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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. Mmiller2001


  2. Mmiller2001


    Ich doesn't kill fish like what you are describing. If you have been treating ich for over a month it would be dead. I have used Kanaplex and ich x together. In fact, I use Kanaplex over maracyn in my modified trio. If you are losing fish like crazy, my guess is columnaris. I would add Furan 2 to Kanaplex.
  3. I would try R50% B45% and G to visual desire. If you want more red, increase it alone. If you need more brightness, raise red and blue and green in ratio. I would only use white if you are unable to achieve a brightness you desire.
  4. Less than 6 hours is too short. How old is the tank and questions above?
  5. If any of those contain magnesium or calcium or both, then the answer is yes.
  6. Finally hung the light. I told the wife black, but nooooo, had to be white that matches nothing.
  7. They can get pretty tall. That's just an internet picture, so I'm not sure. But in low tech tanks, they are very manageable. If you give them CO2, holy cow, they go nuts.
  8. I would shoot for 70% planted. And I highly encourage Hygrophila Polysperma. It's absolutely the best stem plant for low tech. Super easy to grow.
  9. It's just the cap portion, you can remove it. It's not harmful.
  10. Just measure GH and KH and cut your water with distilled water. Example, GH 10dGH and KH 5dKH, if I have 1 gallon of that then add 1 gallon of distilled, you now have 2 gallons of 5dGH and 2.5dKH water.
  11. Plants prefer softer water. Unhappy plants can cause algae. I'm not sure what kind of plants you are growing, but you want to accommodate them as best as possible. If they start to struggle, it will cause algae. If you really want to take the next step, you'll want to start understanding GH and KH and a few ratios. This link really helped me to achieve a certain look. Hope this helps. https://www.2hraquarist.com/
  12. Yeah, it can be very challenging balancing a tank with city water. Do you know your KH and GH and the ratio of Ca to Mg? Sometimes they will post that information in their water report. Were you using an all in one fertilizer or dry fertilizers. Were you monitoring and tracking pH drop? And what did your water change schedule look like?
  13. Your pH, GH and KH are near perfect. Don't change them. Have you, at anytime, treated for parasites? Could be a bacterial issue as well. There's no such thing as too clean of water Are they new fish?
  14. Lowering light intensity and or photoperiod helps. Also, improving overall maintenance as well as increasing water turnover. Lowering your photoperiod or light intensity would be my first change.
  15. I completely forgot about that, I think you are correct!
  16. Those tanks are the envy of many! I can't wait to see your CO2 project! I hope you will start a journal on it's progress. Here's a link that really helped me when I got started in CO2. https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/choosing-co2-why PH swing is not a problem. My tanks fluctuate between 7.0 and 5.5 daily.
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