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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Holy Smokes! Turns out Pentair is headquartered in Cary, NC which is 20 miles down the road. I could go get one and just put in the back of the pick up truck and save shipping! How do I unlearn this now 🙂
  2. Well, when you put it like that...I was filming Daphnia poo at 5:45 am this morning...I hope there isn't an intervention in my future 🤔
  3. I used one of these minnow traps in the past to remove Endlers from my big tank. Gee Minnow Trap, 9 in. by 17-1/2 in. | Memphis Net & Twine WWW.MEMPHISNET.NET This Gee Minnow Trap has two throats and 1 openings on each side. 1/4 Mesh galvanized steel wire. Temporarily out of stock. I think this trap is half as long as your tank so it might be a little to big for you, but it could give you an idea for what the solution might look like.
  4. I think email is the way to go to get in touch with the Co-Op as the forum is not monitored as closely as you might think. And, I have placed orders and had the order ship so quickly that it was impossible to add something to it, which really is a good thing if you think about it.
  5. You might be a nerm if the highlight of your morning was finally capturing on video that Daphnia green bowel movement that you had been patiently filming for so long trying to capture the moment. Exclaims to wife 'Honey, honey! I got the Daphnia poo! I got the Daphnia poo! Come look!"
  6. As you can see from @Streetwise 's graph above the pH is lowest in the early morning every day. This is because during the nighttime photosynthesis runs in reverse and plants take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide with the peak build up of CO2 being in the early morning thereby lowering the pH. Once the lights are on the plants begin to photosynthesize and thus begin to consume carbon dioxide and release O2 again. It is one thing to read about it in books, but to measure it in your own aquarium and see that it not only works in general, but also to confirm that even the triple peaks of the lighting match the triple peaks of the pH is really educational. That alone just about justifies getting the Apex.
  7. @Streetwise If I read that right your pH is lowest in the early morning and highest late in the day?
  8. I use a Panasonic GH5s for streaming 4k video. I like it quite a bit but my cellphone gets a workout because I always have it with me.
  9. Here is another clip from the 1934 movie "Dragon Murder Case." In this scene mouthbrooding African cichlids are mentioned. The genus is definitely Tilapia, but I cannot quite catch the species. @Wel-Don Tanks are these from Lake Malawi? I was hoping they would be from Victoria 🙂
  10. Spewed the diet coke on that one! 😂
  11. Moment lenses on an older phone will shoot better photos and videos than the newest phone without a moment lens.
  12. I can go cheaper. On my 500, I don't have any filter. I just a have pump to to circulate the water. The substrate and driftwood in the aquarium provide all the surface area needed and more for biological filtration. So in a weird sort of way, the aquarium itself is its own filter, sort of like a pond.
  13. Memorable Posts @DaveSamsell anticipated the need for a Test Tube Rack less than a week into the forum: @Spewing_nonsense_ posted his Lego version today
  14. The Co-Op sells baby brine shrimp eggs. Aquarium Co-Op Brine Shrimp Eggs WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM 90% Hatch Rate Easy Egg Separation The Best Fry Food Contains 1 pouch of 100 grams of Brine Shrimp Eggs in a resealable pouch with a resealable lid. The 100 gram sized container is meant for hobby level aquarists. This would... The only place I know to get cyclops is just to make green water by letting water age in sunlight for a few days maybe with a bit of dried grass in the water too. Its seems like cyclops will show up in the green water eventually.
  15. Memorable Posts Barely a day goes by without @pedrofisk's July 21, 2020 'What's your dream aquarium product that doesn’t exist?' getting yet another post. As it turned out, so many of those product do exist, but without this post we would have never known.
  16. Memorable Posts @Streetwise on day 1, July 14, 2020 posted: It put @Streetwise on the map for me! This is a post that is the gift that keeps on giving as this question never gets old.
  17. Memorable posts @Bill Smith always has very thoroughly documented posts, the PEX PILLAR solved a real problem for under $10!
  18. I don't think I have ever learned as much about keeping tropical fish in planted community aquariums as I have during the last 100 days. I am really glad to have found this forum back on July 14, 2020. The people here have been so helpful and interesting. So many different skills from plumbers, engineers, waster water treatment, ceramics, technology, media, science and many more. Happy 100th day forum!
  19. They would be a good source of nitrogen in a compost pile.
  20. I love it when these previous threads come back to life. A lot has happened since @Streetwise first posted his work on lighting schedules.
  21. In heavily planted large community tanks I have had all kinds of fry and shrimp survive to adulthood even though there were dozens of 3 to 4 inch angelfish in the tank. But this is the exception to the rule. The shrimp invented their own work around. The shrimp stopped coming out in the daytime and I would only see them at nighttime. But the cherry shrimp continued to breed and make more shrimp that grew to adults. I am sure large numbers were eaten too. Endlers in this tank reached an equilibrium between angelfish predation and the enormous capacity of females Endlers to pump out fry. Even when I tried myself to rid the tank of Endlers, I couldn't catch them all. Eventually I had to resort to traps. New Corydoras would pop up from time to time even though I never noticed any fry. But again, none of this would have happened in a 29 gallon tank. The key was lots and plants and lots of levels and zones for all the different kinds of fish. So yes, your angelfish (and swordtail) will chow down heartily on almost everything that looks eatable, the question is, can they eat their tank mates faster than the tank mates reproduce?
  22. This looks wonderful! I can see the @Streetwise inspiration at work. Everything looks so elegant.
  23. I have 2 groups that I wild collected recently while looking for aquatic plants. I like them quite a bit.
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