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Everything posted by Trish

  1. @KBOzzie59Those Little rock crabs don't get very big, and you'd be picking the meat out with a pair of tweezers! Biologist are watching to see what the effect of climate change has on the crabs.
  2. We have non aquatic folk worrying that sinister death is attacking our beaches right now.... what they don't realize is it's a crab molt! I guess it would be shocking to see that many little bodies washed up in the tide. https://uclueletaquarium.org/the-crabs-arent-dead/?fbclid=IwAR0xFSAQ1ekqbOIz3R5pLZGZw4rm4U4AB8JEOyXX5_3UXQ50oIblifpPDZU
  3. @Salhaha.. me too. You just have to look at the water line of some of my tanks.
  4. @Dawn Thave been spinning since the 70's and will probably downsize from 3 wheels, 2 electrics, 1 Indian Head on a Singer. Washing fleece is more work now than doing water changes on fish tanks! I love my drop spindles too. I was lucky to fall on a Shetland flock, all colours, most is washed thank goodness. Get that foot a treadling!
  5. Getting down to basics, there's a large chance your tank isn't really cycled yet with the parameters you've given, you should hav 0-.25ppm Ammonia, 0 Nitrites and at least 5-20ppm Nitrates. Nor would your quarantine be cycled if this is the case, so your fish might be getting stressed by this. Shrimp like established tanks as they are very sensitive to any parameter changes ie" water, temperature, so if your tank is not balanced yet with bacteria or bio film, very important. If you end up having to do water changes while trying to get to a full cycle, your shrimp probably won't tolerate larger exchanges needed, as at the best of times shrimp do better with only a 10% water change. Too much to often will result in molting problems and death.
  6. @Jungle FanWith permission may I use this as my personal desktop photo? It's wonderful!
  7. I like to spin and dye yarn, do traditional hooking, and garden.
  8. My lovely feral inside cat Ms. Zee.
  9. @Randy yep, now it's a cake walk! Can't believe how quiet it is when the eco-throttle is on.
  10. Bees are so important for making the earth go round. Will never keep them, but I like to find out as much about them as possible for a non-keeper. Thank you for sharing how it works for you @Daniel.
  11. Just because I'm interested, do they swarm very often?
  12. @Daniel How many hives do you have Daniel? They are fascinating!
  13. Beautiful images, good portrait lens for many things!
  14. @xXInkedPhoenixX I've learned a 55mm is good if you have a bigger fish I'm just an amateur and learn as I go along. The fish are captive subjects! If you sent me to do a wedding I'd fail!
  15. @xXInkedPhoenixX Older Cameras ! 2005 Canon5D with EF-lenses 2014 Canon7D Mark II with EFS 18-55mm kit lens for most aquarium shots, or a Canon Macro EF 100mm lens. Note: The 7D will take both Canon EF and EFS lenses. The 5D will only take EF Lens as it is not interchangeable. Sometimes my old iPhone 6
  16. It's good to know if the Plecostomus you have is a dwarf or the COMMON Pleco, quite a few are re-homed because the previous owner finally realizes that they can grow to over a foot long and their tanks will not support them. Common Pleco's need a huge tank 75-150 gallons, otherwise they will become stunted in their organs and not thrive. Have you tried blanched or frozen sliced Zucchini, mine seem to prefer it over cucumber.
  17. What colour are their feces? If stringy and white.. you want to make sure they don't have internal parasites or Hexamita.
  18. 🎶 “It’s such a fine and natural sight, everybody…dancing in the moonlight. “ 🎶
  19. Only 30 yrs too late though! It sure makes life easier!
  20. That is known as a "racing stripe", I've seen them on my older shrimp, and doesn't affect their happiness or health at all.
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