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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. Happy Birthday buddy! You are an amazing forum member! You already have the skills to assert leadership beyond your age.
  2. Monetized channels seem to require 1000 subscribers, and a certain number of watch hours. I thought about going all-in on YouTube during lockdown, but I realized that I was an introvert with too many hobbies to specialize and commit. Sponsorship would probably require even more, independent of any specific YouTube numbers. I'm just happy to be part of a community forum.
  3. Dwarf Sagittaria is another excellent starter plant. In my experience, it sprouts runners faster than other plants that I have tried.
  4. Awesome! Members, please don’t quote sideways photos. We will rotate as necessary.
  5. @Torrey, I collected plants on an impulse, and they didn't show any visible signs, but they have stayed isolated in a bucket, and I probably won't use them. Most of my experience is clearing them from through-hull fittings, sail drives, rudder bearings, boat bottoms, etc., for boats that live on the lake in the summer. I just did some quick research and very hot water can be partially effective (control, not eradication). One article suggested 100 ppm potassium chloride. The ironic thing is that most or all of the plants I collected are also invasive, and I can buy them safely in the hobby already, like bacopa. I posted some other stuff in the Zebra/Marimo thread. I also have more in my Vermont Outdoors thread.
  6. @Odd Duck, those are Deep Blue/Aquarium Masters 3.5 gallon cubes. I think Seapora might be the current brand, but I have not bought a new tank to confirm. The lights are Fluval Plant 3.0 Nanos.
  7. Water pail for the cat: 3.5 gallons: I am ready to try brine shrimp again:
  8. Please don’t quote sideways photos. The Moderators will rotate and edit as necessary.
  9. I haven’t cleaned my Co-Op sponge filters yet because my Otocinclus, shrimp and snails do it for me!
  10. My tests were with two on a 20 gallon, and umm… one each on a pair of 2.5 gallon tanks. I could get them just barely dialed in for the slowest flow, but only if I wanted to run 24/7. If I turned them off and then on again, I had to re-tune. I could have made them work with solenoids, but that just led me to back to looking at dual-stage regulators with cool and quiet solenoids.
  11. Mine starts at 07:00, with sunset at 21:00. That’s a realistic day length, and with the siestas, it’s like cloud cover rolling through twice a day, or the changing shade from trees.
  12. Please also try fish mass v plant mass. Substrate surface area might be another variable, as well as filter foam and media surface area.
  13. We all know that that there is no rule, but it is fun to think of formulae. I just relearned the scientific plural of formula.
  14. @Colu has provided reliable treatment advice since joining this forum.
  15. I would say that plants have a major effect on water quality!
  16. @Littlefish, if you are still trying this, we would love to see a journal. My soil is from a composter, but @Daniel has used topsoil from his property. There are many techniques, but organic soil is fun for me.
  17. @James Black, we are going to need a photo of the inverse food that you mention! I have a buddy that does IT for Cabot, and he occasionally gifts friends with cheddar curds, nicknamed, ‘squeaky cheese’. It makes a sound on your teeth when you chew it, and you can feel the saltiness.
  18. Take a photo of the empty space to get started!
  19. @laritheloud, start a journal if you haven’t already. I can help you or anyone with a signature.
  20. I documented my outdoor ponds last year, mistakes and all. I wish that I would not have used any sand. Journals are the heart of this forum as we move into year two.
  21. @laritheloud, you must also love plants, right?
  22. I would not like to work out the math advice, but how about fish-per-plant?
  23. It is hard for me to think of a more rich and ecologically-complete substrate than organic soil, with a cap. I have seen earthworms living in my tanks.
  24. I spotted poutine pizza on Reddit. I got to practice my French comprehension reading comments. Vermonters also love poutine, but I have not tried this.
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