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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. Looks okay. But this is why I dip all incoming plants. Proof positive in your video. If interested, 10ml hydrogen peroxide 3% per 1 gallon of dechlorinated water for no more than 10 minutes. Then rinse in fresh dechlorinated water.
  2. Again, I have no idea where the 40 is heading. The wife is telling me to remove the dwarf Sag.. It's an option. We will see. Here's a few angled shots.
  3. It is sad. Imagine the killing a company could make just by producing a cheap reliable heater. It's 2021 for Pete sakes!
  4. Maybe this can help you. https://youtu.be/JAqU-gCwiKE
  5. Just the the controllers, so they catch the failure when it happens. I will lose significantly more money than their actual cost if a heater fails.
  6. That's why you add it to food and orally dose it. Seachem focus will bind it to food.
  7. I think they all are like playing the lottery. Inkbirds on all of my tanks and the fancy WiFi ones on my CO2 tanks.
  8. Too many variables to really diagnose. I would remove anything and stop introducing anything from the wild. I would restart lives foods from scratch using sterile equipment and clean sources. I would treat for parasites and bacterial infections. I would do an external round for parasites and then orally treat for bacterial infections. After that I would treat for parasites internally. Paracleanse or PraziPro for external. Kanaplex for bacterial infection via food. Metroplex for internal parasites via food. Personally, and I mean I would not recommend this, but I would do it myself. I would dose PraziPro and feed Kanaplex simultaneously. Rest them for a week and then hit with metroplex. I would watch, if I saw any flashing, I would do a 4 week course of PraziPro. But again, that's me.
  9. Might try Marsilea hirsuta, but you can cheat using Pearl Weed. It takes well to trimming and can be mowed down like a carpet.
  10. If your plants are doing nothing for 3 months, something is wrong.
  11. I would drop to an 8 hour photo period and double the Easy Green dosing. See where that puts your nitrates. I would also add more plants. I would triple the plant load if you can. I'm unfamiliar with Easy Iron, but I would shot for .2 to .6ppm Fe per week if you are doing large weekly water changes.
  12. I would dose more Easy Green. How long are the lights on?
  13. BPS is irrelevant. You want the CO2 on anywhere from 2 hours to 1 hour before the lights come on and CO2 off about a hour before the light turns off. The type of diffuser you use will determine the PSI needed. I assume that's what you are asking in regards to PSI. You want a 1.0 to 1.5pH drop from fully degassed water to peak CO2 injection. This is the best way to determine the desired CO2 ppm. Here's a great resource to get you started. https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/choosing-co2-why
  14. Just match GH and KH, a 1.5dGH/KH difference is more than safe.
  15. I wouldn't dose more Easy Green. I would look for a K stand alone. Seachem Potassium is available most places. Might grab some Easy Iron and dose per directions along with whatever you choose for K. You could try root tabs as well. They can fill in the gaps, but they will leach into the water column and possibly/ will increase your Nitrates more.
  16. Probably low on nutrients. Looks like some yellowing in the second picture. I would try adding more.
  17. Well, you could, but that's the problem with all in one fertilizer. Are the 40ppm Nitrates before or after your water change?
  18. Sounds like a non transport issue. Might be deficient in micros. Maybe dose a bit of all in one and see if things improve.
  19. The skimmer will chew them up without modification.
  20. Detritus trap and prevents good substrate vacuuming leading to increased organics and ammonia spikes.
  21. I've had some motor noise problems, but their customer service was great and sent me 2 motors and eventually a whole new unit. I would not run a tidal on a shrimp tank.
  22. New fertilizer in and had a surprise this morning. I tested Nitrates and there was basically non. Interesting! This hobby never gets dull. So I've increased dosing and here are the new numbers. Micro dosing with the new DTPA has been updated to reflect the split dosing.
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