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Everything posted by Ken

  1. I bought the medium. Just for the looks. Rinse he heck out of it, its dirty and makes a surface film. I used a paper towel kind of draped across the top to soak up the film.
  2. Yeah, a medium "plus" would be nice, I just measured the intake of my new Marineland 125 Pro I'm putting on the new 20L. It's 15/16" OD, the medium has a 1/2" hole and the large is 1-1/4", that's a big jump. I think I'll mash a medium on there. @Paul Don't you have a Marineland Pro?
  3. My Pandas have been on Black Diamond Blasting sand for several months now, their barbels are fine. They are healthy and active and keep the substrate clean of anything they deem eatable.
  4. Quick Guide: How to Plant Live Aquarium Plants WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Congrats on buying your new aquarium plant! This quick guide leads you step-by-step through the recommend ways for adding different types of... Here are some pointers. The video shows how to use root tabs without taking them out of the pots.
  5. I think I would turn up in person. If you call you may be speaking to the newby or however drew the short straw and got phone answering duty. I happened to see this very thing happening today at a LFS. The owner/manager was talking to someone about buying blue eyed lemon nosed something-or-others and the kid helper was answering the phone.
  6. What are the other plants? My new 20 long is going to be rhizome only. I have bad luck with rooted plants.
  7. Twice now I’ve had the Panda Cory’s in my 40 breeder heavily planted community tank hatch out fry. I see them for about a day and then they disappear. I don’t know if the Golden WCMMs eat them or if they starve. Either way I’d like to get them into the breeder box to save them. I have everything in place for next time except one part… I have no idea how to catch them. They are tiny, move fast and have lots of hiding places. Would a turkey baster or small gravel vac hurt them? I don’t think I could net them.
  8. I was there 1995 through 2009. BRA, PAS with a side of Utilities, Warehouse and was Materials Manager when I left. Good times in the early years. I used to see a lot of the guys when I still lived in Rush Valley, not so much now.
  9. I believe Prime (or any of the others) can cause false ammonia readings. Read the FAQs on Seachem's site.
  10. That is an option that would be fun to try someday. Not yet. I struggle with balancing an aquarium with all the help filters give you. I'm always awestruck watching LRB.
  11. I hadn't thought of that, I'll bet it can happen fairly quickly if the plants are growing well.
  12. Yup. Lots of good stuff for plants in that mulm. What I would hope is that with some root feeders and some water column feeders I could just let nature break everything down and hit a nice balance. Or maybe I would kill the whole tank? The idea of an easy to maintain tank without a bunch of equipment appeals to me. I'm hoping to spark some conversation with this.
  13. Back in the old days I gravel vacuumed, that was with plastic plants and goldfish. I wonder if with smaller less messy fish and live plants maybe I just could just let it go.
  14. The water moves down through the gravel. I was hoping would no longer need root tabs, some EZ Green and you're good to go?
  15. I'm setting up a new 20L. I like what sponge filters do in my other tanks (no ammonia or nitrite ever) but I don't want to try to hide them in this tank. I am not going to spend the money or put up with the cleaning headaches of a canister. HOB's are quite limited (in my mind) for biological filtration. So it seems to me under gravel filters fill the bill. So, why not? Is there something even better and easier I'm missing?
  16. I think it would be helpful to have a location option associated with a person's avatar. It could be of their choosing, of course. It would help with understanding what meds are available to them. Can they just pop down to a LFS and buy stuff we would recognize? Does a link to a product do them any good at all or would a description be better? Is it midnight there? Are we neighbors and don't know it? (that would be fun). But anyway, please consider it.
  17. If you didn't already do it here's what it looks like in there. Piece of cake.
  18. @Ruud http://teespring.com//compiled_assets/shared/favicon-04c7467dcced3dc43c150d0bac2622b5ad19d8a837db0fcf5fdbac297ea75d92.ico Aquarium Co-Op Shirts TEESPRING.COM Discover Aquarium Co Op Shirts T-Shirt, a custom product made just for you by Teespring. With world-class production and customer support, your... My son and his family currently live in Rota, US Navy. They absolutely love it. My wife and I had hoped to be there this summer but... well, maybe next year.
  19. I've seen those hanging in tanks on quite a few fishroom tour videos. I always wondered what in the world they were.
  20. @DanielThank you. I couldn't get google to show me anything like them.
  21. @DanielWhat are those cones? I love the simplicity of that method and would like to do the same.
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