issues with the accuracy of my water testing kits and was hoping the NERMs here can help me out. Initially I thought I had "old tank syndrome," since this tank has been running for approximately 3 years. It is very heavily planted and I have stopped adding liquid fertilizer the past 3 weeks to try and get this nitrate issue under control. My nitrites and ammonia are zero, but nitrates are showing between 80ppm and 160ppm according to the API master test kit (widely regarded in the hobby as the most reliable/accurate.) I have been playing with the Tetra test strips as well, and it shows the nitrate at 40ppm. Its still higher than I'd like, but shows that my efforts at correcting the issue might be working. I did a 30% water change last week but nitrates stayed steady. I did a 40% water change today and the API test kit still shows no change in nitrate levels. I would expect to see SOME improvement, as I have also been making a concerted effort to feed less and also cleaner foods (holding off on Repashy, for example.) I've tested my other tanks too, including ones that have not been running for too long (around 3-4 months, set up with a mature sponge filter and about 50% water from a mature tank) and I'm also getting very high nitrate readings, 40 to 80ppm. That doesn't seem realistic. Possible yes, but unlikely. I have checked the expiration dates and everything is well within working range. My tank is probably overstocked, so I am not completely innocent in all this, but I am very confused that I'm getting such different results. What do you guys use that you feel is the most accurate? I hate that all these tests are color based, I'd much rather get a reading from something like a pH meter. (*Insert science background rant here.*) Obviously I'll need to adjust stocking levels, but I need a way to monitor if I'm making progress!
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