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Everything posted by 3vi1p3nguin

  1. Short term they would be OK, but they tend to produce a lot of waste, and will probably fill the tank quickly.
  2. If you need the filter right away for an uninfected tank, you could break it down and clean it with bleach mixture but you need to make sure that you rinse it very well. If you're looking to use it on the hospital tank, then you'll be dosing it at the same time, just make sure to remove the carbon. If it isn't going onto anything right now, I'd probably just clean it with water and let it dry out.
  3. We're taking this place over, lol. Hi from Monroe County
  4. I have water probably fairly similar to yours, gotta love Michigan wells. I ended up going RO because I wanted south Americans, and use a gH booster to bring it back up a bit. I will say though, the water is fantastic for Africans. It's tough to get things right now, but with all the time home, it's a great time to get back into it/
  5. I need to make it to Pruess one of these days. I'm south of Ann Arbor, so it's not that far, but far enough
  6. I just ordered up some sponge filter supplies and food from the Co-op. I never fail to be impressed at how fast they turn around an order. Cleaned my 2 year old's tank today too, it's been an algae farm recently. Hoping to rescape with some new substrate and crypt parva before too long.
  7. She looks like she's carrying eggs, but most likely the clutch won't survive without brackish water.
  8. I've had Cascade and Fluval canisters. I'm a big fan of the Fluvals personally, I'm running a 306 and 407 right now. I like the double valve design, and haven't had much trouble with spilling when I clean them, which is very easy. The primer is easy, especially on the new 07 models. The cascade worked well for a while, but was miserable to prime, and I always spilled water disconnecting it. Eventually I gave up on it and upgraded to a 407 when I couldn't keep the seal from leaking anymore. I know a lot of people that have had great luck with the cheaper canisters, but it wasn't my experience.
  9. That's a pretty cool idea, good luck finding something cool! I've always thought about making stops when I'm out of town, but never have anything setup for the trip like this.
  10. I'm not going to be much too much help with this comment, but I've pretty much always had some form of live bearer, and I've seen similar things happen after they give birth. Birthing complications do happen from time to time. The more females you have the better, it spreads out the stress of the male trying to breed and gives them time to recover. Sometimes isolating them in a breeder box and giving them time away from the males helps. I would guess it isn't the algae wafers.
  11. Root tabs. Buckets of root tabs. My biggest sword would throw spikes all the time, but never flowered. I was going through 5 or 6 root tabs a month under it. I got busy this summer, and wasn't able to keep up on it, and it died way back and I ended up pulling it.
  12. Multies are a lot of fun, I just go into them myself. Had a tough time finding them in SE Michigan, but it was worth the wait.
  13. I've done this with 2 ph meters now
  14. Not going to lie, that bar would have made my ultimate fish room, and that garage made me jealous, but the progress looks great!
  15. I've found that floating stems for a little bit to let them grow roots helps. Trim them so the roots are buried in the substrate and it seems to help.
  16. It took me months to find them. I had to wait until one of my LFS brought some in from a local breeder. They're not cheap right now. Good luck!
  17. They're probably just pond snails. They don't get much bigger than 1/4" or so, and do a great job of cleaning up plant matter. If they get too crazy, assassin snails are a great addition, and fun to watch.
  18. I've found that if I lightly overfeed flake that my otos stay fat and happy. I've got no idea how many I have anymore. I've never seen fry or very small ones, but I do notice a few juveniles pop up from time to time. I also add 1/4 a zucchini in twice a week. They always seem to go for it after the bristlenose are done.
  19. I never though of using local leaves. I might have to try some grape leaves before the frost takes them.
  20. I've kept aquariums since I was in high school which means I've got closer to 20 years of experience than I'd like to admit. I've kept mostly swordtails in the past, I bred xiphophorus montezumae and traded them in for plants to cover costs for my first few years, but ended up losing the line when I moved once. I've always meant to get back to them, but haven't been able to source them when I've looked. Recently I've been keeping South Americans, which has been an adventure with my "liquid flammable rock" well water. My main display is a 65 with German Rams, Angels, and Bristlenose in it, a few stragglers from over the years, and a variety of plants. My 3 year old has a guppy tank that he loves, and I just started a Multi tank in my 2 year old's room. I tend to try to setup my tanks to maintain water quality with minimal changes because I need to run R/O with GH booster for the South Americans, and have to rest water for 3 to 4 days for any of my other tanks. It seems to be going fairly well, my rams are pushing 2 years old now with monthly water changes at most. I'd like to start into a marine tank next, it just seems like fun.
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