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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. Doh! I read a lot of threads, and I sometimes skim.
  2. @KentFishFanUK, those photos are focused on the plants in the background. Try stepping back just a foot or so.
  3. I get this a bit in my tank where my Yo-Yo loach eats bladder snails. I also miss having snails clean the glass.
  4. @James Black, you are further north, so you might have more available windows. I also keep a west-facing 1.25 tank, with a bit of a shadow, and a low-power light. Ignore the bucket of staging.
  5. @Pattie, I am a very messy planted tank aquarist. Plants are always a good thing! If my plants are happy, my fish and shrimp are usually healthy.
  6. Add as many plants as you can fit! Plants are amazing, and do so much good! I have hard water, and my fish are happy. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/live-plants
  7. I learned recently that I can also keep my Betta at room temperature without a heater, since I am not planning to breed. I moved a Betta as the final inhabitant in a community tank, and she plays nice with others.
  8. Some of my favorite tanks are no-tech tanks in north-facing windows. With other directions, at least in the northern hemisphere, you might have more variables and seasonal drama.
  9. From the state of Vermont: Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are naturally found in fresh water in the U.S. and in Lake Champlain and other Vermont waters. Some types of cyanobacteria can release natural toxins or poisons (called cyanotoxins) into the water, especially when they die and break down. https://dec.vermont.gov/water/drinking-water/water-quality-monitoring/blue-green-algae/cyano-guidance
  10. It is looking better, but I still have to replant a few plants that floated up. I need to drop in some more snails to help with the glass before my loach eats them.
  11. Please print this out, frame it, and mount it on the wall. 😁
  12. The Duckweed is all on me! I moved those plants more than once! I planted some of them today. ACO has not shipped me any Duckweed.
  13. I removed a few small pieces of wood, smoothed-out the substrate, and put the big piece back. I have some Co-Op plants ready.
  14. Captain Janeway was well-qualified for that journey. She also loved side-quests!
  15. Fringe was special, and underrated. I enjoyed it more on my second watch, when I really understood the premise and mechanics.
  16. Everything looks amazing! Your brine shrimp setup looks like @Daniel’s cones of golden snacks.
  17. @ChemBob, I tried root tabs once, just to check them out, but I didn’t know the pinprick technique, and my loach dug them up. I also tested Easy Green for fun, but I really just let my organic soil battery, fish waste, and mulm provide fertilizer. @Patrick_G, I’ll see what testing options might be around. BTW, this is where I get my organic topsoil: http://www.growcompost.com/compost-home/
  18. Thank you @xXInkedPhoenixX and @Odd Duck! I think the forum members would enjoy an off-topic thread on cookware, and another one on kitchen knives.
  19. I agree with @Fonske. Hide the thermometer, so that we can enjoy the view!
  20. I love the new cube. I love the lineup of cool tanks. I love the new journal, and I love the matching signature update!
  21. I think that a key to running an organic soil tank is maintaining a cycle of decomposition. This is why I am trying to move towards minimal gravel caps, so that mulm can more-easily rejoin the soil. I like having wood in all my tanks because it is a slow source of biofilm and decomposition.
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